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On Friday, August 29, 1969, a mee ting was h e ld concerning the po ss ibility of an urban corp program being formed in Savannah. There were sixteen p eople present at the meeting. and titles are listed below. Don Anderson Henry Ashmore Danny Brown Wilbur Cambell Tom Corish P;i..cot B. Floyd Jim Glass Mike Hart W. L. Johnson Howard Jordan Joe Kelly E.G. Ma rtin Virginia Nall Dan Sweat Frank Walls Sam Williams Armstrong State Colleg e Armstrong State College City of Savannah, S.R.E.B. Savannah State Colleg e The Research Group, Inc. City of Savannah City of Savannah S. R. E. B. Savannah State College Savannah State College City of Savannah, S.R.E.B. Model Cities Prog ram Annstrong State College City of Atlanta City of Savannah Atlanta Urban Corps Their names, agencies, Associate Dean of Services President Intern Acting Registrar, Financial Aid Representative City Manager Senior Personnel Technician Project Coordinator Comptroller President Intern Physical Planning Coordina tor Financial Aid Chief Administrative Officer Personnel Director Director of Urba n Corps Mr. Frank Walls, Personnel Director for the City of Savannah, opened the meeting by welcoming all present, and stating the purpose of the meeting. The City Manager, Mr. Picot Floyd, confirme d Mr. Walls'opening statements. Mr. Tom Corish, Representa tive from The Resea rch Group, Inc., was introduced and conducted the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Dan Sweat, Chi ef Administrative Officer for the City of Atla nta, di s- .. . cuss ed the problems of The Urban Corp that have been encountered by the City of Atlanta. Mr. Sam Williams, Director of The Atlanta Urban Corp, explained the structure of The Atlanta Urban Corp and some of .. the problems tha t have been encountered by the Urban Corp. Mr. Williams distributed some brochur es des cribing the Urban Corp and answered questions that were posed by others present at the meeting. Mr. Mike Ha rt, Project Coordina tor - for the Sou t h ern Reg iona l Education Boar d , led the meeting into a discussion concerning the possibility of a Savannah Urban Corp prog r am . Mr. Hart sta ted that the Southern Regiona l Education Boar d would continue financi a l support of two interns presently employed by his org a nization working in Savanna h. These two interns would work on a task force committee that would study all aspects of an urban program for Savannah. Mr. Frank Walls, upon agreement by the City Manager, stated that the City of Savanna h would support two interns and would finance 20% support for two interns from the t wo local colleg es . Dr . Henr y As hmore , President of Armstrong State College, and Dr. Howard Jo r da n, Pr es ident of Sav a nna h State Coll ege , ~tated they would al loca te 80% f i na ncia l suppo rt of t wo inte rns from colleg e work study f unds . • I �Altogether, funds were allocated for the support of six interns. The six interns will form a Task Force committee, and will set up a proposed Urban Corp program for the City of Savannah. Mr. Danny Brown, intern working for the City of Savannah, was appointed Chairman of the Task Force· Committee. An Advisory Board was tentatively formed with all members present serving on this board. The meeting was adjourned after a brief discussion on immediate action plans for the Task Force committee. \ �