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July 28 , 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Jay Fountain From: George Bony~ Subjec t : Urban Cor ps Deposits In discussing Urban Corp finances this morning with Sam Willi ms and Inmond Deen, I was advi ed that they have been forwarding th ir cash receipts dir ctly to you for deposit. As you know, three external sou rces of funds w re e tablisbed by the Finance Committee and Budget Commi ssion by a resoluti on adopted on Jun 16, 1968. Inmond was not ure that all of the ca h receipts that they have ubmitted h ve been d po ited to the proper account. I dvised him that I would k you and or Lind Ander on to check into tbi b en depo ited to th appropri te tom ke sure that all th receipts h v revenue account. GB:J �