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1 AFFIRMATION ATLANTA from Summit Leadership Conference We the undersigne d citizens of Atlant a , Georgia are seriously concerned about the welfare and progress of our city. We h a ve noted with pride the substantial progress which has been made in many areas of our social, civic and economic life , p a rticularly in the last five years. For the first time many of us feel that we are not only a part of the city, but that w e have deep and significant stakes in its w elfare and in its progress. We realize that while we have made progress , there are still areas in which we need to make more significant advances and thes e with haste . We are disturbed , howe v e r , tha t there appear to b e ele ment s i n the city w hich do not have the total w elfare a t heart of the g roups wh i ch t hey appear t o r epresent. The se i ndi vidua ls , we are afraid, b elieve t h at p r o g r e s s can b e m ade t hrough d i stur bing t h e b e s t rat her · t h an wor k i n g with t h e wholes ome ele m ents i n ou r popu l ation t o kee p Atlan ta head ed in t h e righ t d irection . We want a ll good cit izens t o know that w h ile we deplor e certain shor t c omin g s t o b e found i n our s o cial , ec onomic and civic l ife, t h at we d o n ot fee l t h at vi ole n ce o r b reak ing of l aws is u s eful in helping us t o ach ieve the compl ete h uman equality for w h ich we work and for which we will c ontinue diligently to strive. We pledge our strong c ooperation with all the forces of law and order that Atlanta will become a completely open city whic h we desire . . • where every man regardless of his social, racial or economic status will have completely t hose opportunities for the good life available to any other citizen. In attestation �Page 2 of these ideas, we the undersigned pledge to our fellow-men in the City of Atlanta our most ardent efforts and our continuous help. Samuel W. Williams Alderman Q. V. Williams on Co-Chairmen, Summit Leadership Conference Senator LeRoy Johnson ~ Rep.Wm. Alexander ·r, Y , / _ _, 11.,,,. - . /R ep. J ohn Gr e er ?\~· ~ J ~ Rep. John Hood Mr. Benjamin T. Smith Dr. M. L. King, Sr. Bishop Ernest L. Hickman Mr. T. M. Alexander, Sr. Mrs. Eu...Tli ce Cooper Dr. John A. Middleton, Pres. Morris Brown Dr. Benjamin E. Mayes, Pres., Morehouse Dr. Rufus E. Clement, Pres., Atlanta University Dr. Albert E. Manley, Pres. Spelman Dr. Harry V. Richardson, Pres. ITC �