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30 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. / PHO N E [ 4 04] 524-8091 .1 AT L AN7A, GEORGIA 30 303 ATLANTA URBAN CORPS FALL 1969 SCHEDULE Intern assignment duration - 12 weeks, S eptemb er 29 - D e c embe r 19. Intern request forms - due August 29, 1969. Agency contracts - due September 29, 196·9. COST TO AGENCY PER INTERN FOR 12 WEEKS COLLEGE WORK-STUDY SPONSO RED Freshman / Sopho more Junio r /S enior Gr aduate Stude nt 15 hour work week at 12 weeks $ 97.00 $ 119.00 $136. 00 4 0 hour w ork week at 12 wee ks $260.00 $ 318. 00 $360.00 FULL COST OF INTERNSHIP Fr eshm an / Sophomore 40 hour work week at 12 w eeks $940.00 J u nio r /S enior $1 ,1 5 0. 00 Graduate Stude nt $1, 32 o. 00 These figur es include a ten p er cent (10%) fe e for workme n 1 s compensation, eq uivale nt s ocia l security, and a dmini strative costs. Partia l work week costs may b e inte rpol a ted from the a bove data. Consult agency contr ac t for p a yme nt r e sponsibilities . �