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Metropolit n Atlanta Summit La dership Congress Roo #312, 201 A hby Str et, r \1 Atl~nte, Georgi 30314 April 11 , 1968 ,,.· ..·... Mr . Roy Elrod, n oer Atl nt Civic Center 395 Piedmo t Ave . , NE Atl nto, G .orgiat 30312 De r ~r . Elrod: I won ' tot ka thi opportunity to th nk you , for your coopcrat:on during our trying time last Friday in m king the Civic Center ovail ble for tho public meting follouing Dr . 1 rtin Luth r King's deoth. Mr . Fletcher and r . S oa I m ure th t the oxerci~inQ of n uncommon mo~nt of moturc iotolligcnco by you, certainly h lped us void d ngerou ituation th t could h vo easily onded in tradg dy. bl to Tpi ty e of sincor cooper tion. if it woro v ilfrom other city d p rtmcnt hod, could re dily lo d revolution in r ce r l tion ·nth City of Atl nt. If I C fr to C 11 nytime . n b of n ny o i t nc to you, plc or the org niz tion I r pr e f el nt t Sine rely. Jo JSec cc - Mr . Fr d Fl ch r Mr. D n S · 1at yor Iv n All n o rd of .d rm n Si mon • tro. A l nt EKecutiv Co ittt: Sum it L d r h p Congr �