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Much compl11i11t ill timannt:1.ng ftcJnt tht:1 Gt1Vutt1ment C.1\Tet' the f ,u:t tha l: llt11ne BVdngs GttHll> objected to 1:hl! At I.Mlt t\ Cl:lt y ttlllmhou ot. I~ a1t\ra R~~ily jIr o 1mt e nr At t ~tl~~ dj.~y Officials, a ttott1eya, a nd 11cli11hl Jll(HldHl:or\dMII ~ u~ tt1111I h~tk fot pro-atttte>ce tit1nU t clebal:e l·N1 THE tAcT cm t'I-lll: t~M"t'e:R tS ~hat Pui IPh Ohl.int~ Of ticials, a l though quit ra oot1t'l:.ibllll 11n1l hal pt tH nat1.1ta of t heir jobs, Betvfo1t to take t ha same . partis an flt AiL , hettJll..ls ll tJt 1:11 l' tJt,TOH CCIUH'J1Y• 111'11 1111l CHt ot not At lant ll _,mi, l.b)'ti 10>1. fJ hn ,1 ad()pted. Fulton County Of ~·l tdal d .-ib11 t a , t o giv e fact s ag1dnat atrn exation. I ithet fot (It but hf•VU no t Lalw n • 1t11h~ h t hh If i peaket hav11 lrnett 11t 1M el\ t a ~ t.1uJ fo1' ,iu it 011011'.l d he , 1-~imtu ar t.a 110 ill ?\ 1ip 11red tiu1t j:1111 h vu rto ftto.t s a t hand 1 then 1rnld ai ugg ett t hey ,l uE1t 1t ubstit:\J t1 tht! Ci ty Of fi cials oancet n t!d 111ld 1 t th m b e t h e d 1:1 bat et e , c er t ainl y t hey will look af t ~r At lftn t a 1 1 int eros c a , ' . J?ul ton County Of H1, h lll OA~OT ru• t1t>1'lsi bl U ty for t:hp sav ,~ I~1ll1dy au utn t hJ? H1,r i tiQII Clotl'llll I t I c Hhens of tl:te llnittcmti>t>r 11tu1l ,ir etl • b ~cHtilfle are ei ected byt ~i t y bf At i~~t• re1ldehta re~i dents out~ i dt the city l Lmlts . .. ~hay 4$ W 11 a mo br I>th tar t·~~teher\~ 1 H111l •• co~nty �.!1!1 1J 1v1q _JfA.t'..tL.t\1'.!ill! ANNICXATIOJ~ Senate Bill 101, J!J5L, i!l H1I act tu 1H1 tHhlillh C\ m8t:hod for providing garbage tl :I.Bl>OIH11 uystems .Ill t:lrn unincorporated portion of F'ult 1111 COl.11\tY) to authot1 ~u th~ Commissioners of Fulton Counl·.y tp ca ll an the Oily o.f Atlantn to furnish facilities for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse, the cleaning of streets and roads and related services in unincorporated areas of said county; to require said city to furnish said county with an estimate of the cost thereof and provide such services at costj to prohibit Fulton County from providing such services except through the City; , , , ,to pro~id a for defraying the cost of such services by a tax or assessment on property or property .owners in garbage dispo sal districts,, , 11 The City of Atlanta is required by law to furnish garbage collection, street cl eaning services, and r elat ed s ervices, AT COST. The capital le~ters are ours, The s tatement, though, is the law . Sanitation cos t s would no t be reduced by annexation enough to make it wor th s harp ening a pencil to figur No t only do Sandy Springs residents gC1t two garbage coll ections a we ek, but Fulton County has now inata lled a service whereby e ight collection stations have been located near concentrations of homes in the area. This is on even better servic e than the City .. 2 • .. �') provides, because area residents do not have to drive around piles of leaves and trash such as litter the city streets until sanitation trucks finally make their rounds. Just a few blocks in any direction will find the eight cubic yard containers, which will hold everything from raw garbage to cardboard boxes, They are located as follows: Mt. Vernon Highway at -Dupree Drive Hammond Drive at Glenridge Drive Spalding Drive at Roberts Drive Northside Drive at West Garmon Road Powers Ferry Road at Mt, Paran Road Sandy Springs Circl e at Johnson. Ferry Road Roswell Road at Dalrymple Road Roswell Road at Hightower Trail These refuse conta iners have been installed out of necessity in spite of the 1952 Plan of Improvement prohibi tion on Fulton County's engaging in the collection and disposal of garbage and ref us e , Section ll, Samit Bill 105, Geor gia laws 1951. 1 states that the authority of Pulton County to ~&t~hlish and maintain water I s ewer and Hr" pr aventi.on sys t 12mo :la "her by r<?pealed, 11 .. ' 3 .. �ANNEXATION :iJ SEWAGE The Public Admini s tration Service report states on page 37, 11 Most of Atlanta's t.i:ea tmcnt plants, which, as not ed earlier, serve a much larger nroa than just the City, provide only primary treatment-- which removes only 30-35 percent of the pollutant material b efore the sewage is discharged back into streams. ' 1 The "PETITION AND PAY 11 plan is the only way Sandy Sp'!'ings would ever get s ewer service. City sewer s ervi co would no t automatic a lly be ex t ended to a ll homes as a r es ult of annexat ion, There ar e m1tny area s within the city limi ts nf Atlunta wh ich do not have sew r servic e. New s ewer serv i c e would cos l:, as per front fo ot. El t by law , $3 , 50 There would be a corme ·tion fue of $80 to $120, T~is means i t would cost approximately $420 to insta ll sewer linus down the averag e R-2A 120 foot lot. Fulton county has plans to i mprov e the sewer grid, as well as do es the City of Atlanta Springs already on sewers. witness those homes in Sandy This was obtained under Fulton County Government, WITHOUT "PETITION AND PAY' 1 • •. �.ANNEXATION 1r4 INCREASED REPRESENTATION City of Atlanta officials have mad e much of the fact that Sandy Springs area resid ent s could expect to be a new ninth ward, and have two Aldermen olecl ed to represent them. The subject tha t no one within th e Ci ty of Atlanta has brought up is contained on page 3114, Georr; ia Laws 1951, in the so-called Plan of tmprovement. It reads as follows: '~he mayor and general council shall have power to make change s in ward lines whe never it is deemed advisable to contract or ext end th em for the benefit of the citi z ens thereof, provilled that the ward line s, when rearranged, shall not b l! more than nine wards." The day aft er e l t!Cti on of Aldermen from the n ew nin t h war d, the City of Atl a nt a 's mayor and general council could, BY LAW, do away with exclusiv e representation fr om .the Sandy Springs ar ea . ANNEXATION #5 PROPERTY TAX The lat est mailing f rom the Atlanta Team fo r Tomor row repeats the old stat ement " taxes would be hi gher, but t he increase would be largely offset . . . . " and give s an exampl e of a tax increase of $1 00 . 12 on an e xisting $43,000 home in t he area. - 5 - •. Now, �wha t this i .. ~est bit of fi guring DOESN'T DO is to r epeat the stat ement made in the ir March 14th release, and we quote, "Furthermor e , Buckhead r esidents found that property values wi t h in th ~ city went up a ut oma tically (afte r annexation). We s a y thi s st a t ement prob a bly i s true , b ec a us e only by re-va luing (or re-ass e ssing , if yo u wi l l'.) a hous e can taxes b e drastically incr ea sed. We ar e sur e t ha t s uch increase will b e just a s /I UTOMATIC for r es id en ts of Sandy Spr i ngs, should the ar ea b e a nnexed, as it wa s for Buckhe11d. In addition, ev e r y se t of f i gur e s we 've seen k eeps DEDUCTING f or fir e t axe s, garlrn ge s er vi ces , etc . We l l, you c an b Lllev e it or not, but tha t s ame amuun t of nwncy is s till going out PLUS th a t little incr e ase t he y j us t h app en to me n tion. Prop er ty t ax e s a r 8 a ss es s ed , by the way , pur s uant t o t he 195 2 P l a n of Imp r ov ement , by a join t Ci ty - Fu lton County boa rd . "Op e r a tions a r e conducted at and from t h e Fulton County Administration Building . The Tax Asses s men t Department i s h eaded by a thr ee -memb e r At l a nta-Fulton County Jo int Boa rd of Ass e ss o r s . .. . Exc ept fo r its a ppo i n t men t, the Joi n t Board has l itt l e r e s pons ibility t o e ither t h e Ci ty or Coun t y Gov ernment"*

From the Public Administra tion Servic e Report.

AND DI D YOU KNOW FULTON COUNTY COLLECTS ATLANTA'S CITY TAXES FOR THEM? Ch e ck the Plan of Improv ement , - 6 - The l aw , �r e quir es Fu lton County no t on l y to collect Atlanta's taxes, but t o p r epar e t ax bills a nd pr ov i de offic e spac e , as we ll. ANNEXATION #6 FI RE PROTECT ION Muc h ha s b e en ma de of the f a ct that th e City of Atlanta f urn i s hes f ir e protecti on to Fulton County r e sid ents of the uninc o rpo ra t ed ar ea . • Unde r t he 1952 Plan of Improvement th e Fu lton Coun t y Commi ss i oner s wer e forb i dden BY LAW to mainta i n eith er a f i re d epa r t men t or f ur ni s h f i re pr ev ention facili t i e s ex c ept UNDER CONTRACT WI TH THE CITY OF ATLANTA, or anothe r muni c ip a l ity . Senat e Bill No . 105 of the p l an of I mpr ov emen t was writt en " to au t hori ze the c ommissioner s of said c ounty to ent e r in t o c ontract s with one or mor e municipa l it i e s ther e i n f or a f i r e p rev entio n sy s t em in any unincorporated area of s aid county or to c all on t he Ci ty of At lant a t o f urnis h t he same at ACTUAL COS T a s long as paymen t is ma de the r e for; t o prohib it Fulton County from ma in ta ining fir e prev ent i on syst ems .... ' ' So you s e e , t he City only can charge Fulton County resi d en t s of t he Uni ncorp orat ed ar ea for the ACTUAL COS T of fire protec ti on, and the County CANNOT hav e a f ir e department . Sinc e Sandy Spri ngs i s dev elop i ng a business area of i ts own, these business e s should be a bl e t o cont ribu te t o low ering t he cos t of - 7 - �fi re p r o t e c t i o n t o ar ea r e s ident s . At l a nt a ma i ntain s t ha t its d owntown bus i n e ss e s h e l p d ef ray the co s t of fire ins u ranc e fo r homeowner s . We main t ai n t h is wou l d be true in t he Sandy Springs a r e a, wi thou t incur r i ng a n indebtedne ss o f a n op e ration whi c h is i neff i c i en t and poor l y organiz e d , a nd has li t tle a ttr a c t i o n fo r qualif i ed pers onne l . The Survey Rep o rt of t h e P ubl i c Administration Service says abo u t At lanta ' s fire prote ction, " Man n ing o f the d2p ar t ment i s s ho r t o f Amer i ca n Ins u ranc e As so c iation standards , .. Qua li fie d r e c r ui t s are inc reasingly hard to a ttract and resi g nations are increasing at an alarming r ate ". In add i tion , t he c omment was ma d e in t h is report, " Its lowest rating (Atl an ta ' s) i n the mo st rec en t revi ew b y t he Board (in October, 1964) was in fire prevention . " To get down to the hard facts o f fire protection -Sandy Springs will nev e r get any more fi r e protection than Sandy Springs c an pay for . Atlanta reportedly c annot keep enough men o n the job now to fun ction efficien tly . Buildings ove r two stori es in height were built without conforming to zoning in exist ence when the Sandy Spring s fire classification was obtained . Inadequat e fire protection is the fault of the joint city-county zoning board, which allowed structur e s not prov ided for in the fire prev ention program. - 8 - We �~~ i i:t a in ·h ~s ~ bu i l d i n g s shoul d pay an i n c reased f i re tax to provi rie for s pec ia l pr o t e ction NEEDED BY THEM b e c aus e the y were


in appar ent violation o f e xisting s pecific ati ons . POLICING Und e r t he 1952 Pl a n of I mp r ovement, the unin c orpora t e d s2cti0,.s of F ulto n Co u nty MUST r e c e ive p ol i c e protection from t h e Ci-cy of At lan ta . In Sa ndy Spr i ng s , b e c a us e of t he limi t e d p opulation, the police have b e en d o ing a mo r e t h a n a d e qua te job . b ec1 saf2 going t o s h o pp ing c e n ter s . within the City o f At l an t a is s man per thousand po~ulation Wome n h av e The incide nc e of r a p e a l o ne hi g h t h a t it a pp e ars the ir 1 . 5 ee <ls to be 2 . 5 me n pe r thous a nd , whil 2 the 1 per thousand i n the Sandy Spr ing s area s eems to b e esta'.)lishing a fi ne re cord for prev ent io n o f c rime o f thi s t ype . Theft and ho usebreak ing , and the mor e seriou s c rime s of vi lence and murd er , hav e almost seeme d to c onf ine th emse l v es to che Ci · y l imits . If handl i n g offe nses i n the u ninco r p orat e d area through the Fulton County Criminal Cour t continu es to hol d crime at cne pecty low level now maintained i n Sa n dy Sprin gs , we d o not f_e: 1t would be wi se to s wap fon City jus t ic e s , city ordi nanc es of >t143.215.248.55ca, and city c rime . - 9 - �ANNEXATION ,rJ PAVING AND L IGHT S S t r e e t s , s idewa l k s , s t ree t ligh ts and tr a ffic li g h ts a lmo s t a ll c ome und e r th e " PET ITION AND PAY" p l a n . Ex c e ption p r o b a b l y i s in t he t r affi c l i g l1t ar e a , and of th e e i g ht ligh ts r e connnend e d a s b e ing n eed e d , J, u lt o n County a lr e ady has tak e n no t e . P l a n s a lr eady a r e und e r way fo r installation of some of th ese li g hts . The r e c ommended stree t lig hts d e finit e ly will b e on a pet iti o n b a s i s . At lanta c o u l d find o n l y THREE MAJOR STREETS I N SANDY SPRINGS BELOW STA11DARD . We say t his is r emark a ble i n a n a r ea r o u g hly on e - th i r d the s i ~e of t he City o f Atlant a . Ext e ns i on of th e s e fi g ur e s SHOULD MEAN th ~ t At lan t a only ha s nine Stlb -st andard ma jor str ee ts . Is tha t so ? By th e way -- paving c ome s und e r the " PETITION AND PAY " pl a n in t h e . Ci t y o f P. tlant a . To ge t a st r ee t pav e d in fro nt o f th e aver age R- 2A lot wou l d c ost THE HOMEOWNER b e twe n $ 7 26 and $900, s h ou l d h e liv e If he wa nts a s idewal k , it will c os t about $192 mor e . in Atlanta . "P ETIT I ON AND PAY" aga in, exc e pt whe re inc rease s in publ ic safety n e e ds a ll ow the c ity to l ay a sid ewalk witho ut p e tition and c har ge own e rs o n a front - foo t b a si s . ANNEXATION #9 INCOME TAXES City taxe s are d e d uc t ib l e items on income tax es. - 10 - �\ nyone who has ev e r figured a n income t ax knows just how muc h credit you will ge t on " Income Taxes " for the amo u nt of city t axes paid . And you s till have to pay th e city taxes! Will th e deduc t i on you ge t balanc e the t ax y ou wi l l e v e r has y e t ! have to pay? Also , we point out deduction d oes not apply i f short form return is u sed ; only when long form 1040 is us ed, lis t ing all d e ductions, would these taxe s be dedu c tible. ANNEXATION 1/:10 SCHOOLS Atlanta schools have nothing to o ffe r c hildr en attending Fulton County schools . Altho u g h Atlanta schools alleged l y have received preferential tr ea tme nt from the Joint Fulton County-City of Atlanta t ax assessment bo a rd, th e Fulton County schools have more than measured up . In fact, Dr. John Letson admitted that there was substantially no difference in the two systems. Dr. Paul West o f Fulton County added that f or years th e two systems · had been 9pera ting under a coordinat ing board. The city schools offer free kindergartens. It is in tere sting to note tha t the State of Ge orgia is now considering a plan to add-free kind e r ga rt ens to all state schools. Fulton County and Atlanta both have a progr am for mentally and physically handicapped children. - 11 - The tuition is FREE �for both . , ev e r, i n th e cas e of •u l ton County , i f the c h i ldren l i ve too far from th e scho ol, they are TR./1.NSPORTED . Needless t o say , t h i s is a real help to a family wh ic h alrea dy ha s t he ex tr a burde n of a handicapp ed child. Fu l t on County h as school psyc h olo g i s ts a nd p s; chomet ri sts . It pionee r e d specia li st s i n suc h a r e as as c u r r iculum development and re a ding . Fulton County operate s a j oi n t voc a tio n al tr a i n i ng program with the Ci ty of Atlanta . If bus servic e is lost , Atlanta Trans i t Company HAS NOT agre e d to furn i sh transportation at t e n c ents a r i d e . ii And -~ did, it would only take some $57,000 a year t o t r ansport those childr en now b e i ng transport e d free . Try dividing this among th e famil i e s of Sandy Spring s, and see how mu c h this NEW , NON - DEDUCTIBLE (on your income tax) "TRANSPO TATION TAX " would add to the cost o f going into the Ci ty o f Atlanta. Since Judge Wood's decision that city schools and ' county schools must have their tax structure equalized, for the ·first time in 1967 Fulton County Schools will have adequate funds. At l a nt a schools will not . Dr . John Letson says he n e eds 64 MILLION DOLLARS to have ad e qua te f u nds. He can borrow only 21.5 million , b e c ause , to put it quite simply, the property he has just won't t ake any big ge r firs t mort gage ( s chool tax - 12 - �as se ssment . , The amount of money. that can be borrowed is limited by the tax b a se ( amoun t of property) by t he State Leg islature . SO, I STEAD OF FULTON COUNTY SCHOOLS BEING IN DIRE NEED, IT IS I N EALITY THE CITY OF AT JTA SCHOOLS , in · spite of larger tax assessments , and no homestead exemption deductions, that are I r DIRE NEED O FUNDS . Fulton County schools have NO CHILD EN ON DOUBLE SESSION -- Atlanta ha s more t han T n E THOUSAND . Just in p as sing , City and County officials alike are OT agreed that the eve nt ua l er ge r of the two s y stems will take pl 2c e . - 13 - �