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ATLANTA VROAN CORPS 30 COURTL AN D STREET, N .E . / PHONE [ 4 0 4 ] 52 4 -8 0 9 1 / A TLANTA , GEORG I A 30303 August 5, 1969 Inmond Dean Financial Director Atlanta Urban Corps 30 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30330 Dear Inmond, We appreciate the participation of the Urban Corps interns i n the Atlanta Service-Learning Conference, June 30-July 1, at the White House Motor Inn. We look forward to having their continued support throughout the six-month conference. In accordance with your request, we are b i lling you for your partic ipat ion i n the Atlanta Service-Learning Conference . Please consider this an invoice for the amount of $1,000 . 00 . Checks should be made payable to the White House Motor Inn or the Atlanta Service-Learning Conference and address ed to: Mr . Kytle Frye The Atlanta Urban Corps 30 Courtland St-r eet, N. E . Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Again we are l ooking forward to having you with us throughout the conference. Sincerely, ~+- Kytle Frye Conference Steering Committee �