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CIT:Y OF ATLANTA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY HALL • 68 MITCHELL STREET, S. W . • ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 • February 21, 1966 IVAN ALLEN. JR ".1ayor. City cf At:anra PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE BOARD OF ALDERMEN RODNEY fl Ch3Jrrian COOK, E GREGORY GRIGGS. v,ce-Chd rman ROBERT S DENNIS E A G'LL,t.M Cl"ARLES H LEFTWICH J BEN MOORE JACK SU.,.MERS TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD EXECUTIVE COMM/TT[[ R E<RL LA'lDERS t.j, n A(s l tot'·"' IAcJt ,' Cra.1rr,an NYONT 8 BEAN P ar)f) flg Er.g :,eer HENRY L BOWDEN C,ty Attc,ney CHARLES L DAVIS Comptro er WILLIAM S HOWLAND Exe u' ve O,•ecur CA CUR RAY A NIXON Ch,et cf Ccn~r,u,..t n M B SATTERFIELD Exec O.r. A:Jarta Housing Autr.v,.ty WILLIAM R WOFFORD lnspec•r., cl Bwfd•ngs OTHER MEMBERS DUM>E W BECK Exec Dr. C mmun ty C ,,n I ct Atl1nta GLENN E BWNETT ExecutveOlfeCl,v ARMPC KARL A BEVINS Traff r Engineer JACK C OHIUS Park• General f,1an1ger OR J F HACKNEY D,r Pub Health. Fult'ln Co C H HILDEBRAND Fife Ch,et PAUL B •VEY Land Agent JOHN H JACOBS Dre( ro, of L brar,:,, HERBERT T JENKINS hJ1ceC~1ef ALAN F K EPPER To the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta Gentlemen: It is our pleasure to transmit herewith the first study to be completed under Atlanta's Community Improvement Program, along with a Staff Report on the study. This is one of eight reports related to urban development and renewal activities being prepared in connection with the Community Improve me nt Program o Whereas this report is now complete, the remaining seven reports will be forwarded to you as they are developed and can be made availa ble du ring the next year. Fu f, ,., f"ouriry \1 ·m-:Rer OR JOHN W lf T ON Respe ctfully submitted , 'iupc f n PAUL IN MlllER (h.1,rmm AFCJPR EMORY C PARPl3H A 'i r S 1 Ht' H.-.y P 1nr1,r'R [nginet:r THOMA., H F~CAf P J Pl u ,ng D, A /, M P DR T O VI N')ON Dir Pub I-If> th , d' t:, PMJL l '.\·£1R Water W rk"- GPn Mw George L. Aldr idge, Jr. GLA,Jr/lm Enclosure ATLANTA'S MUNICIPAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 522-4463 GEORGE L ~LDRIDGE Jq 0 rect0r �