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May 4, 1966 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Dan Sweat Subject : Atlanta Hospitals and Civil Rights Compliance The U . S . Department of Health, Education and Welfare is greatly concerned about the fact that no major hospital facility in the Atlanta area has met the Civil Rights compliance requirements and a a result will run into major problem hortly after July 1. One big problem is that HEW will not be able to allow any Medica re expenses to be incurred at Gra dy or the other major ho pitals. Mr. Pete P a ge, R egional Administrator of HEW, ys that they are holding up a gr nt £or several million doll rs for a vocational rehabilitation project at Grady and that Grady ha recently missed a izable grant for C a ncer re earch becau e of non-complianc . H point d out th the and hi repre ent tiv s met sever 1 we ks ago with the ho pital a dmini trators and official but they have had no corr spond nee from the ho pital • Mr . Page say th t h and his sta ff ar willing to work night nd d y to do what ver th y c n to help th hospitals get in a position to me t th require .. ments n ce ary for continued participation in HEW program • �Mayor Allen P a ge Two May 4, 1966 I don ' t know what we could, or should , do about the situation but thought that you would be interested in this information. DS :fy cc: Mr . R. Earl Landers �