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June 12, 1969 Mr . F .o rrest Gee Purchas ing Agent City of Atlanta Atlanta, Geo rgi a Dear Forrest: I am. attaching seve:ral invoices , bills , etc . whic h have b e en forwar ded to this office by the Atlanta Urban Corps for payment. These bills total $1 , 610. 79. These obligations were incurred by the Urban Corps prior t o its budget being established withi n t he C ity budget. As a. result, these invoices did not r ceive pri or approval by your office or by the D partment of Finance . The 1969 Urban Corps budg t will be approved by the Finance Comm.lttee on Monday, June 16. Provision will be m de in that budget to meet thee xpendit ures . Funds sufficient to meet the att ched expenditur re availabl e from priv te contributions that have b en made the U1'ban Corp . Ev n o, we recogn.iz that these obligations h \l'e not been incur:red in accordanc with the ccepted City procedu.res . W e re taking st p to see that the Urban Corps follows City procedur s here ft r . to It would be pp:reciated, th r - for , if you would review the invoices , pprov• them for payment, - nd for ard to Mr. Jay Fount in, Deputy Dir ttor of Finance . Very truly yours., George J. Berry A dminlstrativ Coordinator cc: Mir. Jay Fount in Mr. S m William �