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September 11. 1969 Mr . Charle L. Davis Director of Finance City of Atlanta D ar Charles : Enclo ed i a cbeck of the Sperry an<t Hutchi.n on Company in the amount of $250 . 00 payable to the Atlanta Urban Corps. Thi contribution not nticipated in the budget that wa adopt d for the Atlanta Urban Corp earlier this year . Also nclo ed for p r-=es in is a mi cellaneous requi ition payable to Mr .. .A lex H ~ri in the amount of $150 . 00 . Thi i to compen te Mr . Harrie for acting a the photographer of the Urban Corp for the urnmer months . lt b the wi•h of the Urban Corp that $150. 00 of the hove unanticipated contribution be u d to meet thi expen • They hav pl nn d an exp nditur of $100 . 00 for th ba1 nc of the amount and mi eell neou requi ition iU follow. V ry truly youra. Oeorg J. B rry GJ :Ja cc: Mr. n !11 Ood �