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,• i I 30, 1969 July Dr • John Hogarty Di.r ctor, Co-op ProgrQ.m Antioch Coll Yellow Springs, Ohio Dear Dr. Hogarty z I am sorry all our efforts did not bear fruit in bringing Antioch students to Atlanta Urban Corps this first ye-ar. How ver, we may yet aleviate the t situation. AB you,know, th- Urban Corps is a college int rn p1•ogram. Thi au.mm r, or the.n 220 students from 4330011 gs participated. Our mine phasis is building a prosr whose pri,mary purpos is an ducatione.l xp rience for the intern. This summ r, our staff of fift en is compoo d lroost entir ly of otudonta. We also ha.ve f'iva professors serving as eduo tionel c:onsulta.nt • 7e a.re preo ntly pl nning o. y ar-round program that will include academic er dit for int r-ns through thre cooperating Atlanta coll ges . Our c ntra+ :_)rob le is th n _d ror a director . I for Ha.rvurd Business School. Id ally, -, would liko a. you gr uat student type with axperiene in working with stud nta and admini tr tive probl ms. Th ir ctor will b jointly orking with th South rn R g1 n 1 Education Bo ·d d The Oftic of Th Me..,yor tor program administration. Foss1bilit1 s for dir tor t orgie. Stat Coll 1J good through t ir Urban Studios program. Salary 1 v 1 is in t "'8oo p r month ~e and above~ pending upon xpe ienc . The job i full-time and minimum obl.ig :tion of yea:r. faculty status of I.f' you know ot anyone t t mi ht b int rest din oorVi you pl e ha~ t m call o coll et? The nclosed inf'o thio lott r in expl ining th Urb Corps.


clo I Mr. a.a direct-or, w-o- 1 tion will s~pl nt �