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SOU THE RN REGION AL EDUCATION BOARD l.SO S :t=TH STR E E T, N . -vv-. • ATL A N TA, 0-EORO-IA aosia • 8'75 -aau April 21, l969 Mr . Sam A. Willi Post Offiee Box 35284 Georgia Institute of ~echllQlogy AtJ. ntc., Georgia 30313 ~ar Mr . WilllalllS t This ill confirm disetU3G1oru; ~~een tbe t tf of our Re our Devel nt Project nd y in r ard to your part:icip tion in our I nt :rnship wish Prt"ia"Y'i!Ultft your t'Vio a under a consuJ.t t arrangement to · siBt in ca,rrytng our internship pl in tbe Atlanta · tr<,poli tan tea . "RED iG coop ,r ting in th· for t1on o.f Atlanta Orb Corp ea le ot dev lopin and adm1nistering l number"' of ervice-leo.rning opportunities for ooU g stum nts . The Atlan Urban corp ill be bous d d servic by th City ~ AtlAnt through it Children nd Youth Servic Counc-il . Und, -r our consult.Ant ro.nge nt you w d be a · i ad to th Y uth Council to c:t s ·f diroctor of the Atltw U:r n Co • Y ur ibUitie ould inel d" l. ration of t Atlo.n Uri> n . , J ohn Cox, Dir .ctor 2. 3. paring proj ct roporte n 1 4. t£ect1Vi r 30 1 1969. Fnr y ,r pet'i �Mr~l&ml A. Williama 2. l)';fo r t.a PQrtion 'flOUld oc, p,ud · on th · mmiber of d111i~ by the nm:lber of work in ~ wm.th u d3teL"......,~... ~ In e.441tion,. v.ould re1m'blntae you for eo t ¢ on progr bu,1111>.. ,_~""- in acccr~ with BRl13 1 . . ta.nd.ax-d. tr. pol.icy. Yo-u;r the c·cenu.n.c caw ot thiS 'HI.Qi • or- th1 lett �