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ME1 OR1- NDUM ,eorge Berr y., Governmental Liaison Charles Davis, Director of" Financ e TO: FRO.;: D TE : Novemoer 1 2 , 1 9 6 9 Ken t ill ood; Director SUBJEC:i'; Urban Corps 19'70 Budget Proposal 'l'bere seems to be some question as to the de.rivation of the requ~st for $13 9,693 'tat the Urban Corps has made of the City of Atlanta . The 'budget was derived on a eash ino.o - outflo'-1 basie with.out aesig.ning specific usages of income to specific souro s. In d riving thi budget~ ~ u~ed inc-oree sources re re ente.d as -U1e f oll·o wing: (1) College Work-Study ... (2) Agenci (3) City of Atl 30 80%. of salaries of eligible studezts of Ralaries of interns they e ploy ta - SO of salaries of interns they e ploy (~) Cit of Atlanta - Supportive Grant This pl as sugg ted by Mr. Berry as ethod of the City's fin ncial p rtioip tion b ed on servie Th priv t . nci s wer ked top y only 30 b . c li ted financial position nd in~ effort to keep Corp in non- cop titive situ tion ith the eolle v r itie The City of Atl. nt Ur n Corps coneept. derivin r ndcr d. u e of their th Vrb n e . nd uni- h City ct Atlanta to hare adl!Uni t~ tiv xp n a a City gov rnm nt hould City o a.ftoT-d it. Th ervic Th r u t of $1 , 93 c n b vi din S0\- grant co binati n outlin d boYe. The th 1970 prQgr will b $75 11 849. ein the City could onably ~~e.ct tQ a ining 6~~3 ~ can th n be vi ·a , �Memorandum Geprge Ber:t'y e C"nar1ee Davis Nov1_mber J.2 , 196 9 matching share of interns used by City depart~ents. This cost r epresents 34% of the salaries of interns assigned to the City for 1 970. In using this $64- 34 1i- in oomputing cost pen1 man year, the result is, $614, 3ij4 fox• ~ .1 .e: yearo .: $1,.l.t59. 02 per man y ar (The 52 nian y,ea.r.s quQted by Mr. Dan Sweat in hiQ memo of rov ember S, 19 69, is inaccurate because it doea not allow fo:t'1 part-time employment . _ Using 52 man year s, th cost is $1,237.39 man pr year.) The cost to the private agenci s parti~ipating is: 93 an years for $116,808 ~ $1,256 pr man ye r. Ace pting the afgwnent t hat th City truly benefits from all the inte'I'ns in th Corp , the eo t per an year would b ..• rn many ( 'fhi figure do will contribut r - $139~693 a not inclu 17 £ull om $1,042 per many r 31 t ff bers who in t{)tal an y,ears to th · opet> tion.) th I beli v th s co putations m the City's involvemont or re onable in oompa ison to th t of the non-profit enci I fe l the key point i not on of in nc , but one of purpose. Th Urban Corps 1 al.though it h involv d fin ncial . ti , 1$ not d on percentaz of CO't, cost per any ar, or whop y how much. It i ba ed entirely on rvio·e to the eommuni ty and ducation l enric ent of the tud nt . It wo.u ld ae to me that it is o th at l ast $1 0, 00 to 'th City to ,c ontinu uch an nter ,ri �