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. ·- .. - FULTON COUNTY This agreement 1.s made and entered into this 1 d~y of September 29th , 19_6~9__ , by and between the Atlanta Urban Corps of the City of Atlanta (hereinafter referred to as j 1 the· Urban Corps) and the.Southern Regional Education Board (hereinafter referred to as the SREB). WHEREAS, the Urban Corps Program for the period Septembe 29, 1969, through December 19, 1969, is a cooperative effort of the Urban Corps and the SREB; and WHEREAS, the parties are desi~ing delineating their respective obligations resultant therefrom; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby provide and agr ~e as follows: 1. SREB will appoint 1.n cooperation with the Urban Corps approxi~ately 60 interns under the internship program supported by a gra nt f rom the Economic Development Administration. Th e majority of th e se internships will be on a part-time b a si s and will be eligible for coll ege work stud y support. Said int e rns , for the purposes . of this agreement are designated "Urban Corps Interns." 2. SREB wi ll pay Ur ban Corps interns directl y f rom it s project f u n ds at r ates agreed upo n b et ween t h e Urban Co rps and SREB and ref lec te d in int e rn a p po intme nts . 3. The Urban Corps will enter into agreements with cooperating colleges and other organizations providing for financial · support of Urban Corps internships. All funds collected under these agreements will be transferred to SREB to assist in offsetting .the costs of the internships. �__ ... 4. In addition, the City will pay a lump sum of $ 5,094.00

to SREB for 21 interns assigned to its departments. 5. The Urban Corps will service the internships and administer the program with technical advice and assistance from SREB. 6. To supplement the staff of the Urban Corps, SREB has appointed an education counselor to work full-time on the educational dimensions of the program and on relations with area colleges. 7. Neither the SREB nor the Urban Corps will incurr responsibility for incidental costs to the agencies to which the interns a re assigned for ut i li zation of consuma hle s uppli e s with r egard to th e duties of the int e rn s or pre parat i on of reports of internship ex cept where such agencies are a ge ncies of th e City of Atlant a. I N WITNESS WHEREOF , t h e pa rt i e s h a v e h er e unt o set their hand s this 19 69 November --- - ....__________day of-----17th ---·· TY OF ATLANTA: , J R ., MAYO R FOR THE SOUTHERN REGI ONAL {l?/1LC APPROVED : Ken Millwood, Atlanta Urban / , �