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June 26, 1969 Mr. Charles L . Davi Dlrector of Finance City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgi. Dear Charles : Prior to the time that th City took over sponsor hip of th U r ban Corps Proj ct, the Urb n Corps Project D i J'ector r ach d a verbal agreement with four students to pay them each $250 . 00 for th ir services in setting up th Urban Corps Proj ct. They weee not to receiv any oth r compens tlon for their work such as the other enrollee re .. These four tudents w r : Mr. Bill A dams Mr. Dave Whelan Mr. M rcua D sh Mr. Rich Speer B c u e of thi · pedal cbeumstanc r g rdi.ng the comp n ation of th ae four individual , I dvi d Mr. S m ·uuam to h v th m ex cut som..e writt n memor nda c rtUying th t th y did work durin thi riod and for Mr. illiams to complete mlscell neou r quisitio.n for th .four ch cka. The docwnente relating to Mr. Adams and Mr. Whel n h ve been Lor ard d to your office . Thos for r. Dash nd Mr. Sp r ill follow hortly. 1 m c:ompletely aw r th t thi agrangement do • not conform to cc pted w ys ot doing thing• for the City. W came upon the c ne th !act, ho ev r. d th ee gr emenh er lr dy m d and tble lndlvlduals h v already provided their a rvicee on th b d ol the gr m nt th t wa• r ched. Fol' wh t v r lt is worth, it is my fttling that can properly cOJ1aider thes p ym nt• s coming lrom th proc ds of th prlvat contribution th t hav en mad4!t to th Urb n Corpe,. It i ouY f eling that, u.o.d r the cbcumstancee, the• lnvolc s hould be honor and pald nd you ar requ st to do o. W _ h v dvbed t _[ �M r. Davis Page Two June 26, 1969 Urban Corps Project Director that any future commitments of this nature must be made through proper City procedure with the prescribed authorization. Sincerel y your , Dan Sweat Deputy Chief Administrator DS :fy cc: M r . Sam 7 illiams �