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April 8 , 196 9 MEMORANDUM To: Conce r ned Part ies F r om: Sam W illiams , Staff Dire ctor , A tlanta Urban Corps Subje c t : Urban Cor ps Statu Tuesday, April 1, Sam WilUams assumed pos ition of Urban Corps staff director , salaried by Southern Regional Educ ation Board and 11 loaned 11 to the Atlanta Youth Council . Most of the first week was sp nt i n taking inventory of various phases of the Urban Corps . The most immedi a t e problem is finance . A small administrative fund was donat d by SREB and Dan Sweat, A s sist nt to th M yor . Present inv ntory of woi-k study funds av 1 b l e this summer for Urb n Corps is 138 stud nt positions at 80% cost. All of thes re not firm commitments .. VISTA will finance 25 int rns at full cost. Mr . Bill Ramsay and Charl s Sweet are visiting fin ncial aid offices of Atlant colleges in n effort to "squeeze" more off- c mpus work study funds fre . Fund rai ing born priv . te sources i s u..ndel' way with no r eults as yet. A bu in em n ' s luncheon is ech dul d tor April 29 in an effort to get fund commitm nts . A fund r !sing group ha be n st bli hed und r the l d rship of Bill Ad ms of Georgi T ch. Definition of job op nings i - under w y . It ppears that th city c n cc pt t I st 100 stud nt . Definite job lot will be d fin · d th we k of Ap ril 11 in city d p rtm nt • City fin ncing nd dmlnistr tion 111 b xpl ined in a m etlng of d pa.rtm nt h ds April 8, city h:t rn dcv loping t am will vl lt e.ch d p ,rtment during the w ek. Int rnshlp d v lopment of. non ... f d r 1 non.city nci s will b gin April • Initial con cts and :r quests for 158 interns from th s gencies b n handled by T try All n. Student t ams will mor cl rly d fin ch int rn requ t durln th n xt two w k and ho fully make n contacts in oth r g nel �