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' 9, 1969 July I I I, • I Mra. Joanna Mctteevat' Room 808 101 Marietta Street , NW Atlanta, Georgia 10,01 Der Mrs. McRaever: As agreed to in our eonv raation of this morning, I am torwarding to you: l. A contract and one copy that will constitute the agr mant •• reached b tw en Mr. Harold Barrett, · E. O. A. 1 ancl Mr. Dave Whe 1 n, Urban Corpe , reg rd• ing E.O.A. payment for two intoma at the r ate of $880 acb. 2. A contract and one copy that will constitute the agre nt as reached betw n the foremontioned partiee reg rding E.O.A. p yment for two interns at the rat of $250 acb. If you will please have omeone uthorized to contract for E.O.A. and retum the four documents it will b appreclat d. ign B nk dr fta eboutd b mad pay ble to the City of Atlanta , Atlanta Ur~an Corps. I thank you f.n anticipation of your coop Sincerely, lnmond L. Deent Jr. Ptnanei 1 Director ILD:pch Enclo ure ...,. ~<'::_ . .:-. .. __ --- 1." tion in this matter. ,• • �