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.. ., I I \, C]TY OF .ATLANT.A , . August 18, 1969 CITY HALL A ~ A . GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Ar~a Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison Mr. Charles L. Davis Director of Finance City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Char le s: The Urban Corps Program this summer has been very significant. The publicity that it has brought the city has been favorable; it has provided students with a feeling of involvement in the city organization and, hopefully, it has provided them with a real learning experience. Further, it has provided the city with badly needed new manpower resources at relatively little cost. It is hoped that the experience will make it possible to recruit young people into municipal government service. Under the present program, the interns will leave service on August 22, 1969. Provisions have been made to continue the central staff to September 5, 1969 to tie up loose ends and take care of all outstanding problems that might arise on final payrolls, etc. Further, provisions have been made to continue at least one enrollee on a part time basis through the fall to take care of outstanding bills to colleges, agencies, and others as well as to clear up any outstanding payroll problems. We have had extended conferences with Sam Williams, Dave Whelan, lnmond Deen, and others of the Urban Corps Staff on Friday, August 16, 1969 for the purpose of analyzing the financial status of the summer project. As best that we can determine at this point, the project will expend a total of $171,500. On the other side of the ledger, $176,597 in receivables can be documented. The only problem is that, except for the $52, 605 contribution by the city, only $28, 000 in cash has actually been received to date. The majority of the uncollected amounts are from the College Work Study Program from which $67, 000 is anticipated, and all of which is secured by contract. The bills have gone out on this program just recently and there has not been any significant collections at this point. It is impossible to determine at this point whethe r or not this amount will come through without problems. The total source of funds for the Urban Corps Proj e ct breaks down as follows: �Mr. Charles L. Davis Page 2 August 18, 1969 City of Atlanta Contributions Agency Cont racts CWSP Agreements $ 52,605 28,690 28,302 67,000 $ 176,597 The present Urban Corps staff feels very strongly that a fall program should be implemented. It is our feeling, howeve r, that we should recognize _the value of the Urban Corps Project by funding a Director and small central staff to function this fall in accordance with these responsibilities: 1. Plan a permanent Urban Corps Program for 1970 which will include close contact with local Colleg es and Universities, the U.S. and State Departments of Education; preparing a complete budg et and presenting it to the city in the normal budget process. 2. Prepare a complete and documented assessment and evaluation of the summer program. (To be used among other things for justifying the financial resources required to undertake the 1970 program). 3. Insure that the 1969 Summer Program is completed by seeing that all revenue is collected that is due from Agencies, Colleg es, and other contribut ors that have made commitments and making sure that all other problems connected with the 1969 Program are handled. We estimate that this central staff will cost no more than $10,000 broken down as follows: 1 Director @ $900 1 Assistant @ $650 1 Stenographer @ $400 2 Part Time Students Operating Expenses Contingencies $ 2,700.00 1,950.00 1, 200. 00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,150. 00 $ 10, 000. 00 The resolution that was adopted by the Finance Committee earlier this year establishing the Urban Corps did not provide for any contribution from the Water Department or the Airport for the Urban Corps project even though both of the se �Mr. Charles L. Davis Page 3 August 18, 19 69 Departments utilized enrollees this summer. It is recommended, therefore, that ' the above amount be transferred from these department's for this purpose. The Airport Revenue Fund has an amount already appropriated for this purpose. We very much hope that the receivables that have been established for the Urban Corps Project will materialize and that the present summer program will cost · the city no more than the $52, 605 that was appropriated for this purpose. We will continue to monitor the program very closely to insure that this is the case. We wish to emphasize that because we do not recommend that a full enrollee Urban . Corps Program be implemented this fall, this is no indication that we do not support completely the idea represented by this effort. The concept of in-service learning has been espoused by the federal department of Health, Education and Welfare and by local colleges. The benefit and worth of the project are clear and we feel that it is one that the City of Atlanta should support and be involved in. We simply feel that after the rush of the summer program, we should assess and evaluate the effort, insure the financial solvency of the operation, plan a ne?' program taking into the account the problems of the one just completed, and present the city a expanded and perhaps more effective program for 1970. Very truly yours, DS:je cc: Dan Sweat Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. ~ Alderman Milton G . Farris �