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\·) Of Piedm ont 2 ' Park pgain. La t e a b out 11 pm 26 year old " Bobbie " Jones was wa l k in g though the park whi ch is a nearer i way to his home u j .n~ an.u nd the streets and 2 fello ws tore a ll his clothe s off. Wounoed him and might hp ve killed him if some on e se e ing from his house had not phoned the l aw a nd Grady and ca lled out to them. The cri minals ran off and as f ar as I kn ow were never co~h,... So me on e rapp e d a s he et around the v· im and r us hed him to the Grady. A friend l e t him clothes. He s a id the lo ss directly a nd indirectly was several hundr e d dollars. I knew Bob some times we nt through Piedmont in the d ay but believe me I dont get ou t muc h at ni ght a nd would hate to g o thoug h tha tpArk which is if an ything mor e dane;erous tha n th e stree t. I H S c9 H .):/ �ATLANTA,Gl!:ORGIA ROUTE SLIP TO: ~ l +-'~r---!,J*v <<-------+)-.,.._ !D.,_____ Cl_~ ----=-\..,, _ _ FROM: Dan E. Sweat, Jr. D For your information D Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. D Advise me the status of the attached. ·½R {j_ FORM 25-4-S �ATLANTA,GEORGIA PHONE JA. 2•4463 I van Allen, Jr., Mayor I 1ft rJ I FORM 25-2 (5 {). o �/') TO: _ FROM: ROUTE SLIP __,l_~V_c-~ ~~--------George Berry [ 9 ~r your information 0 Please refer to the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. LJ Advise me the status of the attached. FORM 25-19 �ATLANTA , GEORGIA PHONE 522-4463 George Berry Parks Department fil e : This material concerns a proposed $ 1 0 0,000 grant to the city and a request by Mayor Allen that the city p rppose some projects for this amount. A copy of DES memo to Mayor Allen i s in the reading f ile. FORM 25-20 �ATLANTA, GEO RO IA FROM: Dan E. Sweat , Jr. D For your information D Please refer co the attached correspondence and make the necessary reply. D Advise me the status of the attached. \ J\) ,~ •


~ FORM 25-4-5 r,, ' �ATLANTA, GEORGIA PHONE 522-4463 George Berry FORM 25-20 ��_ _ _ _ _ Time _ __ _ a.m. / p.m. �1 \ 'I May 22 , 1969 Mr. Harold Sheats County Attorney Legal Department 504 Courthouse Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Re: Adamsville Health Center Dear Mr. Sheats: Thank you for your letter of May 19 , 1969 regarding the appraisal you have had made of the above p roperty. Does the figure you quoted include both the City and the County property or does it just pertain to the latter? Would you be good enough to send me a Xerox of Mr~ Dabney •s complete appraisal and thank you again for your assistance, I am Cordially, Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recre tion JCD:jw Blind cc: Mr. R. Earl Landers / Mr. Thomas F. Choyce �City of Atlanta Parks & Recreation Dept. MEM O T O _ _W\ _ i<._. _c _A_R_L_ Date ~ l "LI { ~ 9 Time L_ f\-Yv __ n _E""{2 ____;__S_ - _M _ A_~-¼-'D;._Cl


\ FROM_~ _ _\_~_ _ J;) _~ _- _L_t_u_J_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0 D D 0 D You were called by Please call or reply Returning your call Will call again Left this message FORM 34-R-39 0 ' D j\O~N\5 VlLLt5 D You were visited by Waiting to see you Wishes an appointment Please Route Please take action �Al LA!~f,'i, GH,HGIA I LEGAL DEPARTMENT 504 COURTHOUSE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA T ELEPHONE 30303 572-2727 C(,1~ May 19, 1969 - /I/I 10 I (ZL(/-j-L µ S

3 / <. I ; .,' 1.J l- (,:·7

,, Mr.Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta : Georgia 30303 Re: Adamsville Health Center Dear Mr. Delius: The above prop e rty was recently appraised by an M.A.I. appraiser at $82,500.00, and the County has an o ffer from a private citize n for $85,000.00. However, the Commission instructed this office to hold up any negotiation until the attitude of the dity was ascertained. The appraisal was made by Mr. John Dabne y, M.A.I., and is full and compl ete, with nume rous comparables. You are at lib e rty to examin e same should you care to do so. Our offer from the private citizen cannot be held op e n indefinitely, and therefore we reques t a statement of the City's desires as soon as practicable. Yours v ery trul y, \ HS/ v ' ...;- l.. ~ ,, t.:,....-,-- Harold She ats, County Attorne y �May 12 1 1969 I Mr. Harold Sheats County Attorney Legal De partment 504 Courthouse Atlant a , Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Sheats: Thank you very much for your letter of May 7, 1969 concerning the Adamsville Health Center . The City of Atlanta is most d efi nitely intere sted in obtaining the Health Center property. Our Fifteen-Year long-range plan r e cently pre pared by the Planning Department c a lls for the acquisition of additional acreage in this immedia te area. Would you please advise me as to_ the value placed on the structure so that I might go to my superiors and determine their wi sh es in the matter? Thank you for your assistance 1 I am Cordially, Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD : jw cc:w/Xerox : Parks Committee Mr. Paul I v e y 1 La nd Age nt Miss Vi r ginia Carmichae l 1 Dire cto r o f Recreat ion Mr. Stanely T. Martin, Jr. 1 Assistant General Manage r of Parks ~ �'· Afl ANTA, GcOl:GIA LEGAL DEPARTMENT 50 4 COURTHOUSE • May 7, ATLANTA , / GEORGIA 30303 • TELEPHONE 572-2727 1969 Mr . Jack C. Delius Superintendent of Parks City of Atlanta City Hall Atl anta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Delius: The old Adamsville Health Center has been appraised. Is the City of Atlanta still intere·sted in pu rch as ing s ame? A substantial offer has b een made for private use , with p a yme n t d e ferre d ov e r a long p e riod of time . However, it may be desirable to get the property back on the tax rolls. For this reason we would like to h ave a d efinit e expre ssion from the City of Atlant a concerning the acquisition of this prop ert y. Yours very truly, v HS/v Harold She ats, C~unty Attorne y ,, �f1Lfc ~ i \f\<;,U I L-L~ )-, \ \~ ·; ,"--' I ,)) <\ -· I ) \ 1, 1 I \ '/ (J ATU,NT,\, GEORG IA HEALTH DEPARTMENT 99 BUTLER STREET . I 5. E. • 30303, T E LEPHONE May 8, 1968 Hr. Jack Co Delius General :Manager of Parks and Recreation City of Atlant a Atlanta, Georgia 30303 D0ar Mro Delius: While we will probably occupy the new Adamsville Health Center by June , we are oblig~ted under the t erms of our contract uith the State Health Department to continue use of the old heal th center for public health purposes only until the f all of next year, and we may find it necessary to use the building even after that because many of our programs are on the verge of major expausion. We lrnow of yoUT need and interest r egarding additional f acilities in this area, and we will bear them in mind if we are able to rel ease the building i n the near futur e . · n ! rours very ~ruly, i1/J / 1 JWL:mn ') .;() ' /fi_f/,/t (t . £vt,1'L{) tJ -John W. Lemon Administrator �J~ .t'ipri l 30; 1 96i / o J ohn ·w ., Lemon Admintst.rator Fulton County Hea l th Department. Mr 99 Butler Street , S o E o Atlan~a , Georg ia 30 303 Dear i ir " L emon~ Recently o ne of o ur staff. merr.bers advi sed t hat they understood 'chat the Health Department was movlng ou· o f the Adamsville faci l ityQ I wonder if this i s t rue and , :Lf so, wha t pl ans you might. have for the vac:-:it.ed structure o s ev=-;:cal Y·~ars have passed since we l ast met and discuss.:.d the l ocation and the possibility of e xtendi ng the recre<'-ltion operation o We would appreci c:1 te any i nforma tion you might have and trusting ~,e can be of assistance , I am · Cordial ly , ~rack c .. Delius Mc:mager of Parks and Recreation General . J CD~jw !t �A I LArl TA. GcORGI A LEGAL DEPARTMENT 504 COURTHOUSE , . ATLANTA, / GEORGIA 30303 • TELEPHONE 572-2727 Mqrch 24, 1969 ,, Mr. Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks andRecreation City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Re: Adamsville Health Center Dear Mr. Delius: Please pardon my failure to answer your letter of February 25 concerning the Adamsville Health Center. The Commissioners have instructed me to have the property appraised. As soon ·as this appraisal has been received, I will give you the benefit of same. t Yours very truly, ~ . -· HS/v Harold Sheats, County Attorney • • ,# t_..... . .,. . .,. ."'\.. ....- �July 6 , 1967 I Mr .. John :-?., Lernon , Ad.a:i.n i s t ra-to.r Fulton County Health D0pa.:ctment 99 Dut1er ~,t:.reet, S oE o ,Ltl.::-intu. , CC'Orgio 30303 Dc~r Johns r'ir~t. 0£ ·"'11 I haven° t seen you in a long t.1.m ~ nnd I t rus t t ha t you ar.-,..= get.:.ing · Jong ver"J wall ,·u.ring ...his hot r.mr.,mor o Q Hr., Ro i1 P..:irwon , onc o f our Recre2tio n ;:~u;_:ie~visors , :i.r.qui.red o f r:10 on July 5 :Lf _ h ad a?1y i:o.:Eor1, at.ion 2 •.out the possib :llity of the Libro:r.v De_p "",r t r.10 nt t ekin<:r ove r: the ·p resE"! nt neal th facili ·cic s in- .i~..:;-=-,msvilJ.e ., I toL=1 hit:1 I <l:L~1 not 2 n d · :on:!. -:i C}1Gck. ir:1,:-1.0c°1iat.cly ,,-;j_<:11 '..'I OU Q S 'CO ·,,;b_~.t rn.i<j~:!'C DC t c:i);ing .:_, l -'2C8 o ~?c -..,ould J.ove v c cy 1:;u~11. to oh t c. i n thi s a d c1.i.t :to-:v.1 l :::,rc :;,0.:,:ty i i: ;x-ou ::ol}~s c:8c i c.:0 t11a·l:: you ~ ..u s t v a cc.,t c 1..:.) <~ l 2r9er. r:-rer.1l se · and c:.ny inf ors:ria -c·lon you c an ~:;ivc :ne 1.1ill }; e c°1el;'!p l y ·"ppreci ~ite do Looking fc~·mrd tc h - a ring f ro:n you (3l1d perhaps g-ctting t ogc t:101· fo r l "i1Ch in th.J n~ar. futur e , I ci,n Cordially, J acl::. co De lius Gene r .:'i l -1anager of Parks end Recreation J CD:lg P. s . CC: i;e p a rticula rly a pprecit'lto the ve1.y fine cooperation of l't: ., Duke r.ma Mr o Cont r ell in the o e ration o f our four ~x,:tab l e swi m..rning pool s t his sum.'U'er e Mr o Ron Ranson , ~~creation Supervis~ h:.1amsvi l le Cornmunity Ce n ter F i le Health Dep ar tment File v .,. �i / February 17, 1966 Mr . Al.an F. Kiepper County Manager Room· l1.0l County Administration Buil d i ng 165 Centra l Aveo S. W. Atlanta , Georgi~ Dear Alan : Re : Ad.nmsv:ll l e Recreation Center Health Center I enjoyed seeing you at l unch today a n·d wil l l ook forHa rd to m9e t:ln° with you to discuss the possibi lity of the City of Atlanta ' s acqui r i ng thnt portion of the above wh ich is now· utilized for hea lth purpos e s . On ano ther subj ec t , the City of Atlan t a i s very i nt erested i n see i ng t he M~t r o po litan Planni ng Comrnission s tiD..ture Pre serve s study c a rrie d out mtd I ha ve a sked Mr o Glenn Benne tt t o cal l a mee ting of a ll iI'1terest~ ed partie s . Mr o Hor ace Caldwe ll, t he Director of Sta t e Pa rks has ex- pressed his i nt erest i n attend i ng . Looking forward to hea~i ng f r om you , I am Sincere ly, J ac k C. D... lius Genera l Manager of Parks and Rec r eation J CD :mjh File - Adamsville Re creation Fi l e . -:- -.: ~-. ·, �f\t ~s u, CL~ U ll'/\"V\f\ , C.C::::,1\.) '1:::i\ MEMO City of Atlanta Pa rks & Recreation Dept. Date Time _ _ _ _ _ __ TO _ _ _ _~c.L-F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~C...j) FROM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D D D D D l<2 ~~ __ l _S __ ~T ,. D · You You were callc.d by Pleas e call or reply Returning your call Will call again Left this mes sage 0 D 0 D ~~-zc:S ~+ \ C were visited by Waiting to see you Wishes an appointm e nt Please Route Please take action ""t ~ , ._ -.J ~ · 5 1<;. u i ~ ~ .- ~E. vJ I U- c...ru~ s-N:..T us ~ ~~, t= +c. _c__143.215.248.55 c ~ o .t=-t:. \C.. N; ' "-.j ~6 't)~ ~c~S w ~ _ _e_s.._,_.__~------- ,·' ·-t "l I '- FORM 34•R·39 -:"':" 0 '•. ' �Ful ton Count y, G eorgi a . Inter-Office Memorandum To: 1 v.; .- V"l a> r ~·,:·.~-,r. J:i.; ·-,.-· " -"'~ ¥ Ad·,·,:1 1r·,1·.:t•·;1 ~ ,,...,.t. • ·'1 ·~ .,,t. / ,:-1,~alt D.,:,p:-i•-r·,~,,::, 1· •t ..,-..., • 1 • _..1,""' •·• l .,.f. Date From : l.-365 Subject: / T:11s VOf~:Sti-::m ::111 ···rid,'.) }" , Jt'\ ;\(:} l. l, V,f ith 1/nG[?f[, • 1,c·.;,!~rE1- , Dnlit!!~ , ;;;nd 3:wats r•::-;::,:~r HnrJ th: C,.ty ' s rn ·:w:;ts tn th~ Adi'lmsville H83H:h. Cont:·;r ,..;rop ·ttr . A::: poL1L-d '.)Ut '-:.•y i'/r . Lendern ~nd ~.~r . Df.:liU!:J e1t t !j r; :.oti:ig , t110 Ci"y ·s n'Jt 1:-1 u pc,;1JU· n to abandon !t:s };,utl"'i:1J 8;1 t~us sii,,:, u ar1it·:l.n;~ i ,i tho br~"'ost,':.>i!l f• ·t ·to ~ T:wy c::in -·

id..:r t hat unck~r th-3 ?lirn. ·::£ X.;~~i.'·..,;.,m:1cnt t~e µrJp=~· . ty wt~i ·:J0 to t!m City

v.1Ll•out ~ny c,K"=tL'7,'.:rnne:· hi t 3G3 fo!b•Ni.'11_, t\e c;~pirnticm ,:if t. e Hill 5, rt::m ,tjj_\ <,.:attf}nr. 'JUt ,:;;0. I . ·, L v of this , ··,o ·w1U h~vc to •.<vo( -.>ut our ptn . ..=- t or t!w trn.p~H1 s !on of t i.~ h ~c:1lth . . . o.nt<Jr :m l!H 9r~)pert:1 tli::H vr: ', v,--; at t hr.:a .r10;,1e .t µi, s any rm:,p~1rty t h.;lt wo r.: g ;it be a :,;lo to t.cqu!re to t ho $OU.ti ,.:>f the :;>t.:,:.· et1t ·iw . (l. ) Y:m will pr:;cood t o \.'; O;'!t~~cl t: hQ .::cute H ~?l\ lt.il Dt~;K.. rt1~ant ,.rnd re ie!b:: the nbov..,, h f::}!'1Hitio:1 to lho,,,. V/o will rcqu-ust thm. '°IJ o~)prOJ'3 the r.JroJe~t with t 10 u ..1dc.r:-ttmdiagt hat the C)unt• ·nill pureh~oc odditic;i-:li 1~n to tllo r;outh . H th.ts 13 ~cc,7;ptr:1bla to thc.r: , tht2n w0 \l:ill, i" 'lve t o i)r!ng th ':; rc.attcr .. ~ L:ic C'.)u,,ty Cor,:1~11:rn i on , p of.:-11'.:}biy n4!-:Y.t \\'c·· nosd;.ty , J 110 l 6 . (2) I am re;q ~.st ng th..., Dep,;.;rtrr,Gnt ,: ,f P tunn!n ,J to \·-r nrk with t ha Lt1nd AJt'.:mt · ;. ·1 thF.l ,,rcha-~ct t •"> d c":{)rrrt!nei prceis " IY • ,.hat ptopBrty sn::,utd tr: p1..m::hns01 t:"J he so1Jth ::Jf :he pt'05ent sit•.? . At our rrneting , 1'.,~r ~ La:1d~r:3, -..-:,int =-d t)Ut t hat t h;,,. City v; s goi,19 to have t ~ l.:i-atc a firo .Jta t.ion 1.n this 0ron . If si..if!icierit 1~ ict 0xlo3t~ ot1tw~en the ;:-r..,t-o:nt sit.:¼ L.oundcry and G'::;rt.L:in ,t:>ad , ho 5hlt'::d thM th_, City would be intern~t-:.,d ln e1ttor:.pt1ng to . .):It out a Joint purcha$rJ r1f t.!::i.a l1)nd, with fa~ G:;rd'.:'.>11 R-:.,H.l front<l(J :>ein'J us :ld ~:J a 1-:,cnt! :m b.r a f!rn st: d~ois L;)fl.S purc~'Kl3(1 , \-vc~ ;;:;h:iuld deter . . !no if ths";re tJ.)!L Bof:'3re ~fl}' oro r,,;ad~ (k1 l:llt.) b .!ld2qu~ e !.and f ::,r a fir~ stnt.i,:>n Oi'ld, if ao , wh3the"' tho City 1.s i t1t1;;rn.'Jted in. c'J J ~int pur..:::iaso . �Men,::.i to !-..'.r. Lf:non uno l4, 1G65.,,, P,>.10 2 (3) A:!',S\.rn.in::,1 thc,t ti'i~ St.ate • ·JH a 1J!'cc~ to tho i1bov0 , v1ra st!.ll ha·.:c- th~ ')f(Jbi e:·,1 oi 9~t ·1n'J tli:;ir "'9-·cer:·1znt V> t:.iG µro 1 .:,.:;~d plan ~Jr;;;,p:!tOd .l:y ~--!r . D-Jadn>.ore . '\\:hi.lo i t r..iCJilt !>o p-::1:rnibl.a t o d 3!.(Fl t:1 • tmpli$r ~dd:ili-:')n t:> 'th3 t,ufrJ.iil!], X Lcli0vr, fo · t t h'.) p t.J :l ~.it:')"1:JE;.:d by ,.,: r. D1.::i. ::k.,:)te w,::,uld ;:-fo1,;irb n far , m-;, r0 $<lt.!...;fou.~ry Hn.u l- product. A.s rL,t"d frid~y, thiJ is a a pi 'l y ('f ·w-11ng arau . \',i ,:! cs.n 1:)5/~ f.:; 'mrr t '> ~ heu"Y t--0::icon.UatL.:i,1 ,::if p:,:1u\:itton . l thu" it i~ 1 .•9~rnnt t}1-Jt w-~ c,:m...,id·Jr this v. h..:.n. r~,at;.ing d cciSJ!ons •.):;. tha :~iza oi th~ honH!i cant.:;?,:. 1 i..:aow t h~ t y ·,u ' '111 c.l.r!vo th{!::i-:·~ point!. hor..~ t o tl-vJ Stat ~t HcaHh Doµart ,,ent ofi cials . t J. s ir;,porto ~1~ t: ~t v,1:J gci U$ n~uch ,:h.,nf1 s 9oss1L,lr., prier to the m.~ cting or~ Wodn,!$i:,:2y i;o tr:~t 'r;:, <Jrn 1.1 a po;31tbn to d1scuzs the ont1rn s1tutit1::>n ··ith t ha C:.>rt,t.1b~=t i ,..m., Pt,,..asr~ Kos,p rre udvi<'i!ed 0f your progross • .~· co: H 1r~lcl 3heot'3 , C::>unty Attcrnoy lt!ch~ d M . Fnrhc.s, Direct.Jr of Pl~;;i:1ing Guy Eil '""!l, Sup.;;ri 1tend.Jnt :,f Pu;,;11·..:: Cuildings Eur]:_: LfJ ,1d·--rn , A,~Mst,'.Wt to th:3 ?111 ayor I C .i ty ,::,f ·.tlunta ~ ~: C . 0.-;;!ius , Director of Par~ , C .;,t}' ;:,,f Atlant~ c, �. _ ,ti] JFUI:10N C OUI~TY ATLANTA, GEORGIA I ,, June _14, 1965 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 99 BUTLER STREET . S. E . • 30303 . TELEPHONE 524-50,31 Mr . J 2.ck Deli us, Ceuera1 Hanager City Parks and Re creation City Hall Atlanta., Georgia 30303 Dear Nr. Delius: In accordance with 01.r under standing of last Friday, we submit r.crcwith for yol r cons i de ration a plot plan !Jhowi.ng i n r ed the a rea , l1ich we think would be feasible to cede to t he City of At lan ta fo r the Adamsville Recreat ion Cen ter. Since we c annot ge t State a d Federal frn1ds for ,my construction off Count y property., the si ze and configuration of t he area was dete rmined large ly by the need of t he Co1.mty to keep ti t l e to as much parking and drive .-ray area as practicable . I am su e you ·1de rstand. t hat thi s i s a t entative proposal subj ect to approval of the County authoritie s , as well as the State and Fede ral agencies i nvolved. We appreciate th~ hel pf ul and coop~rative attitude you nnd Hr. Landers have exhibi ted througho~1t our ne[;ot:i.ations , particularly so since the situation changed so frc quent J.y and rap:i.d.ly. n


l)t~:.:~:, / :hhn W. Lc1~on / Administrator ( JWL: nm cc: County l-'anagcr Hr. Eave s __./ �1 a \j ·'0 0 uJ l-~v· \ T \-A t tJ \C S ~~ ~ ll"a FlJt; ~O l:.J C OUIT1~Y I ATI.Aln A, GEORG IA Hay 31, 1965 HEALTH DEP A RT M ENT 99 B U T LE R STREET . s . E . • 30303 • T E L E P H O NE ' 524 - 503 1 }Ir. Jack Delius , Dir ector City Parks De1,."1artment City Hall Atl anta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr o Delius: The COlmty is planning to expand the Ada11sville Heal th Center in or der to meet the urgent needs of this growing community, but the presence of the City Recreati on Center attached to th · existing health center buil ding makes it somewhat difficult t o plan an adequate and e·"ficient additiono The County i s also concerned about the effect this recreation center will have on parking facilities and futu re expansions which will undoubtedly be necessary. On the other hand , I gather f rom conversations with you and your staff tha t you find the recreation building and the situation in which you have to use it f ar from ideal, and that the Ci ty too r ealizes the pressing ne ed for better recreational facilities for this area. In view of our mutual dissatisfaction with the present arrangements ancl our need to plan better for the fut ure , the County would be interested in considering a proposal from you under which the City would give up the r ecreation center in return for some other pr operty or consideration which you might find more usef ul. We have in mind that ,..,hi.l e you ,·might not be ci.ble to relinquish use of this building :unmediately, we :could work out some arrangement whereby the County could s ecure clear title for the recreation building now in order to facilitate the approval of a Federal grant for expanding the health center. I regret that we cannot be more specifi c , but we obviousl y do not know your needs, and I am sure you and your staff could come up with a much better proposed exchange than we could. The pleasant relationships and close cooperation we have enjoyed with your Department in the past l eads me to believe that we can work out some agreement which will be advantagoous to both the City and County o / 'I ~ oprs veryt'truly, / ' , li tL1 .;1 ;1 i


' v( • C


John Wo Lemon Administrator JWL:run �September 9 9 1964 Mr o John Wo Lemon~ Administrator Fulton" County Bea.1th Dspm:tment 99 Butler Str.eet, S o E o Atl&uta , Georgia 30303 Dear J ohn: Heal t h Center and Recreation Building at Delmar L ~=andJ3E,2:!..vnle~ Road& So Wo I n our l as t t e l ephone con. .,ex-sation r.egat'ding t he above, you asked that I supply you ith a c opy of the att ached l etter f rom r.'1x' o Ferrin Yo Mathews l) Associate Ci.ty At t:or ney o Mr o Mathews ' l ett er i s in reply t o my lette'l." to him of Auguat 13 9 1964 0 Sincere ly yours » J ack Co Delius Genera.l Manager of Park~ and Recreation JCD/lc Enclosure 0 �C~TY OF ATlA TA DEPAR TM E NT _OF LAW 1114 WILLIAM - OLIVER BUILDING Atl a nta , Georgia 30303 September 1, 1964 HENRY L. BOWDEN ROBERTS. WI.GGINS MART IN McFARLAND EDWIN L. STERNE RALP H C . JENKINS JOHN E, DOUGHERTY FE RRIN Y. MATHEWS CHARLES M. LOKEY / CITY ATTORNEY LEWIS R. SLATON . A SS ISTANT CITY AT TORNEY ' ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEYS T.R.REID ROBERT A, HARRIS CL AIMS ATTORNEYS Mr. Jack Co Delius Gm·eral Manager of Parks City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Jack: In Re: Health Center and Recreation Building at Delmar Lane and Brownlee Road, S. W. This letter is in response to _your phone call and letter of August 13, 1964, concerning the aboveo As I understand the situa tion, under the "Plan of Improvement'r in 1952 the City of Atlanta assumed operation of the Recreation Building and the County continued managing the Health Center, all at ,the same locationo Around the year 19L~9, according to the County, the entire parc e l of land was dedicated for public hea lth purpos es until 1969, in order to qualify for State and Federal fundso You outlined that the County desires to expand the Health Center, which would involve rededication for 20 yearso It is my opinion that when the "Plan of Improvement' took effect in 1952 that the City of Atlanta acquired fee simp l e title to the property used by the Recreation Building subject to any incumberances existing upon said property at the said timeo It is my further op inion that the County do es not have the legal right or authority to rededicate the recreation property for an additional 20 years inasmuch as any interest the County �Mro Jack Co Delius Page 1f2 I had in said property was extinguished by the Legislature under the "Plan of Improvement 11 0 It is my further opinion that the City of Atlanta would not have t9~ authority to dedicate park property for a period of 20 years 'for public health purposeso I trust that you will find the foregoing satisfactory~ Yours very truly, Ferrin Yo Mathews Associate City Attorney FYM/lj 1 �C TY OF ATLA LAND DEPARTMENT MEMBER PAUL B. IVEY, Land Age nt August 17, 1964 I WALTER N. HENDRI X G ERALD R. McCLELLAND MY ERS R. LO VE LE SS, JR. L YMAN LEE DAI LEY RIGHT- OF - \"/AY AGENTS " Mr . J ack C. Delius Manager, Pa r k s De partment City Hall Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear J ack : Encl osed is a xerox copy of c ommuni ca tion I received this date fr om Fra nk R. Fling, Clerk of Comm issioners of Roads a nd Revenues, Fult on County, Georgia, which is self-explanatory . You r.s2truly , / '61 !) 1 -~l -U -.../(_ __. Paul B. Ivey La nd Agent PBI : a.p Enclosure �,· [/,,, ,, ATLA~: ; ,; , G~O:?Gt;.. / CO MivIISS !ONE F~S OF ROADS A ND R E VENU E S Ro o M 4 os • TELE PH ONE HAROLD F . MCCART, CHAIRMAN, JAS . FRANK R . H. ALDREDG E . F _ L ING, COUNTY 1 6 5 AREA c ENT RA L CODE 404 VICE-CHAIRMAN Av E .. s.w . 522-5310 ARCHIE 3 o EXT. 3 .August 13, 1964 N ro Paul Ivey, La nd Ag ent City 1:a1_1 .A tl a nt a , Ga . Dear Hr. Ivey : -Enclos e d herew it h you wil l fi nd a n exce r p t concernL 1z t l,e AdaE:Svil le Eea lt h Ce nt e r fro ni t be mini.1 tes of t he Re cessed :;,:e et i ng he ld Ve r y t r u l y y our s, - . ~-- Fr an~ · R. F li ng , Cl e r k FRF:bf Lnc . f i 3 . LINDSEY CLERK Aug us t 5 , 19 64 a t 1: 30 p .m . wb i c his se l f -' explanatory . o ,3 1 5 �- - - ·. - - - - - - - - - -Letter read fro m the County Attorney da ted July 30 which is more fully se t out as follows: ,--, "Co mmis sioners of Roads and Revenues 40B County Admini stration Bld~. Atlanta 1 Georgi a 30303 Re: Adamsville Health Center Property Gentlemen: Attached is mernorandu~ from Mr. John C. Lemon concerning an~reement reached with City officials covering ihe joint use of the property on which the Adamsville I~alth Ce nter and Ad am sville Recreational Branch are located. As you know the County is preparing to expand th~ health facilities at that location. It seems that . the agreement reacr1ed · by }fe ss.rs. ·1em on 1 }fr • . De lius of tJ:-Je Parks Department and }Ir. Ivey of tb e Land Office, is equitable and I reco mmend that s ame be a ppr oved by the Co mmissioners and filed as a matter of information and record. · Very truly yours, (s) Harold Sheats County Attorney" Commissioner Lindsey made a motion that the above letter be filed as informa tion. Said motion was s~cond ed by Commissioner Aldredge and una nimously adopt e d by the Board . •• ··':I. ---


,. ~ .. .... - . ~ I •;,> ·~. ' . ·.. _.-:-. t .::·. . . ~·-·, . . -:- ·,

-:. .·..·

] :,: . ·. .· "-~: ... ·.· -,. . �F'ULTOl~ COUNTY ATLANTA, GEORGIA COMMISSION ERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES I ROOM 4 0 9 , TELEPHONE H A R O L D F . M c C A R T , C H A I R M A N, • • J A S . FRANK R . H . A L D R E D G E , FLING, 1 6 5 AREA CENTRAL AVE ., CODE 522-5310 404 V I C E • C H A I R M A N COUNTY , S. W . A R C H I E 3 0 3 ,0 3 EXT. CLERK August 13, 1964 1-r. Jac k De lius, Ngr. Atl anta Parks Dept. City Hal l Atl anta, Ga . Dear }1r . Delius: Enclos e d herewith you Hill find ari excerpt co ncerning th e Adams vil le Health Ce nter, from the Recessed meeting he ld Aug us t 5 , 1964 at 1: 30 P. M., which is self-exp lana tory. Very t ru ly yours, .,-- I / FRF :bf Enc. ., ..,,,.,. / .- ,,,

.. ' , ·: .. ,, ,; - _,,/ ,,. ,,.,,,.,-·· '( .,,.. ' ~::,,-I"/ _,. ; - ,,,_ ,,,.., - _~rank R. Fling , Clerk . ·.; I I 315 L I N D S E Y �(15) ADAMSVILLE HEALTH CENTER PROPERTY ; Letter read from the County Attorney dated July 30 which is more · fully ~et out as follows: I "Commissioners of Roads and Revenues 409 County Ad~iniitration Bldt. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: Adai"1Jsville Heal th Center Property Gentlemen: Attached is-memorandum from Mr. John c. Lemon concerning an~reement reached with City officials covering the joint use of the property on which the Adamsville I~alth Center and Adamsville Recreational Branch are located. As you know the County is preparing to expand the health facilities at that . location. It seems that the agreement reached · by :Hessrs. ·Lemon, Nr. Delius of the Park~ Depart~ent and}~. Ivey of the Land Office, is equitable and I recommend that same be ap~roved by the Commissioners and filed as a matter of information and record. Very truly yours, (s) Harold Sheats County Attorney" Commissioner Lindsey made a motion that the above letter be filed ~s information. Said motion was s~conded by Commissioner Aldredge and unanimously adopted by the Board. .. ,~~.!- C, '. I �August 13, 1964 I Hr o Ferrin .Mat,h0ws Associate City Attorne y 131 7 William Olivar 13uilding Atlant a , Ge orgia 30303 Dear F'err•in: Confirming our tele phone co nversation t his date .si there is at t he interse ction of Delmar Lane and Brovmlee Ro ad, S oW. D a small piece o f p rope1"ty on which F'ul ton County c onstructed ·a Health Ce nte r and Recreati on Building some years ago. The two building s are conne cted by a covered ,-r n.l~ The Recr>eation Center is referred to as Adamsville Re crea tion Ce nter. Unde r the 19.52 11 Plan of Impr ovement " t he City o.ssumed operation o f the recreation building and the County r11anaged the Health Centero In about 1949, according to the County, the entire parcel of land was de dic ate d to public health purpo ses until 1969, in order to qu a li f y for State and Federal Funds. The County desires to expand the He alth Cent er , (using a ddit ional State and Federal Funds, whi ch involves rededica tion for 20 years ). Hy staff' and I, along with the City Land Agent, met with Mr . John W., Lemon, Administrator, Health Department. The expansion of the Heal th Center apparentl y td 11 not interfere with our recreation programo Mr., Lemon has reduce d to writing a gentlemen ' s agreement concerning the use of t he property. This agreement meets with my appr•oval and I, accordingly, subrrdt ted it to the Parks Comrni ttee on Aue;ust 11, 1961.j... The Comrni ttoe has no objections �August 13 ~ 1961+ Mrc Ferrin Mathews but did instruct me to determine if you had any le gal ob~ jectionsc Ve ry truly your s~ • Jack Co Delius Gene ral Mru.1.ager of Parks and Rec r eation JCD: sr cc: Mr~ Joh.Yl Wo Lemon Mro Paul Ivey Hiss Virginia Carmichael 0.,, () I) • I!" , 01--v,-'.-d,,tu.l ,, �City of Atlanta Parks & Rcc:;reation Dept. MJE M O Y/1; )/1 Da/ e --,..,Tim e 1+---,~"------- / / · ~ -:J ra_A _n-'-'-1~------'-A-'-.\-"- - <-l _143.215.248.55-~-V- - - - - - F R OM --;/11 ,., u}-"Y ou were called by i::=:;y'Please call or reply D Returning your call D Will call again 0 Left this message 0 D D 0 D You were visited by Waiting to see you Wishes an appointment Please Route Please take action ._ ~- j - Cf-. -


-~ i' I, t FORM 34•R·39 �' ; Ci ty of Atlanta Parks 8, ~ecreaHon Dept. MEMO

17 --1-- r Le Date 1~~ol. \o17 Tim_e1 ·__- - - - - - - .c. _(\_\)___ ~s _\J_L_\J._.-_-_ _c_·_8_~_ v_c::_::r'L/ _ _ __ - 10 _ _ FROM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D 0 O 0 ·o You were c alled by Plez.se c a ll or reply Returning your c all Will call again Left this message 0 ·0 O 0 D You were visited by Waiting to see you Wishes an appointment Pl ease Route Ple~se take a ction Vv\ ~-, -~ ' . -.; FORM 34-R•39 �Fulton County, G eorgia Inter-Office Memorandum Dat e J·,.·:,, 1./..-., From: 9'1 1,.._c··c~4 b.l t, 1 Si Subject: 'fb;3 Ada1nsville 1-1-..:ult h Center Prop~!"ty i In ..cc.ordnncc wit. ymir s uggc::stion .o Wt~ l:.,... t ti.is r::orn.i116 2 t t.hc 1 dt,1:,sville l-ieo.lth Center w.i t.1 Hr o J a c k lii;:;lius , ?~na ·:ur of tl.c i'-:;:;l11;1:t;t1, F2.l"ks re pa;;:·t1;ieHt .11 o-:,he:r. r,;ed;(ffS of his st~ff o....1d F ·"• l;aul r v ~h City Land ,\ 0 entt a.no :rcaehcd t lto:;; f ollowing r~r;r ee1c:cnt ~,?;m:ding t 1~ joint tise of thi.~ property g 1) The Coun ty h·ould ha.vc a fr-cc h-a.rn::1 .:m devclo_pin~ t hat p1rt of the pr or.,erty lying ,-est of the back ( tiast } \-'all of t 1 health ccntor l.mildi.r,.g . 2)

\nr p rt of t 10 health c cmter addition extending east--.u.--

of t,w ba.ck · ( i.::fwt ) wall of the heo..l~h c.z:nter "1.-/ 0\u .c.l be s o der.ignod as not t o interfere with access to or the ncl'i!ill t::oe of the recreation c enter building . 3) 'l'hc County wo,11 ·1 have tile ri.; n: t<, 1-~', t. nr:d use th3 · rr:a in th~ rr:ar of the recrco.tion cc:nt c:i.~ 1·01: 1.u.:ddr,!l' p~:t.T.1,'C·Ses proviclc_g e) That t he City Would SO t his area f 0~ :rncrea,tio.ial l}Ul'}Kiees \'I 1cn it \ iU.f. not i n 'Se for par ·ing:; and b) 'fo~t tte e:-:istini !Jaruccuo _r.avilion in t.lis area be preserved or relocated so t.w.t it cou1d ccntinue to ::ie t scd i.t.-i con~ecti on \vi t.h t he r eci:caticn cen tcK" . 4) In view of the ex i sting uc . ic·ition of this entir~ po.reel of land to pu -lie hrio.J.th flUrJJoscs uutil l~f>9v .:u1d the requi:i:-c1:1ont: that it ~c rededicated to J.>Ubl ic health purJ:-Oscs if h·e ru·.:: to o tnin St<1.te nnd Federal aid for the ae.;.dition.o it ,,•a.s agreed t hat no part of t he pro . .rty would be con-.. veye to t 10 City, but that th,is vgrccr.:.e,.1t ~-n mld be · {duced t o n-i tinr• aml t i~catcd a s a Ccntlcn:cn 9s .;i._;ree;;tent £-at .1or tha.l'l a l egal encU1:1beronce ssubjcct t o the _pprov.:il of both 1).'.}.rtic5' t ·i 1~ au•·l· .... \ ·, 1·· .. - d I r "cognb..ed tuat \:le do 11ot nave ....1o?'i • ""v ...., to c o~·li';i -· ·· ...... .cU tnO\.lcYh b<h,!1 dr . De :rn;;) an ~, ··; . •·' l . understandi n , as satisfactory fro,:i our rerP>ective governments , \:JC aq e'J,t to 1-ne a .ovi.: ..., t he vic~:point of cur respective d~pal' tr.:.ents 0 0 l?.1. · c. ""r"tC and ccot•:erative , and ar~ to · t af~ a•1tl ~lr o Ive.._. were all very Con . j) h•.1.s }'!r. D.e11.us s ... • " k -out "' a°'raut1:...,. lly acceptable accc111:1c.YJ a_be cour,cncled heartily for their willin°;nest; to wor 1 tion. \;e are very grateful t o you for cx_r-edi ting tho amicable resolution of t his probl emo cci Mr. Jack D~lius HrG Alan F e Kiepper Hr. Guy tav~s Hr. HcGeorge �July 309 1964 I I Mr o Harold· Shea:ts 9 Com1ty Attorney FuJ:t.on County Leeal Do:p1,rtment 92? Fulton Federal Building Atlanta.£) C--eorcJa. 3030.3 Dear I-fro Sho~ts: · Hr<> ..Ler-u0n mot 1-rlth 1"'0p!'esentatives of t, he Parks and 1 ecroation DepJ.:rtment and myself on the grounds cf the He:1lth Cent0r on J'uly 23p 1964. o I un lerst::1nd. f rom Ere Delius t e Parks Department l~n..1.eer t n t 11r o Le ,on has writ ton you a l etter outlining the results of this r.ie~rtinge 7/Jlruly, .Paul Bo Ivey ! and Agent PBI/gk CC: Mr . , Ra.lpl1. c .. Jenkins 0 Assoc.ia.te City Attorney CCi i;ro John \J Lcmon i1 Admir.d.stratorp He.tlth Departm.ent O,C...--1lro Jack Co Delius D darugerD Parks D3pc1,rtment ., �. ._., ·C ~TY O F ATLA TA LAND D E P A RTMENT PAUL B. IVEY, Land Agent 3030 3 July 28, 1964 I WALTER N . HENDRIX GER A LD R. McCLELLAND MYERS R, LOVELE SS, J R . LYMA N LEE DAILEY RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENTS Mr. Jack C. Delius, ~.anager Parks Department City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgi a 30303 Re: Adamsville Health Center Dea r Ja ck: Enclosed herewith find xerox copy of legal opinion r endered by Ralph C. Jenkins, Associate City Attorney. Yours"v'ery truly, ~;#1;1~f Paul B. Ivey land Agent PBI/ gk Encl. MEMBER �C~ TY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMEN T OF L AW 1114 WILLI AM - OLIVER BUILDING Atlan t a , Georg ia 30303 July 27, 1964 / HEtmY L, BOWDEN CITY ATTORNCY LEWIS R. SLATON ROBERTS. WIGGINS MARTIN McFARLAND EDWI N L, STERNE RAL PH C. JENKINS JOH N E . DOUGHERTY FER R I N Y. MATHEWS CHA R L E S M. LOKEY . AS ~ I S T A NT C:ITY ATTORNEY ' ASSOCIATE C ITY ATTORNEYS T. ~. REID ROB ER ~- A, HARRIS Mr. Paul B. Ivey, Land Agent City Hall Atlanta, G~orgia 30303 Re: CLAI M S ... TTORNEYS Adamsville Health ·center Dear Mr. Ivey: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 10 concernii.1g the p~operty in Adamsville that is being used as a recreational center wherein you ask for an opinion as to the rights of the Cicy has in and to that certain tract of land in Land Lot 243 of the 14th District of Fulton County, Georgia~; that is cur rently being used by the City Parks Depar tment for recreationa l purposes. Section 4(a) of the 1951 Ga. Laws at page 3113 provides as follows: "The legal title . to all real property owned by Fulton County within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta as the same may be extended on or after the dat e this Act is appr oved and assigned to or u sed in conne ction wi th a parks and r e crea tional syst em on the dat e this Act is approve d, shall on January 1, 1952 pass to the Lity of Atlant a with all rights and appurtenances thereto and subject to all li e ns and emcumbrances thereon~ unless conveyed by deed to said Cit y of Atlant a a t an earlie r da teo If no e a rlier conve yanc e is ma de , t he pr oper a uthoritie s of Fulton County are dire ct e d in or de r to clar ify the recor d t itle t o s aid pr operty t o e x e cut e and de l i v er to t h e City q f At l ant a on J anu ary 1, 195 2 , or a s soon the rea fter a s pract ica b l e , a dee d or deeds containing t Ae legal des c ription of said pr operty, but such deeds sha l l no t b e neces s ary to e ffect convey ance of the l ega l t i t le ." It would appear to me f r om the facts that you h av e fur nishe d t h a t this property has b een assigned to be us e d i n c onnection with a recrea t iona l s ystem and tha t lega l title to such pr oper ty pa sse d to the City of Atlanta on January 1, 19520 �' Page 2 Mro Paul Bo Ivey I Trusting that this ans·we r s yqur question, I am " RCJ/cs cc: Mro Harold Sheats ·• 1· ~ .. �,' Mr . Ra lph J enkins Associate City Attorney 1114 William-Oliver Bl dg . , Atlanta , deorgi'e., 30303 . Dear Ra lph : I enclose herewit h an I nter-Office Memorandum f rom Harol d Sheat s , County Attorney to John W Lemon, Administrat or, Health Department, perta ining to the Adamsville Hea lth Center, I am s ending this for your attention and information . vµpyours, Pau l B Ivey , IAND AGENT PBI :S Encl. cc: Mr . J a ck Delius / I . /,: .( . ., ·..-.· . .. ,::~ ..: �Fulton County, G ~orgia ' · ,- ' ·I nter-OHice Memorandum To: John Wo Lemon ,p Admini stra torp Heal th Depto From: Harold Sheats" County Attorney Date July 22 0 l 96L,. Subject: Adamsville Health Center The City apparently c annot make up i ts .mind about its claim to any po rtion of the Adamsville Health Cente r ~ Therefore$ I recommen d tha.t you proceed with your plan s to use thi s prope rty. The he alth program isp of cour s e ; a County program and the County · has every right to use the property for that purpo seo ,, HW CC: Mro Paul B. Ivey, Land City of Atlanta •· ). ., ',)\. r ·~: :_t ··~.. . .. ~ .. . :-1..:;.1r, . . ,,.. 1:~... . ....-~·/ ·i" "b r. ;,t . ! : .- ·-1...~ -~- ; .. , . . ·, · ' · · .z: :'"' •.: ~.'. ._ ., .I • �April 14, 1969 Mr . William c. Key, Secretary The Atlanta Horticultural Cent r , Inc . 1819 Peachti-ee Road, N. Ii:. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Dear Mr. y: thank you very much for your 1 tter of Apl:'il lOa 1969 advising ua tbat 1 due to conditions beyond your control, the Board of Trust s of th Atlanta Horticultural Center, Inc . on March Jl, 1969 voted that th corporat_ion would b diaaolv cl and that 00 furthet:' ffort b ad for fund raising or for the dev lopment of a garden cent r i~ Pi dmont Park. Accordingly, I aa advising ,11 thoa City officials aad loy a will aake uch appropriate notations 1n lv d of your dectaioo and as indicated on the contr ctual agr e nt on file with th D1r ctor of Flnanc . W , too• appr ci t your coop ration and und retandlng in ·t ryi to provide for Atlanta a ch n ded facility. Perhapa at acme futur dat dditional efforts 1 ·ht be d and thank you 1n for your continu d cf.vie inter et, I Cordially, Jack C. Delius General Mana er of Pqk1 nd acre tlo JCD:j co: Mayor Ivan A l! n, J~. / Al -eeilanlc arks Ooad.tte• • Charle, t.. n..vt,, Dtreoto of PJ;na · •

-'• tare• 1t1e1, 1ti1ta t Gen ral Hanagu f atke

• ta le7 T. Martin, AHlatant G e~a1 Ma •& r of 'ki • T. v. Vat•. n, roraaa , Pi nt Park

'· . B. O · tun, HOl"tlcultur:tat, Ptedaont

uk �·arch 18, 1969 D _r Dr. · All ·y ou.tor y C • lally. JCD:j cc: ll �Ap:cil 4. 1969 Mis Grar.:e Kelley 1015 Washita Avenue . N. E. Atl nt • G orsia 30307 f J;"ance ,: Southeast corQ.er of int r•ection of North Highland Avenue. N. B. and Washita Avenue , N. E. Dar Miss Kelley : This letter is in cefe~ence to your ~orreepondence to yor Ivan All n, Jt . ,:equ ~tin t hat the .above.. ent:toned proi,er.ty b. 'beautifi d so a to b nefit the tteighborhood . We 'WOuld c rtainly lik to do t h1 in th.ac have a continuing pro~a:ill remnants and am 11 parcels of 1 nd left ov r f7!o ere.et widening.• etc;. Bow ·ver. re re ~dvle~d in thh c as that this property wa · purch.i · d by the 01.ty L nd nt. a.cti a nt fo~ the Stat Hi ay Departm~nt. for th con truct1on of the con Mount in Fr way . W r-tt" further dvi ed th$t the con tructlon hould st rt in th r futur. W h b n ing up rath r clo ely with th con truc~ion t t ble in that th y dos go tl:\rou hap rt of Candl r Park. of develQpin 'lb nk you ain fo~ your uugg .stion, t Cordi ,lly_, JCJUjw cc: lv.n 4U.en• Aldana , ·elW'4 Fr Aldenl&ll Ce.ell Tui.- .Jr. / ' - n, �.-- March 11, 1969 Mrs . Geneus H . Smith Spellman Street Know Your Neighbor· Club c/o Dixie Hills Community Council 2.193 Verbena Street, N . W. Atlanta, Georgia 30314 Dear Mrs . Smith: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of FebllUary 2 4 regarding a wimming pool at Anderson Park this summer. I am in receipt of a copy of the letter Mr . Jack Deliu wrote · you hich answe r your questions on a wimming pool. I am ure that he will continue to be of every possible assi tance. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. IAJr:hdt �March 6, 1969 Mrs. Paul Baron, District Director Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Incorporated 52 Fairlie Street, N . W . Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mrs . Baron: Thank you for your letter of March 5th regarding the benefit carnivals to be held by the City Parks and Recreation Department on March 22.nd . I certainly agr e with you that the recreation staff ii doing a wonderful job, and I will try to top by the carnivals. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. M ayor lAJr:lp �MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATIONS of AMERICA, INC. National Office-1790 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10019 JU 6-0808 t M RS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON Honorary Chairman PAUL COHEN President ADE T. MILHORAT, M. D. Chairman, Medical Advisory Board JERRY LEW IS National Chairman dedicated to the scientific conquest of neuromuscular diseases through basic and applied research into nerve, muscle and metabolism PLEASE REPLY TO: THIRD FLOOR 52 FAIRLIE STREET N. W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Telephone: 524-1 752 March 5, 1969 Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: The City Parks and Recreation Department of Atlanta has a fine staff. You know this. We with M.D.A.A., Inc. - must say how great we feel the department folk are , for each year, Miss Carmi chael' s group does more and more for our crippled children . This month on March 22, the staffers' of the Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department are holding benefit carnivals f or the Atlanta Area Chapter of M.D.A. A. Inc., at three city recreation centers - simultaneously from eleven in the morning on through the day. The sites are Grove Park, Adams Park and the South Bend Centers. If you are going to be in town on March 22, we 'd be so honored if you'd drop into one or all of these event s. You' ll be proud of our city employees. Thanks to you for all you do. Since 1ly yours, ~ Mrs,~ Distr ict Director supporting a world wide program of scientific grants .. . sponsoring a unique research facility, the Institute for Muscle Disease . .. assisting patients through therapy, service programs and clinics ~ �November 5 , 1969 MEMORANDUM TO: Jack Deliu FROM : Dan Sweat 8-UBJECT : October 30, letter from Lewis Parker This project ha come a long way since the origin l discussions from three years ago. I hope we can participate in this project and hope th t your departm.ent can have some influence in the land scaping pl n for the propertie • Pl a e let me know if l can be of any help. DESJ'r:sm �DJXIE HILLS COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2193 Verbena Street, Now. Atlanta, Georgia 30314 February 24, 1969 Mro Ivan Allen, Mayor of Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, So W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Sir: The purpose of this letter is to bring to your attention a definite need that exists in this connnunityo Namely, the fact that there is no up-to-date and sanitary swinnning pool in this areao We know that you know that all public pools that are not chlorinated in this city have been or will be condemned by the Health Departmento We know of no definite date set for closing these poolso We do know from our personal survey that Mosley, Washington and Maddox are in this condition, therefore, are condemned or should beo As far as we can ascertain no plans are known to replace or update these poolso Now Anderson Park is in a state of development and this community is proud of the progress made as o£ ' this dateo We also know that it was too long a time before any improvement was made, and we feel that it should be completed as soon as pos iibleo· We know that funds are limited to some degreei but we also feel that a pool at Anderson Park this year should be nlllllber one priority over all others, becaus e of the unsanitary conditions of every pool in this complete areao It was stated, factually or not, by a city official that Anderson Park would have a pool and bath house completed this year (1969) by the close of school and opening of city parkso The people of this connnunity, especially the children and teenagers, are hopefully looking forward to the completion and opening of this recreation facilityo �As stated in the newspapers and verbally to members of this committee, there is no money available at this time for this projecto We feel, however, because of the conditions of the existing park pools in this area somehow, somewhere, the money must be found for a pool at Anderson Park this summero We feel that you as a person who has shown a definite interest in the future growth and development of our overall city will cooperate in seeking means and ways to get a swimming pool for Anderson Parko We know we can count on youo Please give this your earliest possible attention and advise us on what other steps we may take to expedite this projecto We would appreciate hearing from you in the next seven dayso Sincerely, Community Civ.ic Club , Inco Dixie Hill Progressive Civic Club reation (coach) cutive Secretary Block 7 Block 9 .. ' Area Block 11 Area Block 13 Block 16 �,· OF DEPARTMENT OF PARKS OFFICE OF GENERAL /,\M~AGER . ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MAt~ACER FRED P. WHITLEY ASST. CEN . MANAGER FRED. W. EOSViE LL Asst . CEN. ,.1ANAC!:R VIRGl:IIA CAF<M ICHAEL, C>IR. OF RCCAEATION STM,LEY T. ~IARTIN AD~UN . ASSl5 TANT


>: Dear Mrs. Smith: .Thank you very much for your letter of February 24, 1969,_ which was received on March 6, 1969 regarding the need .· ,. for a swimming pool at Anderson Park. I address this letter primarily to your since your name appeared first f on the l e tter of petition and I am taking the liberty of sending carbon cop ies to Messrs . Miller and Hart ~ since this office has addresses on these t wo gentlemen. In addition, I am taking _the liberty of sending c arbon

copies of this letter along with copies of yours to

the members of the Park Committee of the Board of Aldermen


f ·:. and staff members of this department . ' !. : Out of the fifteen swimming pools currently operated by the City of Atlanta, five of them do not meet modern Fulton County Health Department specifications. These ,_. pools are Pi~dmoI)t, Maddox , Washington, Oakland City, L and Mozley. Every conceivable attempt is made to maintain rJ sufficient maximum hygenic standards in that . these five ~'.; mentioned pools are not pres·ently fi l t e red. Each and 1--: every one of them is scheduled for replacement in cur -~ 15 year Park and Recreation Plan~ ! Fi We particularly appreciated your kind rema rks concerning . at Anderson Park and location doe s nee d a · swimming pool. However , a large percentage of the 1969 Park Improvement Budget has be en earmarked for Model Cities and urban beautification. A total of some 32 different projects are listed which will~ we hope, be comple ted in 1969. This will utilize every penny of funds made ava ilable to thi s ·departme nt by ·_ the Boa rd of Alderme n for capital i mp ro vements . r~ we development which has taken place fully agre e with you tha t this �..


/ . rs. Geneua H. Smith --- - ·----- -·March 7, 1969 Page 2 . -~ - . I .I \ . .• ---...... -~;;::::.-. , , --- I .·• When Mr. ·w. Z. Miller recently came before the Parks Committee of the Board of Aldermen requesting that a _.. . , ,. ~ swimming pool be built at the earliest possible time . / at Anderson Park, several members of the Committee stated that they would make an attempt or at least request additional capital improvement funds for this department from the new bond issue authorized late las~ year. As 1 I understand it, a number of capital projects from all twenty-odd departmeijts are being listed now and .priorities will shortly be est~blished as to the utilization of this bond money. It must cover sewers, streets, bridges, etc.; not jgst parks. A member of this department, Mr. Charles Devon of our Park Engineering Division,- was present when a community services coordinator stated at a meeting held in your -community last year that plans did include a swimming pool and bathhouse for Anderson Park to be completed during 1969. Mr. Devon was completely shocked at this statement and corrected the man immediately thereafter. Not even the undersigned, as General Manager of Parks, -has the authority to obligate the City of Atlanta · to ·· projects -where no funds exist. Please be assured that I do have a definite personal interest in the future growth of recreation facilities for the · Dixie Hills area and in particular Anders-o n -Park. You can indeed count on me to the extent that I am allowed to construct new items within the capacity. of available funds. · ., We appreciate your continued assistance, and I am ordially, s~w C. ~_J ack C. Delius eneral Manager of Parks and Recreation i - -~ i . JCD:bf cc: Mr. W. Z. Miller, Community Civic Club, Inc. Mr. Charles Hart, CNAC Representative Aldermanic Parks Committee, w/xerox Mr . Stan l ey T. M-:1.rtin , Jr ., Asst. Gen . Mgr. Mr . A. P. Brindley, Parks Engineer Mr. Johnny ?.ob i :'.'.son. , I,:~yor' s Off i ce r , t �DIXIE HILLS COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2193 Verbena Street, N. w. Atlanta, Georgia 30314 February 24, 1969 Mr Jack Delius, General Manager Parks and Recreation City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, s; W. A~lanta, Georgia 30303 0 Dear Sir: The purpose of this letter is to bring to your attention a definite need that exis.ts in this community. Namely, the fact that there is no up-to-date and sanitary swimrning pool in this area. We know that you know that all public pools that are not chlorinated in this city have been or will be condemned by the Health Department. We know of no definite date set for closing these poolso We do know from our personal survey that Mosley, Washington and Maddox are in this condition, therefore, are condemned or should be. As far as we can ascertain no plans · are known to replace or update these pools. Now Anderson Park is in a state of development and this community is proud of the progress made as of this date. We also know that it was too long a time before any improvement was made, and we feel that it · should be completed as soon as possible. We know that funds are limited to some degree, but we also feel that a pool at Anderson Park this year should be number one priority over all others, because of the unsanitary conditions of every pool int his complete area. It was stated, factually or not, by a city official that Ander son Park would have a· pool and bath house completed this year (1969) by the close of school and opening of city parks. The people of this comrnunity, especially the children and teenagers, are hopefully · looking forward to the completion and opening of this recreation f_acility., As stated in the newspap_ers and verbally to members of this commi t tee, ther e is no .money available at this time for this project . We fee l , however , because of the conditions of the ex isting park pool s in this ar ea somehow, somewhere , the money must be found for a pool a t Ander son Park this summer . -. 12:52, 29 December 2017 (EST)RsK~S~A ·4' • () -o it RECEl'ltl t~ _ ~ <) 't. E\ Mt,R G 1%, -9 ~

t .

~o143.215.248.55 ~a �I I W~ feel that you, as a person, who has shown a definite interest ih the future grmvth and development of our overall city will cooperate in seeking means and ways to get a swinnning pool for Anderson Park. We knmv we can count on youo 1 Please give this your earliest possible attention and advise us on what other steps we may take to expedite this projecto We would appreciate hearing from you in the next seven dayso Sincerely, .lj/216 J;1//I.U cl J/, ~ ,,;~ . , }11\ , -?.., , °h// ,/-bv ., _/ / ' ,, ( _,,d ., , ·[ _¼' Community Civic Club, Inc. l ,w fl~/j ,.U-cL c.- Spellman Street Know Your Neighbor Club --'---'-----"---,1--"-'ca..--+,"""'-'--"-'-----+---- Dixie Hill Progressive Civic Club , Georgia Community Action Association 7 Area Block 9 Area Block 11 1/J•'--C -t , Area Block 13 r;r: ' Area Block 16 �0 LA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 February 10, 1969 JACK C. DELIUS GE N ERAL MANAGER FRED P . WHITLEY ASST . GEN . MA N AGER FRED . W. BOSWELL ASST . GEN . ~AN AG-ER VIRGINIA CARMICHAEL, I Mr. Jack c. Delius General I1anager, Parks Dept. City Hall Annex Atlanta, Georgia 30303 DIA . OF RECREATION STANLEY T . MARTIN AOMIN . ASSISTANT Dear Mr. Delius, Attach_e d is the findings for camper cost at Resident and Wilderness camps. I do not believe it shows a true picture of cost, because we had to take the totals on an average of campers - as you know our camp has a maximum of 40 campers per session and this was filled most of the time. However this being our second year of operation, I feel that we have improved on attendance over the first year. It takes some time to educate the parents to let their youngsters leave home for a week at the time. I do feel that this ·y ear we will have the maximum each week and that we will have a waiting list for area's to participate in our camping program. If I can be of further service to you, please do not hesitate to call on me. Sincerely, .---·12 - /7 7 j /-H/ ~ ~ )fCv t tZ~ Dorothy Yarbrough DY/mpb / - �RESIDENT & WILDERNESS CAMP - 1968 l) Total cost meals - $5,248.93 ~ 72 days= cost per day + average total campers 70 = 1.05 per day per camper 2) Total cost (Others) $2,594.50 ~ 72 days= cost per day 36.02 + average total camper s 70 = • 51 per day per cs,mper 3) Total cost (Salaries) Residen t only $13,926.50 ~ 72 days= cost per day 193.43 7 average total campers 28 = 6.91 per day per camper cost per Resident camper staff: $J4.55 fooda 5.25 others: ~ 72.90 5 days $42.J3 4) Total cost (Salaires) Wilderness only $12,339.52 + 72 days= cost per day $171.38 7 average total campers 42 = 4.08 per day per camper cost per Wilderness camper 5 days staff: $20.40 food~ · 5.25 others: ~ J28. 20 . �C~TY OF DEPARTMENT OF PARKS OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 February JACK C . DELIUS 12, 1969 I / CENE RAL MANAGER FRED P. WHITLEY ASST . GEN . MANAGER FRED. W. BOSWELL ASST. GEN, MANAGER VIRGINIA CA RMIC HAEL, CIR . OF RECREATION Honorable Charlie Leftwich, Chairman Aldermanic Parks Committee 1665 Jonesboro Rd., S.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30315 STANLEY T . MARTIN AOMIN . ASSISTAN.T Dear Mr . Leftwich : Pursuant to the several converstions you have held with the undersigned, al ong with the interest expressed . by Mayor I van Allen, Jr ., I asked Miss Dorothy Yarbrough of our Recreation Divi s ion to comput e a s a ccurat e ly as pos s ible the cost of op e r a ting our r es ident c a mp and the wilderne ss camp at Lake Allatoona. I have take n the libe r ty of xeroxing her response which include s a breakdown for cost per resident camper at $42.35 for a five day period and a cost for wilderne s s resident camper of $28.20 for a five . da y p e riod. I have di s cuss e d v e ry thorou g hly with a l l the Rec r eat i on Supervisors the opinions e xpre s sed by you and Mayor Allen as to the expens es i n volv ed in operating a camp, particularly one that is some forty-five miles f~om City Ha ll . I have ma de the sugges tion that pos s ibly we s hould i n crease the numb e r of p arti c ipant s and lowe r the dura tion of s t a y in · orde r to r educ e t he p e r camper cos t. I s ti ll f e e l the r e is s ome me rit in t hi s sugge s t ion ; howe ver , the supervisors r epre s enting the five areas of At l a nta without exc eption s t a t e tha t c iti ze n s i n their areas of Atlanta were v e r y pl eased with the f ive d a y sche dule a nd woul d prefe r i t not to b e r e duce d. · We a r e care ful l y a voidin g the e xp e nditure of a ny City f u nd s for a nything o t h e r tha n a b s olut e b as i c ma int e n a nce and upkeep a t both our camping facilitie s . We have howeve r, i nclude d i n our 1969 p r op o sal to EOA p rov i sio ns f o r camping . I .t see ms t hat OEO in Wa shing ton plac e s great e mp h as is on c a mping exp e ri e nc e and s inc e we h ave condu ct e d t hi s prog r a m with Fe d e ral fund s for the l as t -seve r a l y ears , I f ee l it in the b es t i n t eres t n o t to r emove i t during 1969 . �Honorable Charlie Leftwich February 12, 1969 Page 2 _ ..... -- ,/ I appreciate your continuing interest in our camping facilities, and I am ordially, Delius eneral Manager of arks and Recreation JCD:bf Enclosure cc: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Honorable G. Everett· Millican Honorable Rodney M. Cook Honorable Douglas L.· Fowlkes I �Atv -' {j- cs uJ 6~~- BOARD OF TRUSTEES • ~ThN ~, f\ (l\ l /0 R~ 'U.-t~~ \ '1 N Richard H. Pough Chairman of the Board James 8. Ross President Charles E. Little Executive Vice President OPEN SPACE INSTITUTE Mrs. Marshall Field John Ripley Forbes Richard D. Graham John P. Keith 145 E. t52nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 · 212-421-0732 I March 7, 1969 Mr. Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Delius: ., -- - --- --rhank ·you so--much -for lending · us ·t he photographs -or·"Atlanta' s playlot program. I am returning them h~rewith. -~ The - story· on vacant- lots -is scheduled for the May - June issue of Open Space Action and when it is available, Mrs. Svenson will send you copies. ·---Sincerely, ~ ~,,j ( ' /"!J_, ,,[/).d Linda A. Murray Associate Editor 7 �CITY OF ATLANTA PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DIVISION March 5, 1969 Dear Sir, The attached information was sent to our Recreation staff and the demonstratinn will be given to help educate our staff in the sport of Jud~. The Southeastern Judp Tournament will be held at the Decatur Recreation Department on March 22-2J. We will be glad to have any of your staff who would like to att.end this meeting so they may ask questions and become more familiar with the sport before the tournament. If you have any ~uestions I may be reached at 522-4463 ext. 315. Sincerely, _., . 1 ~1fit154»~ Ron Ransom Recreation Coordinator Atlanta Parks and Recreation Dept. RR/gan �CITY OF ATLANTA PARKS D3PARTMENT RECRi£ATION DIVISION March 5, 1969 On Tuesday Mar ch 11, 1969 at the South Bend gym the recreation staff of the Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department will be given a judo demonstration by three top-flight judo experts. Robert Gib~s - 1st. degree black belt 1st. runner up at the i966 Southeas·tern Judo Invitational in Atlanta. Reggie datterson - 1st. degree black belt runner up at the 1968 All Florida College Championships - 1st. runner up of the Southeast ~ rn Judo Invitationsl, Jacksonville, Florida. Joon Hi Song - 5th degree black belt taught at Korean Judo College, Korean Police Academy and Korean Military Academy. He was a member of the Korean Olympic Judo training team in 1963. He came to the U. S. in 1963 to teach at the Air Force Academy. Mr. Song moved to Atlanta in 1964 a nd has taught judo to the Georgia State Patrol and U. S. Federal Marshalls. He now teaches judo at Georgia Tech.,Decatur, and Marietta Recreation Department. Mr. Song is the Dixie State Judo champion and is Vice-Pres. of the Southeastern College Judo Ass ociati on. �• areh 13 ~ 1969 Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Cente r (MASDC ) Davis--Mont ham Airforce Base, Arizona 85 707 RE : Demi litarized surplus combat aircraft , Poste ll and Roads Str.e ~ t s, _i_._w_.____ Dear Sir: Please oons1der,:·~h1e a for ,a l request from the City of tlanta to acquire a demilitarized 3Urp l us combat aircraft for installation on a p laylot l ocated within the City of Atlanta in a disadvantag~d area known as Vie Ci ty , and more particularly located at Postell and Roads Streets , N. • If this request is approved , the undersigned wi ll arrange wit. t h n yor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta to hav pas ed r solution to authorize the N yor or the und rsi gned to accept title and responsi ility for the donated property. In addition, we r in position nd wi ll sign in compli no n assurance that t h r will b no d1sorim1nation ex rciz din conn ction with the don ted property. with the Civil Rights Law Wed ply ppreo1ate any consideration t hat you can g1v �Military Airaraft Storage and Disposition Center !'larch 13 ~ 1969 Pag e 2 this request j and I am Cordially , Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation JCD: tm cc :' Colonel J. F. Frakes , Prof. of Aerospace Stu91es Dan Sweat ~ D11'"ector of Oovermental Liasion i/ Miss Elizabeth Hendricks , President, Board of Trustees, Quaker House Ir. Neal iilliams , Georgia IDech Mr. Stan 1artin , Jr., Assistant General Manager of Parks and Recrea tion ,r . Joe Gentry , Parks En ineering Division �Division of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Design · University of Georgia College of Agriculture Athens, Georgia 30601 "~~)t ', April 10, 1969 ,i.~~-1.4A-. \) , c.... ~ Soc~ ~ Mr / Jack C. Delius Ge_n eral Manager of Parks and Recre ation ' Department of Parks City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 !)qsc_b\ Dear Mr. Delius: After S!,-lCh a nice visit with you, I would like to thank you again for the way you arranged our visit and the way you treated us. Our visit to your Department brought the students out of the quiet drafting and study rooms of our University, expos e d the m to the refre shing air of your operation and gave them the opportunity to learn and expe rience where the problems are in our field. All together, it was a worthwhile e x perience for the stude nts and also for us. Pleas e pass our tha nks 2.long to Mr. Rans om, Miss Carmichae l, Mr. Swe at, Dr. Buchana n a nd Mr. De rsch a nd a ll your colleague s who contri bute d to this successful e xcursion. I would like to ask a question. In your Atlanta Park and Recreation Plan you compare d y our plan to the national standards. Could you t e ll me , pleas e , wh ere I could g e t a copy of the s e standards? Again, many t hank s. Fride rich Oeh miche n Visiting As s oc ia t e Professor FO/ d c b N.fl. 4, ~ I\. \'1 6 o «~. ~\.) l! t.J , ~ · W;\ S I-\ ~~ () (,.. �19 March 1969 Mr . Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation City Hall Annex Atlanta, Georgia Subject: Demilitarized Surplus Aircraft, City of Atlanta Playlot (Your Letter, March 13, 1969) Dear Mr . Delius: Thank you for the copy of your letter to the Militacy Ai~craft Storage and Disposition Center (MASDC ) , Davis Monthan AFB, Arizona 85707. Please note the enclosed letter £~om MASDC and the brochure provided by the Center on deeaUed instructions for the acquisition, disassembly, and transportation of a donated USAF aircraft. Regarding the F-86F series aircraft which Colonel R. P. Colline identifies in his letter as being available in Arizona, I believe that you would find this single•engine jet fighter suitable for a playground . Also, Since the G orgi Air National G1,1 rd at Dobbins AFB previously operated the F-86D aircraft, their maintenance peronnel should be able to as 1st tn the bandllng of n P·86F. Thie led$ to considering the Georsta Air Natton 1 Guard, namely the 116th Military Airlift Wing (ANG) to llow Brig dier G ner, l Thompson time to -rrango for use of ANG · irlift foi this civic proj ct . The Stat of Ge rgt.a, as well as the City of Atlanta, hould rec iYe f~vorable publicity long with Geo~gia Tech in this overall proj ct. I am enclo~tng copy of thi · letter which you _y want to provt.d to Mr. Dan sweat in his cap city -as Director of Govetl\lllental Liai on for the City of Atl nt4. Sincu t;},/::j BAllS, Colon -1, USAF a ~~£lor of Aif Fo~c A,ro ·p ce Studte nt �OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR state plann1n 4 BUReau 270 WASHINGTON ST., S.W. I ATLANTA, GA. 30334 I 524-1521 H. OLIVER WELCH Stele Planning Officer May 28, 1969 Mr. Stan Martin, Jr. Administrative Assistant City of " Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department City Hall Annex Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Martin: Effective May 26, 1969, the Land and Water Division handling the Grant-in-Aid program has been transferred to the State Planning Bureau with H. Oliver Welch as the State Liaison Officer. Please continue to forward all correspondence to · Jim Prevatte, Coordinator, Land and Water Division, to the above address. This change will in-no way hinder the operation of the Land and Water Division, but rather will expedite handling of many problems that may arise in the future. Join with me in wishing for a better recreation program in the State of Georgia. Yours very truly, H. Oliver Welch Liaison Officer c::l~ (f;?uh~ T . c~~ / By Jim Prevatte Coordinator, Land and Water Division JP : j g �C LA TY OF DEPARTMENT OF PARKS OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 June 9, 1969 JACK C. DELIUS_ GiENERAL MANAGER FRED P. WHITLEY TO: ASST . GEN. MANAGER FRED. W. BOSWELL ASST . GEN.MANAGER VIRGINIA CARMICHAEL. OIR . OF RECREATION Mr. Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation FRciM: · Ronald Ransom j2__ STANLEY T. MARTIN AOMIN. ASSISTANT SUBJECT: House for Recreation Center 103 Threakcld _A."renue (Mrs. Kimpson, Price EOA Center} 7 I have had David Mack run a cost analysis on the operation of the above mentioned house. Personnel Cost: One Community Leader @ $20. 25 per day for 80 days - $1, 620. 00 Two Recreation Leaders @ $16. 40 per day for 80 days - $2, 624. 00 An estimate of rent and utilities: Gas, electricity, phone, water Rent on House The cost just for the summer 25.00 90.00 $4,589.00 This doesn't include equipment. When I told Mrs. Kimpson we didn't have the money, she informed me that the city has done nothing for them in their section of town but that when rocks are thrown that somehow we came up with the money. I told her I would pass -these figures on to you and Mr. Sweat and we would let her know something as soon as possible. RR/pah cc: Mr . D a n Sw eat I �July 8, 1969 "" Mr. Lynn R . We terga rd. Director Economic Dev lopment d Education Th Atlanta Urb L gu , Inc. 239 Auburn Avenu , N. E . Atlanta, Georgl 30303 Dear Lynn: Thank you for your 1 tter of July 3 <:oncernhlg th v cant lot brought to your att tion by Mr. Noria Hog J1 • I have referred th1 letter to Mr. Deliu , G ener l Man ger of th Park De p rtm nt. 1 am ur that Mr. Ho ns ill he r from ! r. Deliu v ry hortly. S lnc::er ly your , Iv n All n, Jr. yor IAJr:fy cc: Mr. J ck D llua �V July 25, 1969 Mr. Jaq:k Delius General M nager Parks and Recreation Departnient City of Atlanta Atlanta, · Georgia Dear J a ck: The attach d forms were d livered to the Mayor's Offic by some young 1 dy 1rom your dep rtment with the l'equeat that th Mayorsign them,. Before th Mayor can ttach hi signatur to uch forms, he must hav prop r uthoriz tion by the Board of Aldermen and the City Attorney. U you ould have copies of th n cess ry authoriz tions tt ch d nd re'turn th fotm tom , 1 wUl se that they ar executed properly. Sine rely youl' , D nSw at DSt!y Enclo ur s ( Z) �;~y1,- if~,,,. ,J!,•\I :.l• 11,,, . J:;~;,l ··~!~·-.: :~· . f ~ '. t . ~ ·1.jj ~j DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CITY HALL ANNEX ATL ANTA, GEORGIA 30303 ~· '<t:-:; ..~:. .-~ '!}1;~{'"r .. ,_~'~ '~'..!:.!;. September 12, 1969 ·,-:-_<<--::-_1ft -. - . JACK C. D E LIUS G E N E RAL M A NAG E R STANLEY T. MA fl TIN, JR. ASST. GEN. MANAGE R F. PIERCE WHITLE Y ASST.GEN. MANAGER CA R L W. RYA LS, J R. SR. ADM IN . A SS ISTANT VI R GINI A CARMI C H A EL DIR. OF RECRE ATI O~I City Law Department 2614 First Nationa l Bank Building Atl anta, Georgia 30303 Attention: Mr. Ferrin Y. Mathews, Assistant City Attorney · Mr. Thoma s F. Choyce, Associate City Attorney Dear Ferrin and Tom: This letter conce rns a problem we are having with Fulton County involving ce rtain County and City property known as the Adamsville Health/Recreation Center, and also land now owned by Fulton County (and sometime s referred to as the "Nelson prop erty") a djacent to Bagley Pa rk in the Northeast s e ction of our City; fina lly, as pa rt .of the ove r a ll pa ckage , thi s l e tter a lso c·o'nc e rns an undeve loped park site in Northwes t At l anta , known as the Sandy Creek Park Site . The latte r is adjacent to the Fulton County Airport. Let me s ay at the onset tha t the Pa rks Committe e is aware tha t Mr. Choyce is th e Atto r ney assign ed to the Parks Dep artment, but the y f eel s ince cons i derabl e amount o f r esearch a pparently was done by Mr . Ma thews in r endering a de c is ion concerni ng Adamsvill e , that this l e tte r should b e addressed to both of you gentl emen. I am enclo sin g Xe rox copie s of the ent ire Adams ville, Bagley, and Sandy Creek Pa rk files. I have a sk e d my s e cre t a ry to place these copies in chr ono log ica l order and, to f ur the r simplify th e ma tter, I have a ttemp t ed to ext ract f rom the Adamsvill e f il e a ll the pertinent inf ormation as to wh o said wha t, an d wh en , It i s inc lude d as an enclosur e to this l e tte r. To summari ze the Adamsville Health/Re c reation Center s itua tion, th ere exis ts a t 3404 De l Mar Lan e , s. W. , a sma ll parc e l o f prop er t y wh i ch con t a ins two buildings conne ct e d by a breezeway . One o f th~ bui ldings i s a recreation center operat ed by the Ci ty o f Atl anta ever since t h e Pl an o f Improv ement. The o t h er is now recentl y vacated Ful ton County . He al t h Clinic, We contend tha t we a lready own h a lf o f the property-name ly, the Recrea t i on Cent er , a nd woul d like to a cquire th e other h a l f from Ful ton Count y at s ome reas onabl e va lue. Fulton County generally cl a ims t h at we h ave no i nterest i n t h is proper t y because o f a twenty-year covenant placed on it in 1949 t o secure Federal and State Health money, said covenant exp iring in 1969. Note t h a t the coven ant wa s pl aced on the property prior to the Pl an o f Improvement . a �Messrs. Ferrin Y. Ma thews, Assista nt City Attorney · Thomas F. Choyc e , Associate City Attorney . 9/12/69 Page 2 You have rendered a legal opinion stating that we do own half the property, and your opinion has been substantiated by a legal opinion rendered to Mr. Paul Ivey by Mr. Ralph Jenkins, of your office. The County Attorney ha s advised me that he is in the process of selling this property to a priva te individual for its recently appraised value of $85,000.00 if we don't make up our minds quickly as to what we intend to do about buying it ourselves. He made it clear that his position is the City has no int e rest in the property. However, shortly before Mr. Earl Landers' retirement, Mr. Landers contacted the County Attorney and apparently worked out an agreement where the City would have to pay for only half the appraised value. You will note, among the Xerox copies attached, my copy of Mr. Landers' letter to Mr. Harold Sheats. Problem No. 2 involved a small parcel of land adjacent to Bagley Park, which for years we thought belonged to the City of Atlanta • . Some time ago, prior to discovering who really owned th e land, my department installed a numb e r of white-way poles which.lie on the property by a . matter of a few inches. By the time we discovered tha t we did not own the land, Fulton County let it be known that they were going to widen Pharr Ro a d. Mr. Paul Ivey, our Land Agent, r e ached an agreement with the County whereby the County would buy this private property, generally known as the "Ne lson property," and would take off the front of it tha t which they need e d for the widening of Pharr Road, then would transf er this property to the City of Atl anta at the ir net cost. In turn, the City ~ould tran s fer to the County the front a ge of Bagley Pa rk, also needed for the wide ning of Pharr Ro a d. The n e t results of this transaction would be that th e City of Atlant a would pay to Fulton County app"ro x ima t e ly $2,500.00. Ever since 1964 Mr. Ivey has be en making repeated efforts to get Fulton County to go ah ead and prepare a deed to transfer the "Ne lson property" to the City. Mr. Ivey has let it be known that the City is r ea dy to buy th e property; However, Mr. Ivey reports that h e has been put off on nume rou s occasion s by variou s r e pre·sentative s of the County. The County h a s now cont a ct ed Mr. Ivey and is asking, nWhy in the world doesn't the City go ahe a d and buy it, :i and have now plac e d the value at $3,500.00. The County's representative says that the land is now worth that amount and, if we wish to buy it, that is what it is going to cost us. Thrown into this is a small and rather minor situation where the County desires to acqui r e fro m the City what we call the Sanely Creek Park Site in Northwe st Atl ant a . The County ne ed s the l a nd to expand th e ir cl ear zone fo r th e Fulton County Airport. We are perfectly willing to accommo dat e Fulton Coun ty in s e lling them Sandy Cre ek Par k Site at th e appra is ed value so that they might exp and th e runways . The prop e rty wa s dee de d to the City of Atl ant a with a numb er of r es trictions and ea s ements and is in the flood pl a i ns ; there f ore we wou l d not be lo s ing any p ar ticul arly v a lua bl e p i ece o f park pr ope rty . . I �Messrs. Ferrin Y. Mathews, Assist ant City Attorney Thomas F. Choyce, Associate City Attorney 9/12/69 Page 3 What the City of Atlanta would like to do is to purcha s e from Fulton County their half of the Adamsville/Health Recreation property for app;oximately $42,500.00, to pay them appro x imately $2,500.00 for the "Nelson property" adjacent to Bagley Park, and to sell the County the Sandy Creek Park Site for its Apprais ed value. What the County apparently proposes to do is to sell the City Adamsville for $85,000.00, the "Nelson property" for $3,500.00, and to pay the City the exa ct appraisal for the Sandy Creek Park Site property. It is the opinion of the Parks Committee of the Board ·of Aldermen that every possible effort h as been made to settle the above in a friendly and fair manner and we wish to do nothing whatsoever that would disrupt friendly relations between our sister government. However, the Parks Committee apparently has grown quite weary of the discussions and problems arising from these transactions and has instructed me to proceed to turn the ma tter over to you to be settled from the legal standpoint, Alderman Leftwich has expressed a willingness on his part to go with you to Fulton County and attempt to settle this ma tter; however the Parks Commi tt ee is so disguste d with the whole affair that they would be perfectly happy to let the courts de cide the Adamsville and Bagley situation. App a r ently, at this point, we are unde r no legal comp ulsion to sell th e Sandy Creek Park Sit e to Fulton County .although possibly they h ~ve the right of cond emna tion in the expansion of the ir public airport. I know both of you gentlemen are busy and so we particularly appreciate your assistance, and I am \;°"dially, . / ,, / I Enclosures JCD:jw cc: J y-ck C. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation Aldermanic Parks Committee Mr. Paul Ivey, City Land Agen ~ Mr. Dan Swea t, Mayor's Offic e Mr. St anl ey T. Martin, Assis _tant General Manager of Parks Mr. Cat l Ryals, Senior Administrative Assist an t Mr. A. P. Brindley, Parks Engineer - o · �August 26, 1969 -MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Allen From : Dan Sweat Subject: Attached Letter from Paul Weir Jimmy Mims says that normally the industrial firm that sponsors the championship softball te m in the Softball As ociation paid for the co t of the trip to the National Tournament in the event their team wins the metropolitan championship. Jimmy is Commissioner of the Softball A~eociation and says that the Association is providing $550 toward the expense of the Water Department Championship team. Thi money com s from registration fees , which th teams pay to p rticipate in league play. The Finance Department say that the only account which could legally contribute to th expen e of the te m i the Mayor ' contingency fwid . While aan,veo be very car ful not to buse the Mayor ' contingency fWld, I believe that it would be appropriat to provide some assi tance to this team from the Ctty. l would recommend that the City contribute 500 from the Mayor ' contingency fund to be u ed to help defray part of the expen e for pa~ticipation in the National Championship Tournament. DS:Je �DEPA P TMf:.N i. OF \NATER WOR ·s 6 8 1\11 TC HELL ST RE !:: T, S . W . 1 02 CITY H ALL- 52 S -8341 A.TL.A.NTA , GEGRC:,!A 30303 ,', l: I R i='.:...) ..._ .f •' I


." l \'IE.NOELL f{. ~;.,. '.'P -~ L~ 0 r F ! CF 1,1 r~ t~ .\ .:,:::. :_ 1': ..... •,.~ C·~:t? l ! :.. ' .' T ~Jt_:-:,h ,- r, - :,. L ~.,,. r~ AGFh W. CURT!$ He s - ::, =. i\l![J \ T •) R Au g ust 25, 1969 ~onorable Ivan Allen, Jr . 'layo r - City of 1\ tlan ta Cit y !iall ~ tJanta, Ge or g ia Dea r :,rayor ; llen: One of our i\ tL:mta 11 a ter Dep a rt men t sof t ball tear' s won the '1e tropolit a n Arca Industrial Slow Pitch fof t Lnll chamn ionsh ip af t e r havin~ sucessf ullv h..,O n +-'h r. r -i ....... Lca 2,uc tit l e. . ~ . , ...... '--'-" - ' - 'r The ;·:a tional clum,p ions hip tour nar.ien t for s l m, pitclt sof tbc1 l l t ca.rr.s Hil l 1 e l1eld in Ch arlotte, : :. C. h.u~ ust 29 , 30 , 31, and ~3eJ te mbe r 1. Our te .::im .ms been invit e d to repr ese nt the Atl an t a ~!e tro po litan a rea . The estioa t ed expenses for this tri p are as follows: Traveling expenses - 4 c ars - approxiaately 9U0 miles ea ch car - $ 250 . 00 Uniform Je rseys 135 . 00

.rea ls - 15 n en - 4 days

420 . 00 Lod g ing - 15 men (:_;$ ] 0 . OJ per ui r,h t - 3 ni 1::h ts 450 . 00 $12 55. 00 Financing avail able throu gh Softba ll Asso c iation !!et finances n eeded 550 . 0b $ 705 . 00 These me n have 1..7orked very hnrd on their 01-:n time to achieve t his sin[; ul a r honor . \·J c feel that the .\t l ant:i aren sho ul d Lie re p r esen ted i.l t this tournanen t. \ve Pil 1 nppreciate it if yo u can . worl out tli e nec ess ary arranr:c ments to provide $70 5 . 00 for a ,ortion of t :1e ir expenses . yours, , , . . -Sincerely ) ( - /~ ' , . • '.,, n .. ./i.1.--,_.,.....; Paul 1·!eir P\·'. / rr "/1.TLANTA GROWS \VHl:.f~E WATER GOES" �August 26, 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor ~ llen From : Dan Sweat Subject: A ttacbed Letter f ,.-om Paul Weir Jimmy Mim says that normally the industrial firm that ponsors the champion hip softball team in the Softball A e ociation paid for the coat the trip to the National Tournam nt in the event th ir team wins the of metropolitan chcunpion hip. Jimmy is Commissioner o1 the Softball Aeeociation and ays that the As ociation i providing 550 toward the expe.n e of the Wate r De rtm nt Championship t m. Thie money comes from r istration. fe , whicb th t ams pay to participate in lea ue play. The Finance Department ays that the only ccount hich could legally contribute to th expenses of th t am is th.e Mayor ' s contingency fund. While •-=hawi,.,eo be very careful not to abu.se the Mayor'• contingency fund , I beli v that it would be appropri t to provide aom a abtanc to tbia t am from the City. 1 ould recommend that th City contribute $500 from the Mayor's continsency fwid to b us d to h lp defr y part of the expena foi- p ttici tion in the Nation l Champio abip Tournament. DS:Je �August 2.6, 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor,,,Allen " From : Dan Sweat Subjec t : Attached Letter from Paul Weir Jimmy Mim ays that normally the i ndustrial fi.rm that . pons or the ,champion hip softball te m in the Softball A a ociation paid for the c o t of th trip to the Nation 1 Tournament in the event thei r team win e the metropolitan championship. Jimmy i Commissioner of the Softball Aeeociation and says that the A sociation is providing 550 toward the expen of th . Water D partment Ch mpion hip te m . Thi money com • from r gi tr tion fee , which th t am pay to particip te in league play. Tb Finance Department aye that the only ccount which could le lly contribute to the expense of the t am is the Mayoi- ' s contingency fund . While ba · b very careful not to abus the Mayor ' s contingency fund. l b li v that it would be appropd t to provide some sshtance to this t am !rom th City. 1 ould recomm nd that the City contribute .$ 500 from the M yor ' contingency fund to be uaed to help defray p rt of the xpena for participation in th N tional Champlonehip T O\lrnament. DS:J �1 • ., -

. �c1·1-v F DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CITY HALL ANNEX ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Augus t 14, 1969 JAC K C . DELIUS GEN E RAL MA NA GER STANLE Y T . MARTIN, JR. A SST . GEN. MA NAGER F . P I ERCE WHITLEY ASST . GEN . MANAGER CARL W. RYALS, JR . SR. ADMIN. ASSISTANT VI RG INIA CARMICHA E L D I R . OF RECR E ATION Mr. Dan E. Swe at, J r. Chi e f Admi n i s trative Officer City of Atlan ta At l ant a , Ge org i a 30303 De ar Dan : I have read a c opy o f your l e tt e r o f Augus t 8, 1969 , t o Mr. Charl es L. Davi s re ga rdi ng a r e ques t f rom HUD. On or a bout J une 30, 1969 , we r e c e i ve d a form l e tt e r d a t e d Jun e 17, 1969 , a ddresse d t o a l l agenc i es p a rti cipa ting i n t he Op en Space Land Prog r a m. Enc l o se d with t he l e tt e r we r e HUD Ha n dbook No . 1970 . 8 and several f o rms entitl e d " Comb i ne d Cos t Con t rol and Stat e of Ac coun t abil ity ". The l e tt e r s t a ted t hat t h i s was a new r ep o rt t h a t would b e r e qui r ed b y HUD semi - a nnu a lly on a ll op en s p ace p roj ec t s in the fut ure . All r eport s s h ould b e se nt t o HUD within 10 days f o llowi ng t he r e p o rting p e riod and the fir s t r e p o rt s we re t o b e for t h e s i x mont h s e n ding J une 30, 1969 . Mr . Carl Ryal s and I i mme diat e l y cont act e d Miss Pa t r ic i a May i n the o ffic e of Mr . Th omas Arms t r ong . Mi ss May i s ou r l iai son with HUD fo r a ll open s pace l and p roj ects . We t a l k e d wi t h Mi ss Ma y and o t h e r s in Mr . Arms trong ' s o ffic e a t l e ng th r egarding t hese n e w f o r ms in an e ffort to d e t e r min e how they were to be comp l eted and e xact l y what i n formati on HUD nee d e d . The n ew reporting forms we r e a l so n e w t o t he HUD Re g ional Offi ce and Miss May s t a t e d that we did not need t o worry a b out the d eadl ine for t h i s fir s t r e p o rting p e r iod s inc e s h e r e a l i ze d tha t we would nee d some t i me to se t up pro c e dures for handl ing t he r e port ing forms . �Mr . Dan E . Sweat, Jr. August 14, 1969 Page 2 Mr. Ryals and I determined that the forms should be completed by the Department of Finance and that Mrs. Linda Anderson would probably be the p e rson to handle this . We were unable to arrange a meeting with Mrs . Anderson prior to her l eaving on vacation the last week in July and first week in August . On the first day of her return on August 11, 1969, we met with Mrs . Anderson in the Department of Finan ce . She was familiar with the s e new form s and a g re e d that the Departme nt of Finance would h andl e thi s typ e of report for all departments regarding Federal grants. She had a l ready been in touch with Miss May concerning other grant prog rams and new reporting forms . It was decided that we should work clo s ely with Mrs . Ander s on in keep i n g h er i n fo rmed o n all Op en Space Land pro j ec t s and t he ir s t a t us . We a r e presently comp ili ng inf ormat i on on all Open Space p r o j e ct s f o r whic h we have not r e c e i ve d g r ant payme nt s a n d we will g et t h is i n formation to Mrs . Ande r s on a s qui ckly a s po s sible . I n t he meant ime , Ca rl Ryal s t alke d with Miss Patricia May agai n on Augu s t 8, 1969 , and a dvise d h e r t h at we we r e g oing t o mee t wi th Mr s . An de r son t o wo r k out a p r oce dure for handl ing t he repo rt s . At t hat time , Mi s s May aga in reitera t e d that t hey under s t oo d our problems s i nce t he f o r ms we r e n ew and t hat we didn ' t nee d to wo r ry about n o t ge tt ing t h em in on t ime t h is fi r s t repo rting p eriod . Appare nt l y , Mr . Thomas Arms t r ong wa s n ot aware t h a t we h ad b een in t ouch wi t h h i s office r egard i ng these forms . We wi ll a s sis t t he Depa rtment of Fina nc e i n eve ry way p oss i ble in o rde r t o comp l e t e t h es e f o r ms and ge t t hem t o t h e HUD Reg ional Office . S i nce~ , Star:f~. Mart i n, Jr . Ass i s t a nt Gen e r a l Manage r S TMJr : bf cc: Mr. Charl es L . Davis Mr. Jack C. De l ius Mr. Carl W. Ryal s, Jr. �Metropolitan Development Of fice DEP ARTM ENT OF HOUSIN G AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PEACHTREE SEVENTH BUILDING, ATLAN T A, GEORGIA 30323 Room 645 July 30 , 1969 REGION Il l IN REPLY REFER TO: 3MP ,, Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: Subject: Projects No. Ga. OS-9 , OS-10, OSD-32 OSA-34 (DL), OSD-36 Open-Space Land Program Form HUD-6601, Combined Cost Control and Statement of Accountability, and instructions to be used in completing the form were forwarded to you on June 17, 1969, for the above identified project. The completed form was due in this office by July 10, but to date has not been received. It is important that these reports be submitted on a timely basis, especially since the first report is being used for a special study being m de on all active projects • . I wish toe phasize that no further Federal funds can be disbursed until we receive the form properly executed. Your cooperation will be appreciatedo Sincerely yours, �J anuary 7, 1969 Ho norabie Charlie Leftwich, Chairman Alderir.anic Parks Cornrnitte 1665 Jonesboro Road , s • • At anta , Georgia 30315 Dear Mr . Left ich: The regu: r monthly meeting of the P rks Committee wi_l be held Tu eday , Janu ry 1 , 1969 t 2 : 00 p . m. in committee Roo No . 2 , second floor , City Hall . Sinc0rely , . Jeck c. De l ius General · l6r sand ager of ecr tion JCD:jw cc, Honor ble Ivan llen, Jr ., Mayor_.,,,-· Honorable Sam M ssel l , Vice Mayor ldermanic P rks Committee Mr . Stanley T . M rtin , Jr ., Asst. G n . Mgr . of Parks 1r . ierce hitl y , Asst . Gen . gr . of P rks Mr ., J. o. Chamble, P rk Mint . supt . Mr • • • Brindley, ~arks Engineer r. John P . oth, zoo Director is Virgini Carmichel , Dir ctor of er tion i s Jimmi tims , st . Dir ctor of Recr tion Mr . Thoms F . Choyc , Associate City ttorney �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9, 1969 James H. Finch, f,A,l,A, The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Re: Cyclorama Dear Ivan: The enclosed copies of letters are for your information. JHF:vb encl: Architects Engineers Interior Designers 44 Broad Street N.W Atlanta. Georgia 30303 Phone 688-3313 State National Bank Bldg.. Huntsville, Ala. 35801 Phone 539-9648 �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9, 1969 Hr. G. Everett Millican 500 Bi hop Street N.V. At lanta, Georgia, 30318 COPY Rt Cyclorama Dear Hr. Millican: We request your consider ti011 of our firll as designers f ,:\r the propoa d new Cycler • In addition to large co rcial projects such s th Coe.a-Cola Company Headquarters, 'the First National Bank, Phipps Plaza nd the Georgia Power Company, we have had considerable experience clos ly orient d to the proble of the Cycl.orama. design. COPY We have, for example, design d aome twenty-five theatres h re and in other cities. Such deign presents the probl s of crowd hand• ling, lighting, acoustics and di play all of which are involved. At the recent Nev York Wm'ld's Fai~ our firm design d the General Cigal' Building which called for crowd handling and display tech- niques of a bi h order. you probably know we have had wid experience with aports' facUJ:d.ea here and in Cincinnati where the handling of th public• lishting, si&bt ll and traffic are of prime i rtanc. COPY Finally, it hae been our pleasur to work with the Atlant Parks I>e1nair-'tll1en:t on the following proj eta, John A. lihi 'te th Rous and Pule lecre tion Centel". Our relation hip with Mr . Delius and hie department u-e, we believe, excell nt and w uld welc tbe opportunity to continue CXIZ' put uoc.f.atlons. Thank you far your eonaideration. Ve are available at your conYenlence to discu• OU1' fira further. S.lDcarely, COPY J. H. Finch vb �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9, 1969 Mr. Douglas L. Fowlkes 190 Thi.rd Street N.W. Atlanta, G orgia, 30313 COPY Re: Cyclorama Dar Buddy: W Nquest your consid .-·ation of our firm as designers for t he proposed new Cyclorama. In addition to large commercial projects such as the Coca-Cola C pany Headquarters, t he First Hational Bank, Phipps Plaza and the Georgia Power Company~ we have had considerable experience elos ly oriented to the problems of the Cyciorama design. COPY We bav, for example, design d some twenty-five theatres here and in ot~ cities. Such design presents the problems of crowd handling. lighting, acoustics and display all of which are involv d. At the recent New York World's Fair our fi designed the General Cigar Building which called for crowd handling and display tecbniqu e of a high order. Aa you probably know we hav bad wide experience with sports' facilities here and in Cincinnati where the handling of the publ.ic, lighting, sight llie and traffic t>e of prime importanc. COPY Finally, it baa l> en our pleaa\ll"e to work with the Atlanta Parks Depart:ment on the :following project: John A. White Bath House and tiam.e Park Recr ation Center. Our relationship with Mr. Delius and bis department are, we believe~ exc llent and we would wel.come the opportunity to continue our past associations. Thank you for- your consideration. We are a enience to discuss OU1' firm further. Sincerely. COPY J. H. Finch vb ilahle at your con- �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9 > 1969 Mr. Rodney M. Cook 34 10th Street N. E. Atlant a, Georgia, 30309 COPY Re: Cyclorama Dear Rodney: . e request your consideration of our firm as designers for t ..e proposed new Cyclorama. In addition to large commercial projects such as the Coca-Cola Company Headquarters, the Fil-st National Bank, Phipps Plaza and the Georgia Power Company, we have had considerable experience closely oriented to the problems of the Cyclorama desi n. COPY We have, for example, designed s ome twenty-five theatres here and in other cities. Such design presents t l. '!:! problems of crowd handling, lighting , acoustics and display all of which are involved. At the recent New York World's Fair our firo d signed tbe General Cigar Building which called for crowd hancling and display techniques of a high order. As you probably know we have had wide experience with sports' facilities here and in Cincinnati where th£ hanulinr of tLe public, lighting, si ht line and traffic are of prime importance. COPY Finally, it nas been our pleasure to work witL t.c Atlanta 1arlcs Departm nt on the following projects: John A. White Bath House and Home Park Recreation Center. Our rtlationship with ~r. Jelius and his department are, we beli ve, xccllent and we oul welcome the opportunity to continue our past associations . Thank you for your connideration. We are available at your conv nlence to discus our firm further. Sincerely, COPY J. H. Finch vb �Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal January 9, 1969 Hr. Charles Leftwich COPY 160~ Jonesboro Road S. £. Atlanta, Georgia, 30315 Re: Cyclorama Dear Mr. L ftwich: We request your consideration of our firm as designers for the proposed new Cyclorama. COPY In addition to large commer:::ial projects such as ·r..e oca.-Ccla Company Headquarters, the First Uational Bank, Phipps Plaza and the Georgia Power Company, we have ad considerable e peri~nce closely oriented to the problems of the Cyclorama sign. We have, for example, designed some tw~nty-five theat:r £ here an in othor cities. Such desi n presents tL proolems o: cro~d landling, lightin8, acoustics and dispL.ly 11 of w1icl1 are involved. At the recent Uew York \-iorld's fir our firt1 d~signeu th'-= General Cigar BuildinG •hicb called for crow han lin~ at_ display t~chniques of a hi h order. COPY As you probably know we have had wide ;..pe ie~c6: witn sport ' facilities here and in Cincinnati w1e e the han<llins of th plililic , l.ightin,e, si ht line and traffic are of pri.. in.;·ort· 1 c • Final.ly, it bas b en ow:, pleasure to ork wit the Atlanta Parks Department on the following projects: John 1 • "hite Bath Louse and Home Park Recr tion C ter. Our relationship with tr. · ·lius and bis d partJDent are, we believe. excellent and we would wclcOT.1e the o~tunity to continue our past associations. Thank you far your consid tion. We are availacle at your convenience to discuss ur fi:ra further. COPY Sincerely, J. H. Finch vb �MILTON G. FARRIS ATLANTA , GA. January 13, 1969 l Manager 30303 De r Jack - I doubt if th survey being cond cted on the location of the Cyclor ma i of very much value in deciding the question we d in mind. I al o doubt very much if a vi itor to Atlanta on either vacation or business could give a valuable opinion to heth r th Cyclor m should be located in Gr nt Park or do ntown. A more m aaingtul Ul"Vey would be on the number of pe le who visit Atlanta on bu ineea, p rticu rly convention • meetings, etc. ,, ho actually visit the Cyclor , and if it ere located downtown would it attract ddition I visitor • It may be extremely diffic lt nd e.xpen iv to ob in this in.formation. however,, If l tbi · i the crux of them tter. Sine r ly, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY: M. G. FARRIS GF/ED cc ... Mayor Ivan All Atl nta • • Jr . �THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON January 3, 1969 Dear Mr. Delius: As Chairman of the President's Council on Youth Oppo:r-tunity, I want to express my deep gratitude for the ' important contribution you have made toward the expansion of opportunities for American youth. While much remains to be accomplished in this vital area, it is clear to me that our efforts have made a positive difference in the lives of many young people. Your leadership at the local level has been a key factor in this success. May I extend to you my best wishes for the New Year. Sincerely, Hubert H. Humphrey Mr. Jack C. Delius General Manager of Parks City of Atlanta 260 Central Avenue, ·s. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30301 ! . ,, �February 5 , 1969 Mr . Al an Shaw 136 Peachtree Memorial Drive , N. Apartm~nt H- 11 Atlant , Georgia 30309 w. Dear Mr . Shaw: Thank you very much for your recent letter to Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr ., hich has been forwarded· to this department . · I , too , sincerely appreciate your bringing this matter to my attention and you may rest assured a full investigation is under way regarding the use of the ord "nigger0 twice in the presence of out- of .... town guests and tourists ttending the cyclor ama lecture . You are certainly right that there is a definit e 1 ck of sophistic tion and culture on the part of some of the cyclorama lecturers . I h sitate tom ke this dmission , but it is a fact and one th th been vividly brought to the attention of the City for many ye rs . On one occ sion when av cancy xisted t th Cyclorama , the Personnel Department somehow failed to list the s lary in th ant d . The applicants who respond d to the dvertisement w re ell-groomed, educ t d ladie _.,. the type you would typic lly expect to run into when buying plane ticket or renting U- Drive- It . This i th type of employee we ould hope to h . ve t th Cyclor , ut th pr ent · 1 cy ?chedul si ly will not attr ct th t type of I will say in $Oil\8 limited defens of th l dies p.t' ntly to Grant P rk th t they have , :i,n most in tan , dis 1 y _ k int re t in their ork -. Sever 1 of th h Ve tr v 1 a. ( t. th ir own x ns ) to m et various individu 1 who worked on th foreground _nd on th painting itself. 8 ch y r h v pproxim t ly 300 , 000 p id vi itor th Cyclor nd out of that numb r w will r c iv plaint in writing ~ Thi is six complaint too ny , r liz th t for veey citizen who will tak ti , to bring probl to th tt ntion of th City , th r who ar indiff rent or who ill not t k the troubl. t y constantly cone rn d bout th conduct of 11 of our in th v riou 1 v.e n division of thi d p rtm nt.. Th r �Mr . Alan Shaw - 2 - complaint on the part of most visitors the attendants Were 11 rlld8 o II Febru ry 5, 1969 ho do write us is that · e ha re insi sted to our employees, who were under Civil Service , that the cycloram is one place t hat most all v i sitors to Atlanta go. Thus 1 in many c ases it is the only impression stranger ill receive of our community. For something to spoil this impression or to injure the rapport we know an out- of-towner f els with our City is simply tr gio. I pledge to you r n wed effort on rrPJ part to see that the cyclorama is o rat d in some qu lity manner. Finaily , you c n rest ssur d th t the As sistant Gen r l n gr of arks for field oper tions ~1 11 person lly atter"pt to determine rhich lecturer used the wor d 11 nigg r , and disciplinary a ction will be brought g inst that person . Sincer ly , Jack c. Delius Gen rel M nager of P rks na R er ation JCD : jw cc: / Honorab 1e Ivan ll n , Jr ., ~ayor tr . Pierce Whitley , s t . Gen . Mgr. of Park (w/encl.) �Fe b rua ry 3, 1969 ·Mr . Frank Crowther Public Rel a tions Directo r City o f Macon City Hall Ma con , Geor g i a 31201 Dear Mr. Cr o ~her: Thank you for your l etter o f J a nuary 30, 1969 to Mayo r Ivan Allen , J r. concerning the School Patrol visit to Atlanta on Saturday , May 24 , 1969 . We are particularly pleased that you are includ i ng the Cyclorama and t he Zoo in your field trip . Mayor Allen has personally asked the undersigned to extend every consideratio n to your group . Accordingly , I have assigned Mr . Ron Ran som, Recreation Su ervisor, to accompany you through Gr ant Park . Mr . Ransom my be reached at Area Code 404/522- 4463 , extension 314 . His mailing address is City Hall Annex, 260 Central Avenue , S. w. , Atlanta , Georgia 30303. Th ere is no admi sion ch rge to the Grant Park zoo. H wever, a p r iv te concession ire does operate an authentic Austrian carousel and there is a miniature zoo train going through the Children ' s zoo . Th concessionaire , Mrs . Ruby Farmer, MA 2-3212 , is in a position to grant group rates . The Aldermanic Parks Corranittee h s authorized the enclosed group rat e permit to the Cyclorama . This in effect grants half prices to children and adults . If you ould prefer not to have · ch student pay t the time of admission to the Cyclorama , we ould be happy to bill you for the entire group subsequent to the visit . Just let me know your \ ·ishes in this m tter ,. Finally , I m advising the Superintendent of Police, Mr . Fred w. Beerm n , of your c r van of approximately fourteen school buses . Su rintend nt B rm n will b ~n touch wit h you if ther r any rules or regul tion concerping such carav n. �Mr o Frank Cr owther - 2 - February 3 , 1969 Again , it it5 with pleasure that we anticipate your visit , and I am Cordially, Jack c. Delius General Manager of Parks and Recreation Enclosure JCD:j w cc: Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr . ~ Mr. Pierce Whitley , Asst o Gen . Mgr. of Park s Mr. Stan Martin, Asst . Gen. Mgr. of Parks Mr. Paul Dease , Foreman, Grant Park Cycl orama Lecturers Gr a nt Park Concessiona ire Mr. Ro n Ransom, Recre ation Supervi sor Mr. Fred ".•7. Beerman, s upt . o f Po l ice �