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STATEMENT OF MAYOR IVAN A LLEN, Jr . Friday, September 9 , 1966 Fire Chief H ild ebrand reports thisrmorning that two add i tional fire s tations have been placed in seryice bringing the total now in operation to 21 out of 32 . Th i s has been accomplished by placing existing Fire Department personnel on overtime and b y adding 10 additional men to the F ire Depa rtment complement. The 10 men added Thurs day now give us a t otal of 254 Fire men . We were fortunate in having only 12 a larms during the night and none was of aaajor import. Two firefighting units were required t o move some 50 bales of damaged c otton from a cotton warehouse fire at 1088 Murphy A v enue. The City C onstruction Department was requested to assist by sending mechanized equipment to expedite the moving of the cotton bales and p romptly res ponded to lend a hand to th · Firemen~ The Chief further reports that a total of 493 Firefighters have now been duty. u· p nd d for _.failure to obey his ord r to report for �