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ME MO R A N D U M TO : FROM: George Berry , Governme ntal Liai s on Charles Davis, Dire ctor of Finance DATE: Novemb er 12 , 1969 Ken ~illwood , Dire ctor SUBJ ECT : Ur ban Corps 19 70 Budget Proposal There s eems to be s ome que s tion a s to t he derivation of t he reques t for $13 9,69 3 tat t he Urban Corps has made of t he City of Atlanta. Th e budget wa s d eriv ed on a cash income - outfl9\1 bas i s wi thout a ss i gning s pecific us a ges of income to s pecific sour•oes . I n deriving t h i s budget , we u s ed income s ourc es repre sented a s t he foll owing: (l) College Work - Study - 80 % of s alaries of el ig i bl e student s (2) Age nc ies - (3 ) City of At l ant a - 50 of salarie s of i nterns t hey mploy (4) Cit y of Atl ant a - Support i ve G~ant 30 % of salaries of intern s they employ This plan was suggested by Mr. Ber ry s a method of deriv ing the City's finan~ial par t i cipation based on serv ices render ed. The priva t e ag naies wer a ked t o pay onl y 30 b cause of t heir limited financia l position and in an ffort to keep t he Ur b n Corps in a non- competitive situation with the colleges and universit ies . The City of Atl nta h been and is no an ctiv e s onsor of the Ur ban Cor ps concept. The summer Urban Corp program was r rd d a success by both local and nation 1 figure • W re u e tcd the City . of At l ant to share a. larg r par t of t he coat of d r ying administrative expense · b cau it is the typ of community activity a City gov rnment should be invo l ved in . Also, quit f r nkly, 'th City c n afford it. The City ains benefit through commu nity s rvic , publicity , and otudent involvement from the Urb n Corp program in total . not only from th stud nts who work directly with City d partm nts. 0 The reque t of 8139,698 c n be vi v din a diff r nt light th th SO - grant combin tion outlined abov · . The admini trativ cot of the 1970 program will b $ 7 5,849 •. Being City spon or d program~ the City could re son bly xpect . to b orb thi total cot. Th r ining 6~,344 can th n b vi w d as r pr nting th City'a �. ~ .oranc.twn George ..,.rry i Cbarl NoY . ber 12 , li69 tel ing share of inte.t"'ns u. ed. by City d pru:"tments. ·rhis eost r ~e nts 31¼" of 'th s lar-ie o intern ~ igned to the Cit for 1 910 .. r,, ln tl in,· this $~tt 3-.'i in co puti11g cost par .ma.n vec11· , the result ( 'i'h-c 5 2 wan y l".:. q~ot .d b Mr. D n S t in his . · o of -.ovet'tlHrr S, 19 9. i~ , inaccu~ e bee u it doeo not allow ~o.r part-t~ -ploy.ent .. ~ ·ins 5 many ars~ the eoct i,Q $1~2 37 .. 39 ~r -an Y. a.r-~) The co.st to t 'h e priv ta 93 genei e participating is: }' Acc.~ pting th a.fg-.1: er.t th th City truly 1:.enafit.s fro i ·n tern i-n th Corp , the co... t p.er nan y ar would b r ( Thi · ill th 31 'tat e.n Y~ ra 'to I n . l.l t.ne r w o in to'tal tion.) I Th d on It at ·-- - t .., �