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July lS, 1969 Mr . Charles L. Davis Director Department of Finance City of Atlanta Dear Charles: I have your letter of July 10, 1969 in which you indicat that you have disburs d $?50 to Mr. Mark Da h through the regular payroll procedure. A you know, thi di bur em nt wa requ st d to be in the form o£ an education 1 stipend. It is our request that the remaining three p yment of $250 ch be di bursed directly from the remaining fWld of the Stern Family Grant, which is now deposited in Account T.A-25-62-310. You ha.v one mi cellaneou request in hand, nd you are requested to make this di burs ment from thifJ ppropri tion. Soon the Urban Corps Project Dir ctor will forward to u · th paym nts to be made lrom the T -25- 62-310 account. Many thank• for your a aiatance and copP r tion. V ry truly yo\1r , n Sw DS:je · t rem ining two �