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OFflCE OF Cl TY CLEHI' CITY H;lI.L ATl.,Al\ TA, GEUHGl A RESOLUTION BY ALDERMEN G. EVERETT MILLICAN AND E. GREGOl{Y GRIGGS WHEREAS, on June 18, 1969, the Executive Boar d of the Model Neighborhood Pr ogram of the Cit y of Atlanta, a t a regularly ca l led meeting, c1 id ;: ecommend the a pproval by the Mayo r and Board of Aldermen of a co nt ract to be ente r ed int o by and b e tween the City of Atlanta ar:.d Model Ci t ie s Mass Conven tion, .Inc-..-, a copy of such pr opo s ed agre eme nt be i ng a ttached her e t o, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part of , th i s res olution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor a nd Board of Aldermen of the Ci t y of At l anta that the May8r of the City of A i.._ 1 - ·- .a_. ...., Cl.1,...J..t...LlLLU. .! _ ..Lb 1- __ __ , _ __ Lit= .L. c.:!uy ....., . _ .&.- 1- _ __ .! - _ ..l c..t.. u1..,. .1. i tJJ... ..L L.J\..!u __ ..... -. . ... .&- ..... .&- _ _ L..v ~ 2 ~....; '- \...1. L...L.: .&- 1- _ 1,... iLI...:: ...., .-. ..! ,J W~.L - -. - _ J- ...- ,...,. ..... .,_ L-Vi.Li- .i.U \....L.. i= - ,.,.. r-,, - ..LV.i.. "'-"'.LL'-" ,.:) i n beha lf of the City of Atlanta where in cer t ain serv i ces t o provicie a vehicle through which Model Neighbor hood residents will have a voice i n determining t heir f ut ur e as per desc r iptions in "Exhibit A". ADOPTED by Boa r d of ,lldermen Jul y 7, 1 969 • . APP HOVED July 9, 1 96 9 . �