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Student Application Process Procedure 1. Student application forms distributed on campus by colle,r, e relations board to student center, student government offi.ce, placement center ~- etc . 2. Applications returned to college relations board member on individual campus ,~()% completed by May 2, 1969. Postcards will be sent to all applicants stating "that the j_r application has been :received and is be:i.ng processed . 3. Urban Corps f i nance representative will meet with financial aid officer on each campus and review applicants from that campus as to their eli,,;,;ib i 1 i ty for financial aid . Some applicants will already be eligible from past aid records . Other applicants may have to complete supplementary financial applicat ions. The definition of fi nand al aid is the financial aid officers respons i bili ty. Ideally we will request him t 0 certify from Atlanta Urban Co1·ps applicants a number eligible for work study funding equal to his number of off campus work. study slots. In addition we w:, 11 ask the financial aid officer to select alternately eli:sibles equal i n number to 20% of his total number certified i n the event that those originally certified cannot be placed due to job requests not avai lable . 4. Application forms will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee consist:i_ng of student . agency , job developer , and recruiting representatives. Those applicants prev:i.ously approved for work study funds by i ndividual campuses will be separated from other applications. 5. Remaining non-work- study eligible applicants will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee and a number of applicants will be selected to be funded from private sources (estimated to be equivalent to 70 interns), on the basis of ability > desire ; work experience and f i nancial need . Likewise the Personnel Committee will select an ,:a lternately elir,ible"' group i n the event their f i rst selections cannot be placed . 6. Work- study and privately funded applicants will be ,~rouped according to interest and assigned to job slots by the Pers onnel Committee. Of these financially "covered" applicants those that cannot be placed for reas ons of specific job 1·equests w:i 11 be held aside and replaced from 0 alternately eli'.· i ble 1' applicants , 7. All applicants wi ll be notified of their application s tatus . fol lows · a . financially el i ? ible b . pr i vately funde d and c . alternately eli1.1::i.ble d. cannot be placed due cants request . Categories will be as for work- study fundinr and assigned . assir,;ned. - pos s :1.bilit y of placement . t o l ack of funds and/or job not available to fi t appli- 8. Assigned interns will be notified of their job description and request ed t o i ntervi ew their i ntern super vi sor. Student and a,r:-,ency wi l l approve ass :i.··· nment . 9. Internships not approved by a~;ency or student will b e r ev~.ewed and placed els ewhere by the Personnel Commi ttee J_f possible . 10 . If approved internship cannot be fil l ed a new appl icant wi ll be drawn from the "alternately e l i c-;i ble;' applications. �Page 2 11. Confirmed interns will be sent orientation material and i nformed of payroll and operat i ng procedure . 12. Intern attends orientation program. 13. Work period begins . �