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DEPART MENT OF FINANCE 501 CITY HA LL ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 December 30, 1969 CHARLES L. DAVIS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE W. ROY SMITH DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE EDGAR A. VAUGHN, JR . DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF F IN ANCE JAME S R. FOUNTA IN , J R . DEPUTY D I RECTOR O F F IN ANCE Mr. Ken Millwood Atla nta Urban Cor ps 30 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ken : According to our records, the r e are three colleges and one agency that still owe the City for their pa rticipation in the 1969 Summer Urban Corps Program. The remaining balances are : Cla rk r.o l e ge. Georgia Tecl1. Univer s ity of Georgia Ha rdee Circle Arts Center TOTAL $2 , 3.5() 88 279 . 04 1,379 . 84 300 . 00 $4,309.76 The City of Atla nta would like to know what efforts are being made to collect the a bove balanc e s . Our r ecords indicat e tha t the University of Georgia has not ye t ma de a ny payments ; if ·the r ev i s ion of a written contract is n e cessary, we lvould apprecia t e it if the Ur ba n Corp s would attend t o this matt e r as s oon as po s sible. On the attached sh eet, please find the operating statement f or the Urban Corp s ' 1969 Summer Program. As you ca n see , thi s program cost the City an approx i mat e a dditiona l $9,458 to $13, 768 a bove t h e a nticipat ed $5 2 ,605 depending on how much of t he rema i ni ng balanc es a re co llect ed. I hop e t ha t t h e f i gur e s will be us eful t o t h e Urb a n Cor ps 1 futu re planning . If you hav e any questions concerning this, pleas e l e t me know. Sincere ly , (/~ t~/4¼143.215.248.55 Char l e s L. Davis Dire ctor of Finance CLD: DMH: j cl / Attachment 1-___cc : George Berry �