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July 10, 19 69 r . t Mr. Lee Heubner Staff Assistant to the President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N o W . Washington, D. C Dear Lee : Thank you very much for taking an extra effort and interest in addressing the recent Atlanta Service Learning Conference. It was mutually ~greed upon by our staff members that your talk was an excellent ynopsis of the service-learning concept and the idea 0£ college involvement in communitie . We are presently transcribing your speech and 1 will send you a copy when it is completed. Dan Sweat and Mayor Allen have both indicated their pleasure of being able to s e young enthusiasts (and liberal ) such as yourself in the White House. As we di cussed, I am sending you a list of people instrwnental in the Conf rence that you may be interested in contacting later. I only hope your next vi it to Atlanta allow u more time to relax nd enjoy some of our "eouthern hospitality." Sincerely, SAM A . WILLIAM$ Director SAW:az Encloeuri �