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The At l anta Urban Corps Board of Trustees shall be composed of the outstanding l e aders from th e student , educati onal , bu s iness and government communi ty i n met ro politan Atlan t a , i nc ludi ng t he fo llo wi ng : Studen t Body Presidents f ro m At lan t a a r ea coll eges participating in the Atl anta Urban Corp s. Co ll e ge Pr esi dents fro m At l anta area coll eges parti ci pating i n th e At l anta Urban Corps . The Directors, or th e i r designat e d representatives , of agenc i es uti li zing five or more interns . The Direc tors, or their desi gnated r e presen t ati ves , of agenc i es sponsoring t wo or mor e i nterns . Staf f Dire ctor , Student Dire ctor , Co l l ege Relation s Board Chai rriwn . Membe rs of th e Exe cutive Board , and others deem e d necessary by a majori ty of th e Board of Trust ees . The term o f membership of an individual on the Board of Trust ees s hall ~e one year beginnin g Apri l 1 of e ach y ear . Th e Board of Trus t ees s hal l advise th e Exec utiv e Board of The Atlant a Ur ban Corps on the ov erall deve lopment o f the coll ege into1nship program. Members o f th e Board of Trustees are fr ee to at t en d a ll meetii ng of the Executi ve Boar d and to make a ll

pert in ent reco:";m endat i on,s to th o Exec utiv e Boc:trd as it deems desirabl e .

The Boar d of Trustees shall be th e ulti ma t e po lic y maki ng body of th e At l anta Urban Corps . The Board of frustee s shal l e l ect t hree non -o perational pro fess ionals to the Executive Board . Th ese three shall i nclude: one represen tativ e of parti c i pat i ng col l ege financial ai d offic e rs , one educator and one a t-l arge. �ATLANTA URBAN CORPS EXECUTIVE BOARD Student Director Student elected by College Relations Board Student elected by College Relations Board Student elec ted by College Relations Board Program Director Professional representative of Student Financial Aid Offi~ ers of participating colleges Professional Educator Professional At-Large The Executive Board s hall be responsible for ope rational policy that shall be carried out by the Staff Direc tor. Personne l involv ed in day~to -day responsibiliti e s shall ultimat ely r e port to th e Staff Di r e c t o r . The Student Dire cto r shall work closely with t ho Staff Dire ctor in carrying out these r e s ponsi bilities. All members of th e Exe cutiv e Board will automatically be memb ers of th e Board of Truste e s. 2 .1 �RESPONSI BILITI ES OF EXECUTIVE BOARD OF ATLANTA URBAN CORPS Tho Board has r e spon s i bili ty in the fo l l owi ng aroas : 1. The Board s hall approv o all I nt e rnshi p dev elopmen t s and shal l de t ermi ne the areas of In te r nshi p . I t shall a ppr ove all n ew pr oj e ct areas for Int e rnshi ps . 2. The Bo a r d shall r eeval uat e all I nte rnshi ps an d r e1,10v e or r e a ssi cn I n t e rn s as i t deems necessary upon r e co mmendatio n by th e Personne l Commit t ee . 3 . The Boar d sha l l mai nta in f i nancial co nt r ol ov er f un ds appro pri at ed to t he ATLANTA URBAt~ COHPS . Admi ni stration o f sai d fund s s ha l l be t ho r es pon sibility o f the Staff Dire ctor . 4. The Boar d shall a ct as an a ppeal gri evan c e Board f or all parti es i n the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS , i n c l udi ng both s t uden t int ern s a nd the depart men ts or agenc i es to whi ch I nt e rns a r e a s s i gned . 5. The Board shall determine all pol ic i es r egarding publ ic r e lation s and info rmat io n r e l eases . 6. Th o Board shal l determi ne a l l oducatio na l po li ci e s o f t he ATLANTA URBAN CORPS upon r e co mmondatioi-1 o f th o Educatio n Dire c tor . 7. The Board s hal l d etermine t h e policy conc erning th e placemen t o f Urban Corps I nterns i n a gen ci es . 8. The Board shal l assume a l l r espon sibili t i es no t he r ein spec i f i e d that arc deemed ncc8ssary to assure t ho s ucc e ss of the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS . 9. All of t ho Exec utive Board polici e s and de ci s ion s are sub j ect to review by tho Board of Tr u s t ees a the Board of Trustees dooms necessary . 3 �PERSONNEL Sterf Dir0ctor Student Director I. Secre tarial : ( 3 ) (1) Secre tary (1) Assistant Sec retary (1) Cl e rk II. Payroll: (1) (1) Fiscal Director III. I nte rnship Dev e lopment (Lf-) (1) I nternship Dovel opmont Direc tor (3) City , Federal, Extra-city IV StudGnt Recruitrnon t : ( 10 ) (1) Coll ege Relations Board Chair~an ( 9) Campus Coordinator V. Financinf; : ( 2 ) Coll ege Work Study Pro gram (1) Stu dci1 t Financial Aid Coordinator Privat e (1) Private Financial Aid Coordi nator VI. Fi eld Evaluation : ( 6 ) (J une - .August ) (1) Fiel d Evalua tion Di rector ( 5 ) Fi0ld Staff VII . Public Re lation s : ( 2) (1) Public Rel ations Direc t or (1) Public Rel a tions Staff VIII. Education : ( 3 ) (1 ) Education Director (2) Educ a tion Staff 0 As initial recruitment and i n tern deve lopment ar c accomplished those personnel may be shi ft ed to field staff . Tho Staff Director shall appoint all personnel \Jho se appointment i s ilOt specified . Those appointment s arc subject to approval of th o Executive Board . L:- �RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CENTRAL OFFICE The C0ntral Offic e of th G Atlanta Urban Corps shall be responsibl e for th e normal day-to-day operation of the Atlanta Urban Corps. Specifically, it is responsible for: 1. Implementing th e Int e rnship Program. 2. Proc e ssing of Intern r equests as directed by the Executive Board. 3. Proc e ssing of Student applications. 4. Maintaining public r elations. 5. Coordinating th e educational aspects of the Atlanta Urban Corps. 6. All oth e r operational aspects of th e Atlanta Urban Corps subj ect to the r evi ew of the Exe cutiv e Bo a rd. 7. Dev elopment of int e rn positions in participating a genci e s. 8. Compiling and printing forms and brochur e s for us e i n t he Urban Corp s. 5 �ATLANTA URBAN CORPS COLLEGE RELATIONS BOARD The College Relations Board shall be composed of on e student repr e s entative from each of the Atlanta a rea participating colleges of the Atlant a Urban Corps. Said repr e s entativ e s shall be nominat e d by th e pr ec e ding Coll ege Relations Board a nd approved by tlBStudent Governments on th e r e spectiv e campuse s. The Coll ege Relations Board shall el e ct th e Stud ent Dir e ctor, the Coll ege Relations Board Cha irman, and approv e th e Int e rnship Dev elopment Dir e ctor appoint e d by th e Program Dire ctor. Th e College Relat ions Board shall have th e powe r to remov e any of its s elections to th e abov e positions by a unanimous vot e of th e Bo a rd. Abov e s el e ction s s hall s e rv e a s ex-officio me mb er s of th e Coll ege Relations Bo a rd. The Coll e ge Rel a tions Board shall nomina t e thr e e non-op eration a l memb ers of th e Exe cutiv e Board subj e ct to th e approv a l of th e Board of Tru s t ee s. Th e Boa rd sha ll a dvi se th e S tu dent Dir ector, Coll e ge Relations Dire c t or, t h e In t e rnship Deve lopment Dir e c to r , a nd th e Fi eld Eva lua tio n s Dir ector in a ll ma tt er s pe rt ainin g to th e r el a tionship b e t ~e cn parti cipat i n g co ll e ge s an d i ts s tudents a nd t he At l a nta Urban Corps . Each r epr es en t ativ e to th e Bo a rd s ha ll be con sid er e d th e Atl anta Urba n Co r ps coo r dinat or f or his coll e ge a nd shall r epre s ent th e Urban Co r ps on his own campu s . 6 �EDUCATION BOARD The Education Board of the Atlanta Urban Corps shall be responsible for the educational aspects of the Atlanta Urban Corps. Specifically: 1. The Board shall be rGsponsible for making rGcommendations to the Personnel Committee and to the ExecutivG Board concerning the educational aspects of the IntGrnships. 2. The Board shall be responsible for involving the academic community in the program in a menningful manne r. 3. The Education Board shall recommend all seminars or additional educational coursGs to the ExGcutive Board. It shall also be responsible for exploration of course cre dit possibilities be twe en participating collegG s and studGnts and also utilization of existing course s for uso by interns. ThG Education Board shall ba chaired by the Education Director. The size and me nborship shall be determin ed by th e Executiv e Board. The Student Dire ctor shall appo int a ll studen t representatives to the Education Bo a rd subjoct to the approval of th e College Relations Board. 7 �PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Members Staff Director - Chairman St udent Director I ntern coordinator from City Gove rnment Education Director Fi el d Evaluation Di rector I nternshi p Devel opment Director Coll e ge Relations Chai rman I nternship Coordinator fro m Extra - c i ty agenc i es RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ATLA;'JTA URBAN CORPS The Pe rsonn e l Committe e of th e ATLANTA URBAN CORPS is gene rally r esponsi ble for t he plac ement and evaluation of I~te rns . It makes recommendatio ns t o th e Executive Board conc e rning a ll aspect s of personnel r elation s . Specificall y , the Committ ee is r e sponsible for : 1. Making re commendatio ns r egarding int ernship positions t o th e Executiv e Board . 2 . Approving th o i nitial assignment of all int e rn s . 3. Making recommendati ons t o th e Exec utiv e Board on th e r emoval or reassi gnment of In terns . 4. Reas signing those I n t erns that re quire reassi gnment . 5. Consider all probl ems concerning personnel r e l ati ons bet~e en the Int e rns and their Supervisors . 6. Tho Pe rsonn el Commi ttee shal l act as the appeal board for a l l c ri ovanc os , based on rec ommendations of t he Field Eval uation Unit . () 0 �FIELD EVALUATION UNIT T~purpos e of this Fi el d Evalua tio n Uni t is t wo-fol d . t o provide a n i ndependent eva luation of the performanc e of th e student and th e quality of th o assi gnment, and to provid e dir e ct assistance to students and sup e rvisors in t he r esolution of difficulti e s. Writt en fi e l d r eports will b e co mpil ed an d made availabl e to th e institution or spon s oring a gency. Fi eld st a ff memb e rs will routin ely visit stud en ts at th eir vmrk locc:tLons, co n ductin g. structur e d int ervi ews with th em an d th eir supe rvisors. A join t eva lua tio n and r e co mme ndation r eport will be ma de on th o entir e pro gr am by the fi eld evaluation unit an d th e Education Bo a rd n ear th e end of tho work period. 9 �