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- I A PROPOSAL FOR MODEL SCHOOLS A MEMO SUBMITTED TO RICHARD NIXON ._.,: ~·- FROM SAM WILLIAMS JOHN CAMPBELL FERRELL PAGE STUDENT COALITION WILLARD HOTEL UNITED CITIZENS FOR NIXON-AGNEW CHARLES RHYNNE, NATIONAL CHAIRMAN NOVEMBER 5, 1968 .. �Before WHY NOT ( o:- the"model schools) proposal can be presented as legislation the fol lmving points need to be researched in more depth .

1. The cost of carrying out WHY NOT in appro;dmately 20 schools in the initial year . 2. The duration of the grants and how they might be renewed, 3. The proposal refined and organized into booklet form. 4. A schedule of deadlines for the participating groupJ planning and implementation of programs, _,__ 5, Approx imately 20 schools representing the var i ety of exisring i nstitutions must be screen ed and briefed on the proposal; Pre-requisite s for qualification wo~ld be a cooperative administration very intereste d in playing a larger rol e in the urba n c ommunity. ~. The d r afting of a major Pre sid e ntial speech to introduce the idea of WHY NOT. 7. The possibl e us e of the surroga te candidates as Pre s ide ntial visito r s and guests at participating colleges. 8. The adoption of a name, ;pr the plan . WHY NOT conve ys the challenging.,,. incentive<.!;-daring of involved youth on the campus today. WHY NOT! . [ I . �"Colleges whose conr.ept of education stops at the walls of ivy give little but the option of dropout to students seeking participation in the real world, In contrast, a college that combines the opportunity for off-campus service experiences with the opportunity for on-campus acad e mic reflection on the e xpe ri e nc e s, c a n en g ender in their students a thirst fo r educational involve me nt complementary to their thil'.'st for societal involvemento" 1 Proposal for a "MODEL SCHOOLS" prog ram in th e Nixon Administration to develop and e:;cpand s e nzi!ce progr a ms involving young pe-ople o A DIRECT ION Mr. Ni xon in his sp ee ch "Toda y 's Youth: . , The Gr ea t Ge neration" said: "Our future leadei~ship must provide our young people with a cause to be for; a commitment to the riiht to be unique; a dedication to social responsibility on a person - to-person basis, "We are not talking here about a way to work off youthful enthusiasm; we are talking about a wa y to work in a sense of id e alism and meanir:ig that will gr ow throughout a pe rson's life, "There are 7 million college students todayo The unive rsiti e s th e y attend are often clos e to and some tim e s contribute to, urba n probl e mso We have s een how go ve rnment c an make use of acad e mic facilities as "think tanks" to mo ve in on difficult projectso Every univer s ity must become a "think tank" foi:its local community. "In that wa y .stud ents will add re alism to their education, as th e y bring need ed services to th e ir communities, "Some of this is we ll und e r way in pion e e r ing colle ges · across the country; but now it should become a way of colleg e life. "Th e idea of br i n 6 ing th e resourc e s of youthfJl en e r gy to bear on urba n pr oblem:i is becinning to t a k e r oot; what i s :1 eed ed now is a na tional c ommitme nt to provid e inc e ntive a nd fin a ncin g to th e grea t cha ll e nge fa c in g this g e ne rati on of Ame ric a ns . " This p ropos al ou t lin e s ho w this na ti ona l commi tm e nt mi ght be start ed to be conc entrated initi a ll y a t th e educ a tion c e n ters , but g ran ts t o be a va il a bl e to s ta t es , citi es , a nd institu t ion s whose p r oj e cts fit th e p r oposa l's guid e lin e s~ To ma r shal l th e na tiona l r es ou r ce s o f ou r youn g peop l e to conf ront ou r s oc i a l prob l ems i n ge nera l , a nd th e u r ban p r obl ems i n par ticul ar, th e Ni xon Ad min i st ~ation mus t be aware o f t he magn itud ~ of w~Jck that can be d one t hrough vol un tee r st udent groups and i nd ividua l s pr i med by f ed era l f unds i n a systemat ic a pproac h o Th e "Mode l Schoo l s " p r ogram a t tempts t o a chi eve s e ve r-a l d i stinct r e sults: 1. Bring additional education resou r ces to bear on social pro bl ems o 2o Prov id e a const ructi ve outlet f or th e d issat i sfaction many s tudents f ee l with society by giving them t he oppo rtu nity to develop and eKpand st ud ent resourc es in meaningful programs o f soc~~l va lueo 3. Provid,, a wort hwhile supplement t o the forma 1 education of th e unive rsi t y, 1oon.:ild J, Eberly, " Servi l e Exirit--i e ncc an d Educnri.onal GrnwLh, 11 Ed..1cational f143.215.248.55rJ, Sprinp, ]968. . �~iAT STUD ENTS ARE NOW D~ING Th e importa nce of volunt eer communit y service by students can no t be overemphasized. On e individua l helping another who is in n ee d is on e of the basic tenets which c a n build a r evitali ze d society in our country, n ot only in the communiti es surrounding our nation's coll eges and univ ers iti es, but in every com~~ni ty. The suppressed radi c a li sm of yo u th cries out f or p rog r ams wh ich c an harn ess th e ir e n ergi e s fo r social b etterme nt and wh ich rely h eavi ly on th e principle of volun teer is m, Many groups already e x ist th at us e stud ~ t volunteers in basic educat ion a l (tutoring, remedial r eadi n g ), community act ion (r ecrea tion a l programs , organization of local n ews l et t ers ), and r e habilita tive ( work in mental ho sp itals, prison s ) activities. But many ca mp us es l ack . eve n the basic organizational s tr uctu re , and often where it d oes exis t it suffers from a ge n era l absence of coord ination, organi z at i on, exper i enced guidance and sufficient fu11ding. Often the scope of a school's involveme n t in it s neighboring area d epe nd s too much on th e e n erg i es and ti me of too f ew memb e rs o f th e univers it y com:nunity, Ma ny c reat ive and helpful communit y programs do exist: �Me mph is h~s a Volu nteer Service Bureau that hand l e s the placemen t of workers in over 200 positions in 50 non -profit agencies, Student s work with the Memphis Area Proj e ct-Sou t h which sponsors clothe s closets to provide f am ilie s with essential clothing whe n dis a ster hits. MAPS also over s ee s "planned parenthood" programs in South Memphis and nutrition cl asses that give instruction in planning wellba lanced meals to the poor Blacks in Memphis. 111 The Huma n Opportunity Corporation in Austin has begun a foster grandparen t s ~reject. It recruits _aged low- income persons to work with r etarded childre n. The · Univers ity of Texas Law School ' has a Huma n Rights Research Council staffed with law stude nts to inform low- income Negroes and 11exi can-Ame ricai:is of their lega l ri ghts and privileges . The Community Involveme nt Commit tee ~t the Uni vers ity of Texas at Austin has s ubmitted recomme ndat ions for fi eld work in t he i r personne l manageme nt pr ogram to work ~ith minority groups and the hard - core unemp loye d to try to place them in be tter jobs. One school offers special programs fo r black stude nts before re g istration and continui ng he lp to those who need it cturing _the acade mic year . The Univer si ty of Chicago has allotted funds for a Summer Institute in which bla ck student s prepare talented eighth and ninth graders for college pre parato r y work. Students at the University of Illinois at Ch i c ago Ci r cle provide d t ransportation one summe r for low-income childr en for t r ips to the ci ty zoos, parks and museums. A Community Arts Founda tion in Chicago recently star t ed a creative theatre fo r ghetto residents and he ld productions in a lleys. The Interdenom inationa l The ologica l Ce nter at Atlanta Uni versity has specia l preparatory courses for fut ure ghet to ministers. The University o f Pennsy lva nia s ponsored a program in c rim ina l l a w and lit igation, in which students accompanied police during the ir r egular round o f ac tiviti es and assisted pub l ic defenders . Cl ass c redit was give n for thi s work. The La w School at t he Univer s ity of De troit has a l ega l aid program fo r ghetto r eside nts. One group works on deve loping extracurricu l ar activities within the walls of a prison -- spor ts, chess or bridge c l ubs,music l essons, quiz t eams , mana ging of a l iterary maga zine and the institution ne ws pa pe r, ma nageme nt of a n insti tution radio progr am for inmate education , and par ticipat ion in weekly di scussion sessions . One student committee works with boys who are confined to a state reform s chool in Hestbora 1 Massachuse tts, One group~ of student tutors works with children in the thi rd and fourth grades to he lp them t o express themse lve s be tte r, by ha ving them di ctate t a l e s to the tutors , pound out their i dea s on old typewriters , write short poems , make s cience obse rvations , kee p scrap books of thoughts , and meme ntoes of trips. One program maintai ns an up - t o -dite collection of college, busi ness and voca tiona l s c hool ca talogue s, a librar y of informat i on on college board examinations, financial aid , and on " A Be tter Chance" and other availab le compensa tory e ducation programs. COPE i s a Boston organization designed spec ifi cal ly to place t eenages · f rom l ow-income areas in insti tut ions of higher educa tion, done by represen. tati.ves from the admi~sion offices of the l oca l universities, co ll eges and vocationa l sch ~o ls. At one school four. qua.lified volunteers ( including one who just completed the course ) are currently t eaching the ir second round of a 10-week computer cl ass for ghetto r es ide nts. .. �Some it ag ina t i ve tu tor s ha ve start e d a biolog y ~ea r ni ng r oom with a group o f chil dr e n who we r e intro duce d to the wo rld of nat ure , forei g n to their a s pha lt a nd ceme nt wor ld, by raising ge rbils, ha tching chicken s a nd ba by spider s, a nd growing pl a nts. A council of Intercoll eg iate Af f a irs in Boston encourages c oope r a tion among studen t volu ntee r pr ograms engaged in simil a r activities on di ffere nt c ampu se s. Bost on Univers ity's s c hool of Nur s ing ha s s ough t out 27 young wome n fro m Ro xbur y who were interes~e d in the field of nurs ing bu t who lacke d the a c a demic crede nti a ls fo r a dm i ss ion. Th r ough a progr am , these girl s have be en succes s f u 1 ly br oug_h t i nto the regul a r nursing pr ogram . -_ ... \ Boston Unive r s ity offe rs it s f a cilities for recruiti ng and training of volu nte e rs to any outs ide orga nization. Ha rvard Busi ne ss School stude nt~ as s ist Roxbury ghetto busine ssmen. Some schools ha ve progr ams to pr ov ide be tter training for prospe ctive t-eache rs who wa nt to work in ghet to schoo ls. Membe rs of th e Michi ga n St a te Univer s ity Mar ching Ba nd, "Ba nd Bro t he rs", offer free music lessons to childre n fro m low e conomic areas of Lansing . In one area "Community Garde ns" were establishe d on urba n r ede ve lopme nt land. Through the purchase of sha res, the community owns these gardens and the crops grown on the m. Stude nts op e rate sever a l community cooperati ve store s in the we st side of La ns ing , Michi ga n. A p r ogra m o f consume r ·education "SHOP ALOP' , uses student volun_te e rs t o aid inne r -city r e side nt s in the ir shopping . In one community, t ee nage rs f r om the inne r city we r e give n the opp o r t unit y to ope r a t e a stud e nt-run r a dio stat ion. One f a cul t y depar t men t spo ns o r e d a housing s tud y to de termi ne wh i ch low co s t hou s i ng des i gns would bes t suit the ne e d s of ·the pe opl e who will i nha bit them. ! i j I I _ One un iversit y has as a r eq ui remen t fo r th e degree o f Master of Governmen ta l Admin i st ra tion the as s i gnme nt of s tudents to var iou s de partments o f c ity go ver nmei1t. Temp l e University has a Vi c e Preside nt f o r Ur ban Affairs to _coo r di nate a ll ac tivit ies wi t h the community a nd has t he r es po n~ibi l ity for a Ce nter f o r Urba n Affairs a nd the Studen t Committee Ac t i o n Ce nter . Proj ect .Co l l ege Bou nd is a s ix wee k s ummer program fo r Ph ila de l phia. hi gh s choo l g raduate s f rom l ow-income background s who have been a ccepted a t co ll eges, bu t have s pec i f i c ed ucat io na l def i c i enc i es . Ona s choo l deve lo ped a c ou nse lo r wo rk shop -- a th ree week summer insti t ute t o i ncrease t he pr o fe ssi ona l compe t ence of city h igh schoo l gui dance counselor s i n their wor k wi th students f r om minor i ty gr oups. At the University o f Pennsy l vania, the Univer s it y Counc il on Urbanism anq Rela t ed Human Resources i s conduc ting a survey of the Un iversity's schoo l s and research centers in deve l oping interdis ci pl i nary faculty seminar s on urban problems and charting i un i versity wide approac h to the study of urban l ife. The Temp le University Hospital has developed a program for lm'1-income · mothers , giving pre -na ta l and de li very care. A soror ity developed a charm course (make up, ha i r care, personal hygi e ne, �posture , etc.) for children from broken or inade quate homes. The Wharton Gradua te School of Business has a Business Practice Serv ice to provide management s e rvice to ghetto busine ss pe ople, One school developed a pilot program conne cting housing r e ha bilita tion with vocational educat ion, providing pa rt-time and summer employment for high school students. One University opened its olympic pool to poverty childre n duri ng the weel· and provided in struction for ~n entire summe r. One city' has started trave ling libraries to visit ghe tto areas. Secretarial schools have de ve loped t e chnical-vocational courses in- clerical skills to he lp needy girls find jobs. One stude nt group p started a pro gr am of working with young ur ban childre n as tutor s, playground aide,s , and group l eaders for boy a nd girl scouts. They also work in hospitals in the escort service, as candy stripers , in feeding pa tients and other assignments through the Red Cross. Others work with handic a pped persons, the me ntally retarde d, the deaf schoo l, and many other s. Volunteers from MIT ha ve use d their special skills ip me cha nic s a nd science , for use on build i ng radios, erector set projecti, three- dbmen ~iona l maps of the moon, airpla ne and rocket models for children. Tutoring Plus in Boston has produced its own textbook called Tutoring On-A-Shoe s tring". Michi gan State Universit y has esta blished an Office of Volunteer Programs to prov ide grea t er unive rsity support in a dvising a nd coordina ting a ll stude nt volu ntary s ervice activities and organizations as well as to encourage the formulation of ne w programs . One schoo l de velope d a 13- week television cour se in Negro histo ry and culture which was su bseque ntly reproduced f or u se in t eache r training in statesupported s c hools . The Uni vers ity ~f Pennsylvania has a course, Urban Socia l Change a nd Huma n De velopmen t, designe d to assis t the planning s tude nt in unde rstanding the process o f socia l cha nge in the urba n environmen t through studying the a ttitude s of l owincome and minority popul a tions toward housing, renewa l, e ducat ion, emp l oyme nt and welfare services. A spe cial r ead ing semina r is offered to familiarize the planning student with interdisciplina ry l iterature on pove rty, combine d with intens ive fie ld experiences in a criti ca l slum area near ~he University . The State of Michigan has a divi s ion of Vo lu nteer Services . It is an in f orma tion center for all volun teer programs for a ll the coll ege s and univers iti es in Michiga n . I t provides assistance and advice fo r individua l stude nt proj ec ts. A state wide Gover nor ' s Confere nce is he l d a nnua lly for the di rectors of ind ivi dua I programs a nd pro j e cts on the respective campuse s. The division does not pr ovide p rogram monies , but p rovides ass i s t ance wherever po ss ible . Pre se ntly, the r e are about 10 ,000 stude nt volunteer s in Michi gan at 27 different c ampuses . From this ou ts tanding e xamp l e s e t by Mi chigan student volunteers , both Governor Romne y and Lt. Governor Mil l iken have e ncouraged broa de r volun teer activities to be undertake n by a ll segments of the popu l a tion. New Yo r k City has an URBAN CORPS interns hip progr am designe d to of fer co llege s tudents the opportunity to par ticipate first - hand in an urban society by t aking a direct part in its administrat ion. For e l igible students, the program also provide s a way to earn money thr ough the use of co ll ege work study fu nds . The URBAN CORPS is administe r e d for the City of Ne w York by the Of fice of the }!a yor, in coopera tion with the De partme nt of Per s onne l. The UR BAN CORPS is a coopera tive ve n t u re of the City, the Fe de r a l Of fi ce of Ed uca tio~ and the par ti c ipat ing co lleges and univers ities , Ever y ass i gnme nt i s individua lly prepared by the requesti ng a ge nc y or de pa rtme nt, and is eva lua t e d as to its applica bili t y for a college student inte r nsh i p pr ogram. The ma jority of a ssignme nts are within exi st · ng a ge nc i es and depar tme ~ts, i n on - goi ng proj ec ts. Other assignme n t s make the student a pa rt of s pec i a l t ask - f orce grou ps Students ma y a l so be assig ned to the centra l staff of the URBAN CORPS , working o n the administration and operation of the program i tse l f. 0 �WE PROPOSE A "MOD EL sc~:]O'::'LS" PROG RMJ that can offer qualif ying scho o ls of all si ze s g rants which would develop service programs that offer th e pr ,)mi s e of a more cons true ti ve and 111eaningful role both for students as ·,"c.d l as to those in "nei ghbo r ing com:nuni t ies". The program would f ocus our soci e ty 1 s educational techniques and talents on the problems of lif e - eith e r in our ru ra l or urba n ar ~a s. It will not be simpl.= to qu a lify f o r g r a n t s und,~r this pr ogram . Th e government -has neither th e means no r the desi r e to inve st public funds in an expen s ive progra m who se net effe cts will be margina l, wasteful, o r visible only after protract ed delay. We intend to he lR 011ly tho s e scho ols, citi e s, stat e s, and institutions whos e pl.ans ·ce ally s e rve to help oth e rs in th e ir strugg le for a more meaningful and productive lif e . We pr opose the following guidelines for dete rmi n in g an a pplicant 1 s qualific a ti ons for th e be ne fits - and achi eve me nts of this progra m. Many of th ese s pe ak dir e ctly to the university educationa l structu r e, as initi a ll y , work will probably be concentrat e d here. But the over riding gen e ralities of r e alistic and co1npl e te planning will apply to al 1. The success that each de monstration progra m can have will dep e nd on the quality of its pl.an11ing , and the degree of cooperation it elicits from the variou s gov ernme n t al bodi e s concern ed (i.e . students, ad1ninistration, faculty, community bodi e s, "Mod e l Ci tie s !' pe opl e , and those in local Urban Coalitions) as well as private int e r e sts . Th e abs e nc e of this coop e ration be twe en contiguous areas is was te ful, as we ll as blind to th e reality of urban lif e . GUIDELIN ES Service activities propo se d should respo nd to th e real nee ds of the community, by indicating a r e l e vanc y to the community give n the r ea liti es of the env ironme nt. Adeq ua te ide n t ification mus t be ma de , of the a reas which would be be st s e rve d thr ough studen t he lp in th e community , schoo l s , r ec r ea tion c e nters , me dical a nd me nta l hospit a ls, a nd proba tion de par t me nt s . Lo ng t erm goa ls shou ld stre s s the e nc ou race me nt of commu nity r esi de nts to wor k wi th exi sti ng educati o na l in st itu t io ns to deve l op ne w p r ograms espec i a ll y in the t echnica l - voca tio na l fi e ld . Pr o grams s houl d be des i gne d t o nurt u re ghetto residen t s with recognize d ab i l ity -- i nte l lectua l , acade mic , art i stic, o r ath l e t ic. The pr ograms should foster the deve l opmen t of l ocal and priva t e in i t i a tive and widespre ad citi ze n parti c ipation in the pla nn i ng a nd execution of t he pro gram. Lo ca l commun ity g roups shou ld be encouraged to eventually deve lo p and finance their own p rog rams, and where po ssi ble peo ple in the commun ity sh ou l d be t ra ined to co n ti nue th e spe c ifi c educationa ~ o r recreational proj ec t. Contact shou ld be made with l ocal c ommunity agenc i e s and school systems to i nsure program coordination with th e p re se nt communi t y activities. Student s should have a hand in assessing the nature of the servi ce required and def i ning the t ask to be do ne. Consideration ~hould be given to involv i ng adolescents in tutoring and counse ling youngPr chi ldren for the ir mutual be nef it , The program planne d should be consistent with successful programs of the pas t, as well as integrated into what they are now doing. Experiences of often ovcrlo . ,-..d organizations lil·e the YNCA should he ul"i l i 7.ed. �lJ ' r -. - ,: ....,, r" .............. ,., ..... , b ,-. ...... ,-.. • • ) ...:, .... ................. .._ _; - ,....) ,: - - I- ,.._ ............. .-- - - - ,-. • • ~ ... ,: '"" .: ,,... • ~ ... ..... ...... ........... .................... vision of a ll aspects of the program . .... •-,... T • t"'-...,,. ~ .J.~ ~ ..-. , _ ,.. . . . . . . . . . . ....

·--~ ·-- --~ --o-··~~--~-·· ~~!'-- There should be sufficient pl a nning for projects to continue annually. The progr am should be manned in each area by a single authority with adequa te powers to carry out and coordinf:l te all pha s es of the program . There must be a serious comm itme nt to the proj e ct on the par t of school and loca l people. There should be adeq uate professiona l sup erv ision, as we ll as ade quate orientation and tr aining, of the neede d volunteers, and possible use of fulltime social workers explored. \ "Tutoring" progr ams should include· · information guidance cou nse ling, family services, school-home li a iso n, referrals, motivation - building, and r ecrea~iona l activities. Emphasis on volunteerism should be evident and the areas where salaries are necess a ry made very e xplicit. There should be evidence that the appropriate depart me nts and groups within the university have been cont ac ted to seek support for the propo se d program. The program ·should reflect an attempt to make full use of the university structure, not only its stude nts, but scientists, economists, a;chitects, mathematicians, as well as buildings, athletic fields and libraries. Attempts must be made to focus resea r ch resources on problems facing the city, such as traffic congestion, air pollution, housing, transportation, public health, etc. Where possible a joint effort, e xcha nge , or coordina tion of programs with ne ighboring schools should be made. Lectures and spec ial programs should be o pen to the community and scheduled with some att en tion to t~e ir inter es t and nee ds, e.g., a Black American series . Evaluation of tuto r ial pr ograms should be made throu gh a , ptitude and psyc holog ica l testing. i Pl ans should indic a te an awareness of e x isting Fede r a l programs which could provide financial sup port, and of t echn iques and projects which have provided .suc cessful examp l es in other areas of the countr y . ! In stitutiona l support should be available as needed, wi th a posaible seque ntial developmen t a lo ng these li nes: a) an initi a l comm itment to the educationa l value of prop~r ly e xe cuted service exper ience; b) ia~u l ty assistance in training and orient atio n; c ) pos ~ible futu re provisions for academic credit for se rvice e xperienc e; d ) sufficient finan c ial ba cking should be available so as to perm it al l students to pa rt icipate; e ) greater use should be made of work ~study fu nd s in pro jects tha t both soc ially produc tive as we ll as financ ially remunera tive to students ; f) greater use should be made of work - study fu nd s for off. campu s work, both du r i ng the a c ademi c ye ar, as we ll as duri ng summer . �GRANTS OF THE PROGRA~I We recomme nd that participa ting groups rec e i ve two types of feder a l assistance : 1, special grants be mad 0. for progra ms to group s whose plans jus tify th e expenditure and fJ lfill the guid el ines of this proposal and give pr omise of a me ani ng ful impac t on those par ticipating ., 2. that a ll available gr ant s a nd urban aids in th e fields of educ a tion, we lfare , economic tunity, and relat e d pro·grams be c o ntinu e d o r eK pand e d where justified . Pl a ns wi ll b e revie we d by a nationat office according to the pr ec e ding prerequi s it es. The n at i onal office wil l be s ta ff ed with p eop le kn ow l edg eab l e about th e available f ed e ral funds as we ll as with ind iv ijual s experienced in th e pl a nnin g and i mp l ementat ion of volun teer programs. The research staff will have as its duti e s the gathering and dis t ribution of all in f,::irmation that :nay b e of u se to submittin g bodies, as we l 1 as the plannin g and organizing of r e l evant national and r egicinal s e minars and confe rences on student social-work activities . Sma ll pamphl et s, educational materia l s a nd t he results of trainin g conf ~ r e nc es an d lead er s hip wo rkshops would be pr ovi d ed to n ew and eKpandi~g organi z~t ion s , or to thos e who wished to improve th e quality of th eir prog ram . Ano t h e r impor tant aspect of the in f ormat ion ga t he rin g function w6u ld c onc ern th e financing of s p-3 c i a l s t ud e nt pr o j ects . A stud c,1t g r oup int e re s t e d in workin g with th e me nta ll y ill at a l oc a l ho sp :i.t a l would b e able t o obtain fro m this offi.c e infor1nation as to th e funding programs in vari ou s g~ive rnm,~nt a genci es which might be appr upri a t e for its financin g . Th e office wou ld also assist th e stud e n t group i n p re parini th e pr oposa l fo r fede ra l fund s . FED ERAL COST , Fund s wi ll b e re quir e d to ass is t participating gro up s in the i mp l eme n tation s of th eir mod e l d i:,rnon.stra tion pl ans. We sh0ul.d n ,, t u11der c s t -L11a te t h e probl ems nor the f in anc ial n eedR involved in ach i e v i ng th e s e plan s . Th e very sc a l e o f the d e monstrat i on a nd it s wi d espr ead eff e cts on th e soci a l s t ruct u r e of a corn,nun i ty calls fo r coo r dination of th e com:nuni t y ' s pl. an ni:ig and a dmin istrative resour c es on an unp reced 2nted scale. The app ro p r iate Fe d e ra l co n tribution t o this planning and i mp l e menta t i on effort woul. d be _ _ __ _ ______ milli on th e fir.st year, gr;:rwL1g in in cr. 2rne n ts of _ _ ___ __ mil li on p e r year. ' �SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Th e scope and d epth of the work don e by univ ers ities, cities, states, or instituti ons will often require detail ed planning, financi a l assistance, and study . But th e r e are man y things that could b e d one by our exc e ption~ l people in th eir mid-teens in s e condary schools th at can also have a massive effect, ·-... such as working as tutors in their communit ies in some of the remedial subjects, in secretarial fields, in hom e econom ics, and in the technical studies as we ll as art, music, et c. Th e President should ur ge ea ch Congr essman to communicat e with the high schools in his district about the great n ee d for thes e projects. The nation a l r esear ch staff of the "model schools"· could provid e " information for these sc hool s. Con gressmen would propose "mod e l" high school's each year and th e ir services projects for con s id eratio n of Presidential awards . Giv e n the att e ntion and priority, this could b e a very ben e ficial program, both in terms of th e community work and the recognition of the ear l y maturation of today's younger gen e ration . i I I �REWARDS The Presid e nt through th e re s earch staff and evaluation board would I make v e ry pre s ti g~ous awards to tho se groups who durin g a year's time initiat e progra ms mo s t e xempl ary of th e "model school's" guid e lin e s. It would be ca ll ed th e - - - - -awa rd, a nd c oul d involve a Pres id e nti a l visit, a Pre sid e ntia l dinner, or a contribu t ion of Pre sid e ntial books or res earch mat er ial. To qu,alify g roups must: 1. show si gns of ma j o r achi e veme nt of be ne [ i t to th e s u r roundin g community. 2. show si gns of mas sive stud en t invol vement. 3. have produc ed a ction tha t is r e c e n t and a r e sult · -0f a "mod e l s c hools" program. Succ e s s ful action and innova tion, not pe rfection or completeness, will be th e r ea l crit e ri a . Fina li s t s would be chos en by a n impa rt i a l boa rd , a nd th e ir sp oke sman woul d come to Was hington for a conf e r e nce a nd ~r e sen t a t ion of t h e i r prog r a m.· Gr ea t e r u s e by th e Pres id e nt of f a cult y -stud e nt pri zes c ould a ls o be u sed in a r eas , one part icul ar indi v idu a l f a c ul ty membe r or st ud e nt did or i n i t i a t ed some pa rt i c ul ar l y i nnova tive id e a or p rog r a m by u s i ng a n educ a t i ona l t a l ent or t echniqu e on a soci a l pro~ l em. Th ese r e wa rd s woul d be v e r y impor t a n t t o g e ne r a t e t h e stud e n t-schoo l ac t ion t hat i s n eed ed, to s tress l oca l invo l ve me nt , a nd to s t r ess t he n eed for th e t eamwo r k approach t o th e pro bl ems . �SUMMARY The character of the urban university is weakest in the area of communication and integration. There is a lack of communication both within the university's structure and between the university and thos~ who can effectively utilize its assistance. Integration goes hand in hand with communication in these areas. If integration seldom exist s within academic institutions, it rarely exists within its community. There is an ever increa sing need for the univers ity t o pla y a more dive r sified; pa rticipa ting r ole. \ Higher education is often a symbol of medieval isolation, with the unive rsity insulated in its castle from the surro~nding environment. When a university doe s cross the moa t to involve itself with the co1~munity, the r e sults are oft e n uneven, f ragmentary and uns ystema t ic. The emphas is of education rema ins on the wr itten word . In thi s cha ngeoriented society the "PhD" · and a long str·ing of publications seems negative l y corre l a ted with problem solving capability. This program "Why Not" or "Model Schoo l's", suggests tha t the focus of educati on needs to be shifted awa y from the "print " to the problem. ' . The pur po s e of educa tion is primari ly to pr~pare the student to mee t the d ema nd s of h i s world. Stud ents r ecogni ze the need f or a more relevant educationa l experience. And the community demands a more invo lved university. Both need the university to become a more active agent in problem s o lving and direct service. But in spite of all the r e c e nt encouragement from the citizens and students , the university continues its aloof r o le and a t times ignores its r e s ponsibilities. The pover ty of an area breeds a psycho l og ica l handicap fo r a ll ethnic groups. Welfare mo thers and f a the rs without j obs fr e quently transfer the ir own guilt f ee lings to the ir child ren , and schoo l s ofte n under line the children's uncer t ainty. It is her e t ha t the fa cili ties of t he univer s ity and the avai l abl e manpower of s tudents c an have a l arge i mpact . i ! The proposal s and requirements of "Why Not" (model schools ) address t hemsel ves t o t he ful l integration of the universi ty ' s r esources .. i n sol ving the urban problem. The development of incr eased student · _power and intensifi ed s tudent participation support our bel ief tha t t radi t ional wa l ls mu s t be br oken down, both withi n the univers i t y and t he surrounding communit y, in t he effort t ~ bring about a more humane urban environment . .. .· . To break down these wa lls and escape f rom the f eudal armor of the cas tle-and- the-moat, univ er si t y admini s t rat or s and facul t y must begin t o conceive of the universi t y a s a t otal socia l ins t i tuti on which i s di ff er ent f rom the aggr ega t e coll ection of departments and colleges . They mus t deve l op with the s t udents a balance bet ween t he educational programs and basi c research , . social advocacy and problem solving. It i s for them t o devel op a bal ance bet ween s cholars and int el l ec tual a ct ivist s , be t ween student-orient ed pr ofess ors and communi ty- orient ed problem s olver s . This ba l ance and coordina t ion must be concept ual as well as or ganiza t ional t o succeed. Thi s academic movement must be with t he assi s t ance of student and communit y advice . The large bra in t r us t s of uni versiti e s are becoming l i ke the f eder al government, bas tions of bureaucracy wher e many people be come l ost. WHY NOT can dev elop conta ct be tween the "l i ttl e people " , the university , and t he government. And the link between all of t hese can be t he s tudent . · �Student tutorial programs already exist across the country and provide a perfect link with the community upon which the university can build. Tutorials are b e nficial to all parties involved if these parties involved 1$:fr,q;,~*'. _ .,;m are given a role in the planning . and supervision. Many successful tutorials have been initiated by local residents. The r e sidents 6f a ghetto in Cambridge, Massachusetts, created Tutoring Plus. In the summer of 1964, a group of teenagers met with a few older neighborhbod youths who were attending college. All were trying to answer the questi"'on- of why a smal 1 number of the ~,. older youths had made it to college while few of the rest had even finished high school. Tutoring Plus now involves M.I.T. students, the Polaroid Corporation, and Christ Church in Cambridge. The successful example of Tutoring Plus points the way for the university, the city, and WMY NOT. In an increasingly open and secular ~ [ society, young people are concerne d with their own identity, the nature and quality of their society ' and their relation to men everywhere. Tutorials bring a share of awareness and individual identity to both tuto'r and tute e. Ghetto youths often feel unable to deal with their environment, m~ch less change it. This alienatmon is often translaged into a self-fulfilling hostility towards any future efforts at personal or niighborhoos advancement. This alienation can be overcome by student volunteers running their own programs in conjunction with n e ighborhood community groups and parents. Stud en t-run tutoring programs have inherent flexibility which enables them to b e revised constantly to me et individua l needs. They can ope rate with little of the stigma attach e d by adolescents to schools and agency sponsore d programs. First of all, the stude nt volunt eer is not too much older than the individuals th ey work with, thus contributing to a sense of c onrad eship and und ersta nding be tween tutb t and tutee. Secondly, the college stude nt, by his very pres e nce, is likely to provide the youth with a role model whi ch is not memely a pastiche of guidance couns e lor cliches but one which can communicate directly with the youth, overcoming a great deal of their time, energy, and thought, to the int erpe rsonal relationships that are an integra l part of any advanceme nt' activity. The stud e nt, merely by his presence at coll e ge, is likely to have acc es s to all types of informa tion his tutee may reque st. Many problems of stud e nt programs can be overcome with the active interest and participation of the univ e rsity. The natu re of a stud e nt's lif e , at first not much to do and then to o much, ccn work to the disadvantage of th e se programs. Some substitut e fo r mo ney is necessary to encourage st e ady participa tion. Course credit is the logical sugge stion . Very few schools give credit for und e rgradua t e field work, but the majority of schools do for gra dua t e s. This disc repanc y n eeds to b e cha nged. The successful chara ct er istics of stud en t vo lunt eer programs are relevant to any larger e ffort at communit y and ilinivers it y invo l vement . P roje cts must b e initiat e d on a sma ll scale with supervision ref l ect ing cons ult at i o n with university, co mmun i ty, stud ents, city and private enterpr is e . Projects sho uld also be allowed to dev e lop slowly to fin d Imme diate funding of uninvestia dequate and respo nsible lo ca l l ead er s . gated pro j ec ts may end in misspent funds , which could severely d amage the entire effort. Quality planning i s most important. Freedom of progrsm selection must b e guarant eed to each l ocale. Student committees must remain in.control of volunteer programs with local citizens. Experience has shown that properly run vol~nt eer programs attract the sincerest and high e st qua lit y w~rker~. And that the introduction of remuneration often alienates the socially motivated and attract s the organizttionai joiner or job hunt er. The quality of seriice then drops. Public do-gooders with their weekend house painting serve only to irritate the ghetto resident. '. �~~------·-- - -- - - -- - - Tutori a l pr ograms are only a fraction of wha t a univ e rsity can do in an urban c e nter. Not only do courses need to be chang ed to r e f~ect ,urban probl e ms but new priorities and policies need to be stated, Why should a city have to employ outside economists or ma~imaticians whe n the univ e rsity's are availabl e ? Why should computers and programmers be hired whe n limitless rea e arch hours are available on campus waiting direction? WHY . NOT could use· the univ e rsity faciliti e s in the summe r, its athletic fields~ museums, lec t ure rooms , its bus e s, pools and tennis cou r ts. WHY NOT could . work with th e city's and th e citiz e ns' needs through the univ e rsity's reso u r c e s. The "mode l s chool s " pr ogram would show that the governme nt and the university are willing to giv e a gre ater responsibility to the stude nt. No J.onier- would there be e{lack of communication within the univ e rsity and between the university and thos e who can effectiv e ly utilize its assistance. No longe r would s e gre ga tion- e x ist betwe en depa rtme nts, students, the community and the univ e rsity. WHY NOT seeks to coordinate and redir.ect th·e energies of education to problem sol~ing within tqe city and to problem solcing training for the stud e nt. Can we prepare our students t o fac e that cha ll e nge be tt e r if we make working .in i t part of their education, ma ybe even for cre dit? Can we go be yond the r e s e arch and pr oblem-solving with our colleague s in the community of ins ti tut ions, and relat e ourselv e s to our ghe tto neighbors .· to improve their environme ntal condition? Can we even go be yond the poorly developed programs and technologies of today and d e velop new V$Sions of ne ighborhood life to which both residential and university communities contribute? Is it possibl e that th e urban univ e rsity can become a mo re vi Lal mover in all of its missions by making th.i s att e mpt? WHY NOT. In a sub-syst e ms, trend. Will leadership? soci e ty charact e ri zed by acc e lerating cha nge in all of its th e problem sol v ing u r ban un i ve r $ ity s eems an ine vit a bl e we be forced t o it, or will we anticipa t e ev e nts and take That is the que stion. -n,ie an swe r is WH Y NOT. ,- ' �