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' : INT E RIJ5HIP HANDBOOK 19 6 9 ATLANTA URBAN CORPS 30 Courtland Street , N. E. Atlanta,. Georgia , 30303 (404) 52t~~8091 �T!J3LE OF CONTENTS I. IllTRODUCTION A. B. I - 1. I "·2. I - 3. I - 1~. I -5. I -6. !, I Letter fron Mayor Iva.n Allen, Jr. Letter fron Snr.1 Hillim:i19~Director~ Atlanta. Urba.n Corps itbout the URBI\N CORPS About the Federal College Work- Study Progra.n SUlJlJ.er Progrnu J\cadenic Year Progrnn Responsibilities of the Intern Intern Fina.l Report II. Piu-\CEMENT filllD 1\SS IGNME1'JT II-2. II- 3. II-4. II- 5. Selecting the Student J.'\.. Collee,e Work- Study Progra.r.1 B. Volunteers C. Non- CWSP Sponsored The !1.ssignnent 1\.. Cith Governnent Depo.rtnents B. Non- City Governnent 1\gencies C. Types Gf J\ssignnents Selecting the AssigruJent Tho Applicn.tion · .'· A. General Inforno.tion Pla.ceu ~nt Ji. . Pla.cing the Student B. Notification C. Tra.nsferrinc; As signnent III . SUPERVISION AND Im{i\LU/~ION III~l. III- 2. III- 3. III- 1.:.• III- 5.

Supervision Suspensio::1 a.nd Discipline Evaluo.tion Educa.tion Aspects Fina.l Report A. General Suggestion for the Intern B. Or~n.niza.t i on of Fina.l Report C . Publication IV. COMPENSATION IV--1. IV--2 . IV- 3, Genera.l Infornn.tion Ra.te of Pn.y Hours & Tina Reports �IV.. l.!.• IV~- 5 . r:v.,6. IV"·1. V. f,bsence::; Social Security & Truce::: Uo:rlmen' s Conpansn.tion Central Pc.y,.·c.11 Systen fl. Intl·oclucti0:1 B. Surn:n:ry of Opera.t ions MISCELLANEOUS V-·l. V-2. V~J. v-1~ . Housinc; & T:rnasportc:cion Sickness & f,ccidents I. D. Cnrcls Difficulties A. The As.signnent B. Coqpensntion VI. APPENDICES f,. B. Snuple of Tine Report Ca.rd Bibli·,g:raplw f e r interested URB.f'U1' CORP.3MEN �CITY CITY HALL A TLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assist ant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secret ary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governm ental Liaison June 3, 1969 The Atlanta Urban C:Jrps is the best example I've seen for young, intelligent minds to grapple with the problems of our city. Our young people and our cities can no longer afford to be strangers. The leadership 0 £ universities and cities must take advantage of this vast untapped source of energy and manpower. Atlanta should be proud of its students and universities. A group of students proposed this Urban Corps se1·vice-learning concept to our city and now their universities are helping to sponsor it. Interns will perform needed services for not only city government but private agencies as well and during the process they will learn a great deal about our city and its problems. I hope the Urban Corps i s only a beginning. We need this focused, aggressive concern of young people . We need more movement between the two worlds of academia and city. You interns have my wholehearted support. We need your help. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor �-INTRODUCTION - We welcone you as interns o.nd agency representatives to be founding participants in this new ex-periuent:, utilizing the education c01:.nm1ity to directly solve urban probleI:ls. We hope your experience this suIJr.1er will serve four purposes: expand education e:>..']_)erience bey-:md classroon walls :, help get neecled urban work done in Metro-1\tla.nta.J help finance education expenses for student pa.rticipa.nts o.nd bring ne,,1 enthusiasu into a.n overworked and needy systeo~--our city. Mru1y far-sighted people :frou the student :- college :, agency 5 city and business· cor.mtmity ore t o be credited in developing the Urban Corps

frou o.n idea. into a. reality.

Much planning a.nd energy ho.s been expended to develop ea.ch internship into a. worthy project f or the intern o.nd agency. The responsibili ty for success is now yours. This ho.ndboolr is designed a.s o.. guide f or interns and o.gency supervisors o.s you work together c.luring the internship a.ssignnent. Vital inforr.m.tion concerning fino.nce ) o.ss i gi.1i:.1ent :, evaluation and ot her pr ogro.o a spects ore included , a.11 deserving your clos e stuu.y . The UBBJ\N CORFS is presently o.cln inisterec.l by the City of Atlanta. Mayor ' s Off ice in consultation with student s ) Atlru1to. nrea. colleges ~ Metro-agencies o.nd businesses. I t is funded through federal nn d loco.l governuent a.nd the private s ect or. Throughout t he SUlJDer we hope t o keep i n cl ose cont act with nll pa.rticipa.nt s . Our staff , conposed entirel.y of i nter ns ~ i s here t o hel p you. Sf.Jvl WI LLIAM3 , Director 6-1-69 Atlo.ntn Urbo.n Corps �I -1 About the Urba.n Corps The Atla.ntn URBAN CORID is (1esigi1ed t o : Offer college a.nd university students the opportun ity t o participate ' first ha.nd i n a.11 a.spects of l oca.l goveri:inents a.nd non-~profit agencies of . Mctro~f.tla.nta. . P'.covide the student a. pra.ctica.l extension of his university education "beyoncJ. the cla.ss:roou ." Help supply needed rlD.npower > i nitiative and fresh idea.s t o l ocal gc vem.1= oents n.nd non- _p1·ofit agencie s concerned with urba.n probler.is . Encourage ycmng pe ople t o consider careers a.nu citizen leo.dershilJ i n pr ogr o.r.1s of developn ent a.nd t o _pr ovide a. pool of trained pers onnel f or recruito ent by spons oring agencies . Provide ndditiono.l a.venues of conD1.mico.tion between institutions of higher learnin3 o.nc1 progr ans affecting urbm~ Atlo.nta. by o aking the res ources of the universities a.nd colleges nore accessible t o the c oru:n.mity o.nd by providing a. nea.ns f or keeping curriculun , tea.ching a.ncl research relevo.nt t o the needs of s ociety. · "All educo.tion worthy of the nnn e enha.nces the iudividua.l. It heightens awareness, or deepens understanding , or enlarges one's powers , or introduces 01:c t o new nodes of . a.pprecia.tion a.nd enj oynei1t . It proootes individual fulfilment. It is a. n ea.ns of self- discovery . Of the nmw ob s tacle s tha.t ho.ve been enc ounter e d i n o n.king education un iverso.lly a vail able , t wo n.re of p a.rticula.r i nterest in t he present context . One is the notion tho.t e duc ation i s s onethine; which to.kes pl a.ce i nn block of t i r.1e betwe en six and e i ghteen ( or twenty - two ) ye n.rs of a,ge . The s econd is the idea. tho.t educa.tion i s s or.1ething t hat co.n occu:r onl y in a. cla.s sroon . A systen of educa tion suited t u nodern needn a.nd a spi ra.t i ons en.nnot c one into being until these two nct i on.s are finally done o.wo,y with. 11 J obn W. Go.rdner The URBAN CORID is a.dnini stered f or Metro~Atla.nt o. by the Office ·o f the Mn.yor of the City uf At lanta. . The Deputy Chief Adni nistrator is responsible f or overa.11 supervision of tne proc;:rp.r.1. A Board of Trustees representing the student c or.11.'1Ul1ity ~ college a.dnin-istrn.tors > porticipo.ting agencies and sponsoring businesses advises _the Mo.yor's Office on progro.r.1 and opero..t i on. ·. The URBAN CORP.3 wa.s proposed by o. group of concerned Atlanta students . It is stn.f'fed alnost entirely by students m1d depends upon y outhful ideas and enthusiasn to achieve prograr.1 goo.ls. - ·l - �I-2 About the Federal College Work-Study Program Eligible students may receive stipends during their URBAN CORPS inte [· ship through the Federal College Work-Study Program ( CWPS) • Established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1961~, CWSP provides UlJ to 8CJ7/4 Federal subsidy to support the part-time and/01~ sunnner employment of stud.-_:-·:; ., s who must work in order to continue their higher education. 0 ·: -- - Funds under CWSP are made available only to qualified institutions of higher education as a :part of the Office of Education's student assistanc, program. Grants are made directly to _p articipating institution, on the b a '., i S of their application to the Office of Education. 0• For the purpos es of Cl-TSP, the UPJ3.AN CORPS is an 11 off- campus employe1· :· of students receiving Work-Study assistance. The URBAN CORPS ~ as o.n agenr:~;, of the government of the City of Atlanta , is ·eligible to participate i n t:~J.'; capacity. By written a,g reement entered into between the participating in·stitution and the requirements of CWSP and to provide the requisite matchi ,'.tJ; funds. (See Section lV, Compensation) I-3 Summer Program ( The URBl'iN CORPS sum.mer program is designed to permit considerable nur.'::-· ers ~ colleg e students to J:a rti cipate in urban e;overnment on a full - time ba.EJ L , The The The the program runs for ten to twelve weeks from June until before Labor Day . precise program dates vary depending upon college summer semester dat e ,-_; . agreement entere d i nto between the institution mid the City determine ;:.; program duration and the maximum hours the students may work. See Sec t ~on Hours. Students who are limited either by the :requirements of Cl--lSP or their own choice to part - t i me partic ipation during the swnmer may work a limite.:; number of hours each week. Special nrran 6 ements must be made between the URBAN CORPS office an d the p articip ating college for part-time interns. During the surmner program , many special yirojects and task force grou;, r, are established to supplement regular agency and department as s i gnments . Information on such special programs is _p rovided before each summer. Facu l ;_y members and other specialists are a ls o invol ved in summer op erations and prog rannning. See Section II - 2 , The Assi~11ment . I -4 Academic Year Pro 0 ram A very l imited program is being p lanned for the Fall- Spring academic year. Interested students and agenc ies should inquire at the URBAN CORPS office after July 10 , 1969 . Federal law limits participation while student ," are taking a ful l academic load to fifteen hours per week, averaged over fa .'. academic unit. ( CWSP students only) I -5 Responsibilities of the Intern Every URBAJ.'ir CORPS intern is assigned to do uork important to MetroAtlanta and its citizens. In .many cas e s, students are assigned to roles where they may directly affect the phy sical or intellectual well ~being of substantial numbers of Atlantans. For this reason , a high level of respoL sibility is expected from the student intern. - 2 - ) �Students a re expected to perform their assignments in a responsible u. ·.;ti mature rr..anr:ar . They are required to compl3r with the directions of their supervisors and to conduct themselves in a .manner consistent with their responsibilities. Students who fail to perform in a satisfactory manner 1,;__ l.l be removed :fr oin their assignment and from the program. See Section III-2 . 81.1.s]:)snsion and Discipline. Participation in the URBAN CORPS is a privilEc -:_: -. ·

1_~;t 1:;?-:1 s.ssir.,;nment is designed for the student's benefit and for that of L :·

million Atl;n-cans. Irrespondible behavior will not be tolerated. I-6 Internship Final Rc.;?ort As a :9a:r·t o f the In-cernshi_p :;_·esponsibility, every intern is required ·.:.::submi"i:; a finc,l :;_·eport detailing and evaluating the assignment , accomplishr,..:.:,ts, and significanc e of the Internship to t he /1.gency involved. For details o

Final Re1)ort G.. idelines , See Section III-5 .

II . II~l PLACJ!,"MENT Af\ID ASSIGNMENT Selecting the Stuc1.ent A. GWSP Comp ensated internships are a vailable through the Federal College Wo· h Study Progr am. The participating college determines the eligibility of students under the CWSP guidelines and authorizes their employment under t 'b; t e:cms of the a o;reem<>nt c;;nter ed into between the institution and the City of Atlant~ . OiffiY 'l'I-IB COW'GE MAY DETERMINE THE EIIGIBILITY OF A STUDENT TO RECEIVE CWSP ASSISTANCB AND AUTHORIZE HIS PARTICIPATION IN THE URBAN CORPS UNDZR THAT PROGRAM . Once a student is certified to the mm.AN CORPS as authorized to rece ; c omponsation under the Workc•Study program of his institution :, such certif 1.f _',·t ion will be deemed conclusive. All students certified t o the URBAN CORPJ are treated equal l y, without regard to r ace , religion or ancestry. The UTI:';\.N CORIB complies in full with the requirement s of the Civil Rights Act of 1~}6'. as amended.

5'cr the convenience of c ollege Work- Study Coordinators , following h :

b us i c i nformat ion on the determination of e lig ibility for C'WSP assistanc e:This is based on materials provided by t lle Office of Education, which shou :: · always be consulted for a definiti ve inter-_pretation of t he Work- Study la'\-, :::· L regu~at ions. The information contained here in concernin g CWSP eli gibilit -· is fo:r your g1.'.iclance onl y and is NOT offi c i al . See Se ction · , About t h0: Federal College 11Jo:;_·k-~Study Program. A student must meet ALL the following cr iter ia to be eligible for ~ J·:o. · assistance: 1) Be enrolled , or acc epted for enrollment , as a fulJ_-time student « a qualified inst i tut ion; 2) Be fl, c itizen of the United States , or have intention of becomin6 a citizen; 3) Be ca_ p able of main-l-;ai:2-ing a c-;ood academic standing while emp loy c :' and, J-1- ) Be in need of the Garnings from part-time or summer emp l oyment i 1. order to c ont~r:.ue his hibher education. - 3 - �Enrollmen:c as a, full- time st udent doe s not necessa:..· il y mean mat:..· i cu l a ted stat u s . The determinat i on of need rest s at the s ole dis cr et i on of t he c ertif~ring inst itution . Houever :, Federal l aw r e qu i res t hat s t udents f rom 1il ow--inc ome 11 f amil i es r e c eive prefe1·en ce i n the a lloc at i on of l-Jor!t··Stu dy f uac1s . Su ch studei1ts must b e a ccommodate d Ui:.d.er the Hor t.-S tudy 1_)rogr am of the ii.1s titution, i f t hey app l y fo r s uch a s siLJt ance , befo:..·e other e l i g ible but n ot 11 l ow- i ~1come 11 students . Al t hou.:;l1 not mandate d under t he l aw !) it is ur[:ed that institut i on s mate an affin1ative e ffort to i dent i f y and ass ist nl ow- i n c ome " s tudent s through CWSP ancl the URD.L\H com:is . Par t i cir:at i o: , c an be of e:r eat va lue t o such s·cu dents b oth finan cia l l y and i nt lle ctually. ConsuJ:c t he Regi onal Office of the Offi ce of Education f or the :i_ ates t guidel i ne s determining " l ow-inc ome ,; status On ce t he ir1 ow-- i nc ome 11 students have b e ei.1 a ccommodated ) other ·Eee d.;ystu dents may recei v-e '\·T0rk-Study a ssistance . The col le;:;e is charged with deten~1i ninG that a s·cucl.e nt r e quire s such ass i:::tance i n order to c ontinue u i th s chool . Al though the Offic e of Educ atioi1 has not cle f :Lnecl 1rneed 11 with exact ness ~ it has emplm sizecl that CWSP mu st be c onsidered an i nteG1;ral part of t he stu de nt' s ent i re f inan c i o,l a id paclmc;e . Need mus t theref ore ~ under t hi s int e rpret ation, be det e:;:-rnined on t he b a si::; of total s tudent c ost s v er sus t ot a l resources ~ incUudin,:::; s u ch other f orms of a s sist anc e as NDEA l oans , gr ants- inn.id , s cholarships a nd f ellowships . I t shoul d be not ed that in determininr; the s tudent ' s r e sources, special family condi t ions s hould be cons ider ed . Likewi s e , c onsul t t he latest Office of Educat ion memoranda conc er nino; t he analysis of need emancip ated ~ married and gr aduate stu dent s. WHEN IN DOUBT , CONSULT THE OFFICE OF EDUCATION . B. Volunte ers Students who wish to part i c i pate i ;,1 t he UR.DAN COTIJ?S as unc omp ens ated vol unteers ( or thToug h srie c i al non- CWSP funding arrange d t hrou e;h t heir college) may obtaii.1 t he same 01b stantive a ssignme nt s as CWSP s tudents. C. Non - CtlSP Sponsore d Through donat :i.ons from busine s s e s a,pd foundations the URBAN CORPS is ab l e · t o support a l imited numbe r of a _::Jplicants not certified f or CWS P or appl i-c ant a f :f ou colle e;es with few CWSP 0 r arit G. The URB.L\N CORPS Placement Commit tce c onsider s such appl i cants using the fo llowing criteria : I, Genuine interest in educat :i.onal c oncept of URBAN CORPS experienc e ~ II. Educ ational a;_1d job experie .1ce rel evant to a~1p l ied for j ob catru_,;ory . I II. IV. Fi nanc ial need, Atlant a resideut �Due to the la;.·ce num'be:r of financial sponsors of the UPJ3AN CORFS :, a uniform description of each financial a.1.·rangement is impossible . The main financial source for intern salaries is CWSP funding . However :, some agencies and depar tments have made special agreements to p;.·ovide more than the 200/o matching fund requi:red for matching CWSP. Certain agencies are funding the full cost of thefr inte:rns and have forwarded this money to the URBAN CORPS in advance of the work period. Ii. few a gencies have financial sponsors 11 that paJr the full cost of their interilS directly to the URBAN CORPS . VISTA is presently sponso:ring the full cost of 25 interns for select agencies. These students ai·e c ounted n.s VISTA 11 /i.ssociatesn as well as interns in the UPJ3J\l\T CORFS, /i.11 students not certified by their college for CWSP funding are given equal consideration for placement under the above non ~,CWSP funded positions . The URBJ'J\T CORPS also solicits funds from businesses and foundations. These funds :, unless earmarked for ce:rtain interns or ngencies ,. are used to place non--CWSP interns in a gencies that cannot financially afford to pay full cost. These intern slots are chosen on the relevancy of the intern-ship , the need of the a gency and the educational experience the intern might receive. These solicited funds are also used to fund UP.BAN CORFS staff intern positions. The basis financial source of each internship is one of the following : 1. College Work- Study-BO%, 2. Agency 100% 3. URB.l\N CORPS - 800/4~ l\.gency 20% 4. URB/i...1\f CORP.3 100% ( s taff positions) 5. Agency inte rns funded 100% by other party , (VISTA) Agency- 2O~b l\nyone intere sted i n contribut i ne fun ds s hould contact the FISCAL DIRECTOR . All donations a r e t n.x deductable , . 1 �II- 2. The Assie;nment URBAN CORJ?S intern.ship assignments o.:re designed with the dual purpose of _providinz the student with a meahin.:;ful experience i n urban gove:rnm.ent while allowing the departme1·1t or agency to obta in the maximum benefit of llis train -i nt } enthusiasm and motivati01H Eve:t;-f assignment must be individually de8c:ri bed by the :requesting a gency or dep artment , and is evaluated by the URB.Al'T CORPS Placem~nt Committee, Participat iag age ncies are :required to provide at least 20%, of the interns c:ross income in advance , p lus 5% administrative c ost s and Uorkman 's Compensation reimbursement f or the UH.BAN CORPS. J\gencies are e~1cou:raged to sponsor internships at full cost in order to increase participation for NonC'WSP interns . Specif:Lc financial arrangements should be referr e d to the llRMN CORIB Fiscal Director. (See Sect:i..on II--1 f or specific details) Priority in fillinc: all internship: requests depend u::_,on the signi fi cance of the position to the i nt ern and the method of fi nance , A. City Government DeJ:>artments Internship r e que sts from City Departments should be directed to the IBIBA.J."\J' CORES Internshi11 Develope1~. Each intern p osit ion must- be described i n detail on the Inte:rnsh:i.p Assignment Form. Completion of this f orm does not guarant ee p laceme nt. Internship position requests must si~nif'y· at lea.st a 20% gross income c ompensat ion to the Uill3AN CORPS. Positions fi nanced at full cost by the depart ment will receive J1ri ority in _p lacement. B. Non- City-Government Age1:1cies Non-City•·government a.o;en cies are r e quired to sign a contract with the URBAN CORPS to finaliz e internship assignment. Details of t his c ontract incluti.de legal status and respons ibility of the J\gency and the URBAN CORPS . It also includes f inancial obliga t ions and certifi cation of advance costs of the internship t o the URBAN CORPS. (See Section II- lC for specific details ) C. Type s of Assignments Assignments m:i.y be of s everal types. The maj orit~, of assignments ore within exist i nc; agencie::; and department s , on on-going projects. URBAN CORPS interns thus s erve to expand the existinc; profeo s i ona.1 o...,d pre-p;rofessiona.l staff, p8rrnittinc; exs)anded ~ more comprehensive _p roc;ramming . Othe:r assign~ ments make the student a part of spec ial task-force groups established sp ecifically fo1· UPJ3.AU CORPS interns. Such e;roups may include facult y membe rs n.nd other specialists 5 in addition to senior city _p ersonnel. Students may also be ass i gn ed to the Central Staff of the DrJ3.AN COHPS, workinc; on the administration and operation of the ·:)rogrrun itself . Only o.csic;runents ·which will not disr, ln.ce existing workers , impair contracts for services ~ nor involve p olitical or sectarian activities may be approved fo r URBAN C0~1ffi interns. - 6 - �II-.. 3. Selecting t he Assignment Each student has the 01Jportunity to select the area in which he wis hes to part icipat e . The 11 UIDEX '110 ASSIGNMFJ.\iT CATEGORIES II lists more than seventy functional areas in which students may be assigned . From this Index., the student s elects four categories of interest ~ listing ther:1 in o:rder of preference on his a pplication. The Index is k ept Uj?-to- date by ree,u lar s upplements. The Applicat ion II - L~. /\. . General Information Students apply inc; for inter ns hi _p assignment s with the URBAN CORPS must comp lete the appro:9:riate a_pplication forr,1. A _9 roperly corapleted ap_-9lication will expedite placement : an illegible, inc m:i.plete or improperly c ompleted application will delay p rocess:.nz and raay :result in a les s ouitable assign-· ment a nd _possible l osr; or delay in COi;lJensat:i on . Applications are avai lable on e a ch campus throu.gh the Office of F:Liancial Aid. II=5. ' Placement A. Placing the Stude:;:it The purpose of the URB!Ll'if CORPS is t o p:covide the student with a mean in:3fu1 · as sisnrne nt. Therefore , the' prop e 0~ placement of each student is central t o the overall succes s of the program. The f ollowing criteria a.re · us ed i n determin in.:; the a ppropriat e interns h:i..p ass i gnment · a. The s tudent 's prefere;,1ce : b. The student's r elevant ex-_peri ence and abilities ; c. The stuclent's academic level and major : d. The student's vocational e;oals ; and e . The student I s maturi t :/ . Each aJ?plication is treated s eparatel;-,r ~ matched to a spec ific inter;.1

re quest .

B. l\Totification of Assignme;.rt; Aft er p lacement is completed 5 the student will be sent an ITu"TERNSHIP .L\SSIGN.MENT form , ·to,?;ether with instructj_ons for i ts completion ~ a nd f o:..- the illterv iew :required before the assic;nment nay be authorized. Every applicant ,, whether compensated ox· volunteer , wi ll receive an ASSIGNMEI\1T Fori.1, The student must be j_nforrned that it i s h~s obligation to com~1 l y with the instructions on t he Internshi-o Assir.'nment Form. Failure to do so will -" ...., \ - 7 - �will cause delay i n conwensation and may :result h 1 anothe:r student beinr-:; assigned to t h e pos ition i n his place . Quest i ons conce1·ning p lacement s hould be directed to the Placement Uni t, URB/1.N CORPS. II--6. The Interview To insure t l1at t he s tudent fully unde r stanc',s t he nature of his a s sign mei.TG, and t hat t he a c ency or dep artmen-c to whi ch be i s a ssigned i s s atisfied uith his quali f i cat ions :• nn il1cerview '.i_s requ i i·ed of all ap')l i cants bef ore they may c01:nnen ce t heir a:1sic;nm.ent . The i nter view is wi th a de,'3i,'_jna.ted coordinator To:c t h e a e;ency or dep artment t o which t he student i ::; assigne d . The I nterns hi ,-:1 Aosic;n~1ent f orm i nd i cate s t he name , add.J.·c8s an d t ele -_phone nur;iber of the a ::.;en c~r co o:;.· di:u tor. The :1t udent must arrange with the coor dinat or for a 11 inte:;.· vi e,·1 before he starts work. . If a p e rs onal i nt e1·view is i mp ossible , t he student may arr a nge for an i ntervie'I', by tele}.) hone or b y exchan3e of co:t respondence . In any e ve~1t ~ t he a1_) propriat e p ortio,:1s of the Internshi :t? Ass i grnr.ent f or t11 must be complet ed j_n a ccor dance 1·1i th the i nstr uct i ons on the r eve:tsc of t he f orm . The interview is imp ort ant t o the stu dent i n t hat i t gives h:i.n an oppor tunity to dec i de :; befo:;_·e he s tart s h is as s j_c;nme nt ~ whether the as s i;3;11ment i s appropr iate. The interv iew alno a llows the supervisor to deteriili ne if t he assigned i ntern i s sat isfactory fo r hi s needs . Both t he sup e r visor and t he i nt e rn must sign the I nt ernship Assignment Farin and f i ll i n a1::,p:ror,riate L1f ormatioL b ef o:re assignment i s comj_)l ete. Only afte r t he URBAN CORffi HAS RECEIVED THE CORRECTLY COMPLETED .ASS I GNMENT FOP.M I S THE INTERN CONSI DERED ON 'fHE Pf,YROLL RECORDS. A. The I nit ial As signment The fUi."1dan ent a l ;'.)ur_p os e of the URBAN COTIPS i s to provirl e the stu dent wit h t he opportun ity f or n. meaningful exJ_)eric;.1.ce. This i s p r e dicat ed on the student obtain i ni:s an n.ssignment wh ich wi l l i;:1t e r e st ar1d stimulat e hirn . Ther e fore , whe n an as siQ,1.1 ment i s r,mde the student has the opport un ity to r eview it and if he or the a gency f eels t he as::;:i.c;nrnent wi l l not b e of ben efit, eithe r may requ est a c hanc;e . ne qu est s for 2.· e -assic;nment are r e viewed b y the Director o:f Placement . Re ,Jassio;nme;.1.t may be undertak en a s of tei.1 as necessary to a s s ur e a profitabl e internship experi ence . I t s houl d. b e not e d , however, t hat certain cate 6 or i es of a s sic;nnei.1t a re l imited . Stu dents should conoider their own l evel of experience a:1d train-· inc; in rel ation to the as s i grm1ent reque sted. Whil e re-ass;ignments r eceive priority in proc essii.12;, del ay is inevitable. It is adviseable that students c ontact the a 13ency or department coordi nator l isted on the Internshi p Ass i e,111,-ient to det e rmine the exact content of the assi2,1.11nent befor e decidinc on a re·- assignment. SooSectlon II-6 , The Inter view. (', - (J �C.,.. Trans ferr inc; J\ss i Gm.1e;,1ts During the com·se of the interns hip a..ss i 2,11raerrc, it rnay become apparent that the aosi:3nnent is n ot suita.ble for the otudent . This situation r.my arise ii.1 several ,mys. The student r.my Tea.lize a.fte:r a few days that the assic;ru:.1ent does not fulfill his needc , 0 1· the supervisoT 1:my determine that the .student i .s unclm~or - over-qualified foT tp.e a.soic,;~1ment. It r.iay also happen that a.n assignment a.e.sic;ned to lnot the full surm:1eT ma.y be completed r.1ore r ap idly} or fo:..· other reasons the nature of '(che assignment may change. Fo:r theoe reasons a transfer procedure has b een developed to offer the prompt resolutioi1 of placet1e nt difficulties, ·while guarding a,gain::;t frivolous ass i (;.1IDei1t switching . When a. potentia.l o.ssignnent dif ficulty is i dentified by the student ~ his supervisor, o:..· a. rnenber of t he UR:CA_N CORR3 Field Eva.lua.tion Unit, a Field Evaluator will r.:..eet with tbe studeat and his nupervisor t o discuss the problem. Often an a.csigmaent prob3-cn mo.y be reso l ved through a di s cus s ion of the work involved and the di ffi cult ies fo und . Uherc the probler.1 cannot no b e re solved , the Field Eva.lua.tor will prepare a report for the Director of Placement , who will review the student's ass i f-£11li1ent in the light of the assign1-aent spe c ifi cations a.nd the student's application . If it is deterrained that a transfer i s not .:xro.ngcd , the student will be so notified. He nay, if he still desires transfer, o..ppeo.l this dccislon to the URB.f'JJ CORPS Personnel Cornittee . III. III~l. SUPERVISION ·- EVALUATION Supervision Assignments for URB.f\N CORP.3 interns a.Te approved on l y u_von the assuranc e thnt a dequate super Yisio11 will be pr ovided during the period of the inten1 ~ s hip . The avo..ilability of such supervision is reviewed a.nd evaluated by the URBAN CORPS Placement nnd Eva.luation Connnittecs . The level of supervis i on depends upon t he nature of the o.ssiQ;nment nnd the experience of the int ern. This is designed to offeT students the opportun t iy for max imum initiat i ve and c reative flexibi l ity consistent with the cn];>nbil Hies of t he individual and the requirements of the assic;rnnent. Especially in t he case of gr oup pTojectn ~ experienced gr aduate students may supplement the supervisory per sonm~l provided by the agency or department. This hns b een found to r:-f'fer the advantages of close s upervi s ion while per ::iitting more extensive project groups to e ffez···~ lvel y operate. In specia l a.Teas eolJ."'ge fr -:;u.lty and other r.,pecio.lists may work direct l y with the student interns nnd J?l'ofess ional personnel t o pr ovide the oppor tunity for c renti ve _proc-;rnmming. In a.11 cases , the student's work ho,, ,·, and per fo rmace is certified by n qunlified employee of the department or a gency directly responsible for the supervision of the intern. The collec_;e coordinator of financial a id re -~ cei ves a. completed copy of the Internship 1\ssigrnnent for ea.ch student :. indi -cnting the no.me:, address and telephone number of the student's immediate su::;,ervir.or, and C.(;scription of the int8:rns hip pr oject . - 9 - �The iii:lI:lcd.ic.te supe:;.·visor is responsible for collecting, certifying, and delivering to the UK3AN CORPS time sheets on each i ntern for payroll purposes . (See Sectic:1 IV ·· 3 - - Time Cards) ain o. limited way I know who.t my mission is . Now what I would like t o know is whnt you know thnt would be helpful to me in the pursuit and in the re =exnminntio n of thnt miss ion. 11 (An Intern ) When n student accepts an URBJ\N CORPS internship appointment , he knows in a limited wny wha.t his mission is . The supervisor's tnsk is to provide the interpretive assistnnce looked for in the pursuit and re,.examinntion of that mission. III- 2 . Suspension and Discipline URJ',.BN CORPS inte:;.·11s who fo.il to properly perform their assignment may be suspended by thei:;.~ immediate superviso:r . Such sus_pension will be immediately reported to the URBL\N CORPS and thoroughly reviewed. Where such action is wo.rranted a student may be transferred t o m1othe:;.~ a.ssie;nment or , in the co.se of serious misconduct, dis mi.ssed .frou1 the program. Any disciplinary action will be irmnedintel~r reported to the student's college financial aid office. Disciplinary a ct i on may only be taken upon the approva.l of the URBAN CORPS Personnel Cormnittee. The student , his supervisor , and the n,gency coordinator may be asked to appear before the committee before action is taken . 1\ repre-· sentative of the college may sit in on any meetings of the committee concerniDg its students . III- 3. Evaluation The evaluation of the performance of URBAN CORPS interns is carried out at several levels . These include the i mmediate supervi sor :, the coordinator of the agency or department to whic.h the student is assigr~ed , a f ield evaluation unit and the intern hi1nself. Both the student and his sup2rvisor OXIJ queried during the course of the int ernship as to their opinions of the internshi:9 experience and ._performa.nce. The coordinator of the agency or depa.rtment t o which the student is assigned is lilcewi se charc;dd with the t ask of i:.mi ntainin[j on going e valuation of the _performance of interns within his jurisdiction. These evaluations are available to the student's inati tut ion > t1hich a l so ma.y have direct o.ccess to the conce rned parcies. 1\n an integral part of the p:;.~ogrOi.1 the URBAN CORffi has a professional Field Evb.luation St a.ff traii1,ad in personnel worl.: . The Field Evalua.tion Sta.ff has several purposes. They will routine l y visit each inte:rn o.nc. supe:rvisor on the job site, evaluate the performance of the student and the quality of the assignment ~ a.nd p:covide direct assj_stance to student s and supervisors in the resolution of difficulties. (See Section II~7 ~ Change of Aasi~nment ) Written field reports a.:re compiled and a:;.~e available to the institution f or inspection. 10 - �Each intern will have a specific contact person on the Evalun.tion Staff throughout the internship . III-4 Education Aspects nwhen the idea. of service is put into n.ction it chn.nges the no.ture of education. Eclucn.tion becones an inter;:::-al part of living , not just a preparation for life. It becones a lifelong j oy in the discovery of yourself and your relation t o the world. It is realizinc; thn.t every person and institution :i_s vulnern.ble t o the f orces a.round theu. Thus the need for involveuent , f or carinb. (Fay Boyer, 11 Ra.zing the Grad School Ghetto 11 ) In order t o insure ec1ucation releva.ncy f or ea.ch internshi].) the Field Evaluation Staff will conduct infernal sen inars utilizing university concousultants and representatives of various agencies . These seninars r.1ay inal:ut:'.w all interns on occasion but r2ost gr oup neetings will be structerec1 f0'r snaller intern groups within a specific category such as housing or recreation. These neetings will provide the intern with an overall view of his discipline whether working in a city clepartnent , county governnent or private Cl.Geney. Professors for Atlanta area. colleges will serve as educational consultants f or these students and will be available t o visit interns and supervisors on j ob l ocutions t o provide pr ofes s i onal advice on project i uplenentn.tion and final intern reports. III-5. Final Report The cul.n i nati on of the internship will be the final report. It i s a report written f or the intern·' s departncmt or agency ancl prepared uncler the guidance of t he intern ' s supervisor and URBAN CORPS Field Evaluation Staff. It is required under the -terns of appointnent by the URBAN CORPS . The final report is not a din.ry .. it is not an English thene . It is written for the a.c;ency to provide a docunented re1)ort on the problens ~ s cope , and results of the i nternship m1d the overall acency . Specific 11 cool -book n direction ca..rmot be f ollowecl on t hese reports , but general guidelines are incl udecJ. below to hel p insure sane uniforr:.i. skeleton f or a.11 reports. Ea.ch intern should discuss his report objectives and probleus with t he Field Evalun:tion Staf'f cont act early in the internship. A. General SugGest i ons f or the Inter~1 The writing of your final r eport wil naturally have t o wait until the conpletion of the field work (whette applicable ) , but it should be planned fron tb.l? very beginni113 of your proj ect • The content and structure of a good report are related directl y t ::; the nature and scope of the study and t o the the r.1ethods used in gathering, recordinc and interpreting uata. The scope , i.e. , geographical area a.nd objectives of the project should be clearly defined. ·-11~ �The methods used i n pUl"suing the _project should be recorded . Most of your tine will be spent go.therinc; do.to. froo books , o.rticles ; docur:JBnts, reports . and from mo.ny individuo.ls. You rao.y use one or o.11 of these o.pproo.ches , but the personal interview will probo.bly constitute o. chief source of informo.tion. Who.tever the source, it should be relevant to the objectives of your study o.nd documented _ i . e ., the source or person should be accurately recorded. Titles of persoas intJ1·viewed a.re important and shoulcl be noted. A field notebook is essential. Don ' t rely on mei:10ry~ write it dmm on the S}?Ot. A procedure found helpful by 1:mny investigo.tor s is transferrin~ the notebook to cards , which nre filed by topic. You should subnit internittent l?Togress reports to your Field Evaluation contact during your internship. These r eports and careful attention to notes will greatly sir.1plif'y the coElpilo.tion of the final report. As the p1·oject progresses, the f ormat and nubstance of the final re_i_)ort should be considered in your do.ta collection and the forn you use is your i ntermittent reportn. If you use this app roach; :y·ou ,-, i ll find that the pre_po.:ro.tion of your fino.l report ho.s been made ouch quicker o.nd ea,sie,.·. Don't allow your interir.2 reports to becorae nerely statements of activities. These can be in~ eluded; but let the repo1·t reflect yolli· proc:;ress in uud,ersto.ndine:; o.nd interpr eting your project. B. Orgo.nizntion of the Fino.l Report The following general orgo.niza.tion format ho.s been used in s cme earlier f'i no.l reports . It mo.y sugc;est n form a.nd order of presento.tion thnt will fit your study . o.. Cover Sheet - name of project, intern ~ de_pnrt ment or agency~ and intern su_perviso,.· . Do.te of report ~ month o.nd yenr. b. Contents - title of no.jar sections with po.ge nunbers. Double spaced, one side of page . c. Highlight s - ::ucc~nct sto.t er.1e11ts of nnjor findinG;s ~ observations nnd suggestions. d. Introduction - genero.l description of project ~ rela.tion t o overn.11 probler:i of internship ~ stntement on methodology . e. Obj ectives ~ concise sto.tet1ent::i of wha.t internship seeks to acconplish . f. Description~Internship Areo. · '" location : responsibility a.nd purpose of a.gency or department , po.rt it plays in Metro~ Atlnnta , description of neiGhborhood (where a.pplico.ble),etc. g. Findings - presentation of content o.nd substo.nce · of internship activities . Primary attention to case histories ; actual ha.ppenin,3s ~ interviews a.nd o.ccura.te docunento.tion is essential. - 12 ~ \ \ �h. Conclusions - y our p ersonal opinion of interpreta.tL-ns ch'mm fr un data. _presented in preceding section . i. Rec 0rn:1enc1a.tions - these should e;r ow out of c onclusions ; ·concise explnna.tion of rec oi:uenda.tions a.nd nethods of i upleoenta.tion. j . Supplenenta.l u a.teria.ls (appendix) (1) Jl.cknowleclgenents - list of people consult0d c:r assisting with p r c_, ject. (2) Bibliogra_phy - list of b ook s ~ articles :, or other info1·1JD.tion sources cited in b0a.y of report or .:_J ertinent t o objectives of stu~r. (3) Tables:, charts :- c1iagra.;·.1 s. The fi nal project :;_•eport c ovcrinG the internship project a.nd the intern' s findings a.nd c onclusions sha.11 b e subo itted t o the URBAN CORPS at the end of the intern ship a.ppo i nt nent ~ or uithin 30 days thereafter. Failure to submit the re .ort uithin ".)O days of the internship terc ina.tion will renult in for citure of the final i nte:..·nship _p aynent. · The final typewritten draft should require little editine; . When received by the URBl\N CORPS , the r.i..::i.nu:::cript should be in a.ca.demica.lly acceptable f orr.1 . C. Publicati on Iu.l no.terio.ls c ollected during the internship nssignnent shall be considered as bel0nc ing t o the l oca.l sponsor i ng c., rga.nization unless other a.rrnngenents nre no.de by the URBJI.N CORPS . Interns u a.y publish the results of their pro jects ~ or a.ny p-,rtions thereof, ·only with the ,i1·itten per n is sion of the URBiUIT CORPS. I.f'ter editing the URB.i\N CORES will provide the agencies a. c opy of the fi nal report upon receipt of a. written request no.de b Jr the Agency or depa.rtoant hea.d . IV. COMPENSATION .,. IV-1. Genera.l Infor r.10.tion Eligible URBAN CORPS interns nn.y receive c or.1pensn.tion through the Federal ,College Work- Study Progxan. The a.r.10Ul1t aml '. :-.ethoc1 of c cnpensatic,n of such students is governed by the terns of the ar;ree1:1ent entered into betwee;,1 the institution a.nd the City of l\tla.nta~ by the provisions of the Econonic Opportunity l\ct of 1964 > as ru:1endccl. > by xegulaticms pror.mlgo.ted by the Office of Eduoo.tion and by the r e gulations nnd ord.inm1ce s of the City of' l\tla.ntn. lmBJ\N CORffi interns are by action of the Boa.rd of !Llderuan uf the City of .l\.tlantn ~ en_ployees of the City undex the generic title of 11 c o.sua.l enp.loyees . 11 Irregardless of o.gency assignIJ.ent all interns (unless s:pecia.lly nrrru.1gedJ will be pa.id frou the URBAN CORPS Payroll . - 13 - �Unde1· the tern s of the o..g:teer:1.en·c between t he i n stitution a,nd the URBU:; CORFS > t he URB/ ,.N CORFS pr:w ides the requis ite 1 t1n.tchinc; :;ra.nt 11 t a the CWS::? c ont:ribution. By· t he te:ru c o f such o.greenent , po.yrc.,11 is prep ar ed by t he City. I\. s pecio.1 ~cntra.ct between t he City o..n d .:,t her nc n~profit ~ ;:mblic fo. ter e s t a gencie s a.llows i nterns t o be nssiGned by the URBfiN CORPS .. (See II-2B) IV--·2 . Rate of Pny Stipeu ds o.re dete1--r1i ned b y ng:reen ei.l"G betueen the i n stituticm ·C1-ty :, .'.1~1<1 URBMT CORES. The Geo.le of stipends 5 a.s set f orth Li.1 the schedule a nnexed t o na i...~ o.gr e enent , varie s the rate of po.y in o.cc0r do.nce 11i th nco.c1en ic level of the student , o.s of the beginning da/c e c f t he i ntern s h i:,? . For t he sU1.11:1e1· _pr ogra.r.1 the sea.le is o.s f ,)llou s : Entering Fre slmnn . . . . $1.00/hour Between fres hnen 8~ s oph01:.10re y e m·s . $1. GO/ hour Between s ophcnor e & jun i or yeo.:;:s . $2 . 20/hour Between junior t ; s enior yea.rs . • $2.20/hour Betwee n seni or ;y ea.rs a nd first yem: of grndua.te or p r of ess i onal sch Jol ~;2 . 50 /hour Between subsequent yea r s of c;ra.duo.te 0r professi onal s chnol . . • . . . . . $2.50/hour Grndunt e o.nd p1·of e s sLmo.l student s a.re de f ined ns ctudents purs u ing a. degr e e beyc nd t he ba che l or ' s . IV- 3 . Houxs n.ncl Tit1e Rep ort s Ma.xi r.mn hours a.r e deterD.i n ed b y a.greeu ent between t he ins titution nnd the URB/ J\T CORFS, within t he n a.x i r.1un lin its set f orth under t he n1Jpli c o.ble Federa l l aw n.nd r egul at i ons. Hour s n ny vo.r;y within t he r.m.xi our.1 lini t s s et f urtll i n t he nc;r e ene nt i n nccor cbnce with the r e quir enent s of t he sp e cifi c . int ernshi p assiGnr.1e nt. It i s the obli gat i on of t he student t o lin it h i s part i cip ation t ::- t he r.io.xiuur.1 111.11.1ber of hc,u:rs per 1itt ed by l o.w and throuGh the a c;r cenent . Work perfon :ied i n exc ess of t he s t ate d n:ixi 1:.1U1:1 c o.n not b e c on11e nsnted. There is n o p ruvision f or overtinc wor k p eri ods. Fe der nl law and n un i c ipo.l r e e,u lo.t ions r e qu ire that a wr i t t en tin e r ecord he 1:1aintained f or 0nch s tudent under CWS P or d her fw:1ded p o sitj_ons. !~ unif orr.1 Tine Rep ort f or n llns b een _prepared f or u s0 b y nll URBJill CORPS i nt er n s . �See Appendix J\. for n snnple pYoperly co,·.1pleted Tir:1e Report en.rd. . Dnily tine Tecords a.re rn:l.intn.inecl by the student on the Time Cnrd 5 n.nd certified n.s to o.ccurn.cy o.t the end of en.ch pn.y:roll period by the stuclei.YG I s iL1µ1edinte supervisor. Tine Report cards ure foruarded to the URBAN CORPS Payroll Depa.rtnent f or processing:- inn.ccordance ui th the schedule of payroll periods. (See- ' Sccti:i :. IV··7B_)_ J\.ccurately conpleted Tine Report cn.rds will expedite pn.yroll processinQ;; illegible 5 inco:r:rect or late Tir1e Repoi·t cn.i ds se:riously deln.y payr:ient and cm1 _possible delay the entire ::?n.y roll for all interns. 0 Certified sto:cenents of tiue wo:rked nnd cor.1pen:mt i on will be · sent to the institution foi· its records, rv.,4. l\.bsences Under n.pplicnble Federal Lm-r , students c onpcnsnted under CHSP a.re hourly enployecs, n.ncl ther12fore e10.y oi1l y be c onper2sa-ced for tine actually wo:rked. There is no pi·ovisj_on for vacntion 5 holido.y or sick l enve tine. Ji. student who is absent fr on his nssigm:.1 ent for n.ny Ten.son nn.y not :reaeive c onpensation fo:i.' that tir.1e . However 5 students ,,my mn.ke up l ost tin e by working up to but not i n excess of the lir_1.its provided under Federal law and the agreer.1ent between the ir college and the URBtlN CORFB . IV~5 . Socin.l Security and To..xes As enployees of the City of f1.t lo.ntn. int erns will not po.y Socio.l Security since City er.1ployees have o. specio.l retirer.ient plnn . No deduction will b e i:mde f or the Cit;sr rctirenent pla,n fr ·,11. intern I s po.ychecks. For the 1,wpo ses of inc01~1e tmmtion :, URBfJ'-T CORPS interns a.re treated o.s n.ny enploye e of the City of Atln.nt n. All o.::_,pl i c a,ble Federo.l o.nd Georg ia. Sta,te to.xes a:re withheld , reporte d n.ncl ren ittcd a,s requi red by lnw. Studei1t int e:rns rec eive TJ~-2 :foTns, c or.ip iled by the Cor.iptro ller of the City of Aclanta,, shortly a,fter the first of the yen.r follcwing theii· i nterns hip . All i nt e1':1S a.re required t o file n, sto.te and fede :rn.l Enployee Hithholding Ce:rtificate ( GeorQ;ia F.<?ri:1 G- L~ , Fcdern.l Frvrn H- ~-) with the URBAN CORPS . Thes e should b e cor.1pl eted before the work pc:riod beg ins f or pa,yroll withhol ding p urpose s . FJ\.ILURE TO COMPLETE THE NECEES.f'.RY FORMS WILL DELAY I.Nl'ERN'S PAfMENT . IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Il\JTERN TO COMPLETE THESE FORMS. Consult the URDAN CORPS Pa.y1·oll Dcpn.rtuent for Additional details. IV ~-6 . 1-Jorknen I s Cor.1ponsn.t ion URB.f\N CORPS student interns are enpl oyees of the City of l\tlanta ~ 't:r'.6.er the r;eneric title ncn.sual Er.J..Pl oyee. n By the order of the Mn.yor , URBAN CORFB student interns a.re c overed unde1· the progro.r.1 of Workoen' s Conpensation . I n the event of a. worl. --related injury which n ay be conpensn.ble under the Worknen's Conpensation Law of the State of Georc;in , the student should - 15 ~ �i DDedia.tely i nfo:ru i;EJ.-.1_ployee I s Nat ice is assigned :, or a.t o.ssignecl will a.ls o lm·1. llis supervisor a.net conpl ete :- a.s soon ns possible : a.n of Injury. n · This f orn u ny be obtained where the student -c t ,':c Ui.ill!Ulf CORFS office. The agency where the student is file an enploye:r's :report of the injury ~ a.s required by Plea.se note tha.·c i.1ot o.11 injuries nre coupensable u nder the Worlmen ' s Cor.1penso.tion Lu.w. To 31:rotect t he student , the :proper forn s should in a n~r case be _p:rnnptly conplet cd and filed. In the event of pot ent ic.ll~r conpe;_1so..ble ii.1jury:, ns in the case of any serious i n jury or .i :irolo::e:;ed illnes s , the student ( or a, frie nd or relative) should infon1 the UlTGf,l\T ::.:CRFS office . f,dvic e o.nd o.ss istanc e are alway s a.va.ilo.b l e. TiJ~7. Centro.l Pnyroll Sys t -?n Th8 sr.ope o.P.:l s i z2 of the URB/'0:-T CORFS has nandatcd a.n i nproved systeu of c or.1pensa.tii.1g s·'.;uckncs receiving stipends under c ~·3p, In c ooperation with the Office of Ednco:cio;_-1 C,i.,.d tl1e Of f ice of the Conptroller of the City of Atla.nta. :, a Centra.l Pa.yT.oll Sy3ten ha.s b een established t o provide the r:iost efficient nco,,,s of processing student pa,yr olls. Under thi s s y sten _p ayrolls a.re prepa.:red by t h,~ City of At l anta. , ·w hi ch ns su1.1es nll responsibility f or che ck proc ·.:- s sinG, -t.lle withhol.din2; of a.p:p:c·op rio.te tmces and the requi:re cl :rcJ>o:rt i nc t o =-- ~.~:t a.J.. ew:,.d Rtat e to.xinc; a.uthorities, The respo~1sibili ty c,f the pa:rtic i pa.-cinc,; irn,:; itu~i cm is li;·1ited t o approvinp; payrolls a.nd provi clinc;:, bi --wee],.J_y on t:1e b s is of :;:··:oof of u o:rk p erfo:rrn~d > the requinite nnount f:ron the Fed.8retl C(,;3 P ~ra.nt, The agreenent entered int o b etwe <:m the i n s t i tut i on and the U.8:S/\..i.'T CORl-:S sets fo:rth the b asic provis i ons of the Ccntra.l Po.y:roll Sys-Lr.n. Non-c ity agencies utilizing inte:rns a.re not respons ible for wr it ing 110.yx·oll c:1c2l:~J. S:;s ico,J. URD/ili CORR3 cont:ra.ct s ·with these noi.1- city a genc ies sp ecifie::; a. onc --tine a.dvo.ncc payn ent for intern c onpensa.tion . Qp.estions conccrninc; the Cent:ro.l Pa.y,.1011 Systen or 1\gency Contracts shoul d b e oclrlTessed to tl1e Fis c o.l Director:, URB.I\N CORPS. The Ce nt:tc,~- :!?o.:,rro l J. Syst ei:1 1:10,kes u se of the extensive paY'.cool proc essinG c a.p abili·cies o:f -c.>., O:C'ficc of the Conptroller of the City of At l m1tn. The pro cess is a.s fo:,Jowt· 1. I nt c:c 118 recurd their 1-mrk hour s on standard Tine Report. cards. Sec .f.\p1,ic 1,c1'.:.x A. 2. i\.t., the end of each bi,-weekly pa.yro ll p eriod ~ the Tine Report is r, ,--:. · ·';i:f'ied n.s t o a~ctITacy by t he i ur.iediate supervisor of the :i.ntc:ru . - 16 ~· �3. Work report periods end on the 2nd~ 4th Monday of each nonth. Tin e Report cards a.re delivered t o the URBl\N CORES Pn~r.coll Depa.rlnent by 12 noon 0;_1 the Monday ending ea.ch po.y period . The Urbrn:. Corps Po:y-.c0ll Depnrtnent is l oca.ted in the City Ha.11 Basenent i n the Data P.cocessinc,; a.rea. . L~ . ST.t\TEMENT of c ci:1pensa.tion due is prepared for ea.ch i nstitution. Such sta.tenent includes the tota.l pa.yroll f or a.11 CWSP students fron the college subnittinQ; Tine Report cards f or the period a.nd a. conputation of the anount due fror.1 the college's CWSP gra.nt. 5. The Stntenent is forwarded t o the institution~ t ogether with a. c ertifie d sta.tenent of hoUTs worked ~ a.nd a lis ting of the i nstitution's students with their identify ing rnmbers and rate of pa.y . 6. Upon receipt of the Sta.tenent and the Tir.1e Report cords~ the institution r.1ay verify the accuracy of the prop osed pa.yoents a.nd deterEine that the pi·o.1?er students have been charged to it s a ccount. Upon verifica.tion 5 the i nstitution dra.ws one check , t o the order of nThe Cit~· of Atlanta. URB!\N CORPS 11 for the requisite ru:10unt ( t otal c or.11Jensa.tion less the URBl'iN CORFS sha.re ) and f onmrds t he check t o the URBL\N CORPS . 7. If discrepai,c ies are f ound by the inst itution ; approprinte procedures a.re _p rovided t o i nsu:re pronpt pa.ynent of the c orrectly cha.rged s tudents while holding pnyi.1ent of those in question . 8. Ea.ch institution receives a c opy of the :Jfficial Payroll Sheets f or ea.ch pay period , provi ding the f ollowing i nf o:r·· n a.tion : mi.1..1e of stucle::t , ide:'.tifyL:::; mmber ~ rate of pay 5 &;r o ss pa.y ; itenized decluctio,.1s ancl net pa.y. Onl y CWSP stucle;.1ts fr on the i n stitution are liste d . These f or1:1s t ogether with c ertified tiue records :. rn1d the Statencnt of Conpenso.tion Due ~ constitute i nf o:n:10.ticm sufficient t o satisfy the records requirenents of the Office of Education . I ntern pay che cks will be sent to the i nte:n1' s clep artn ent wi th the ree;ulo.r City ~,ayr:Jll where the i nt ern is world:"lQ; f or a Ci t y of J\.tl a.nt a. depnrtnent. Pa.y checl,.s f or non-city a.e;~ncy interns i.mst be picked up a.t the URB.1\N CORPS c,ffi c e on the Wednesday \Jeek , nine day s af'ter the Monday on which -:~.:'.7 e CaJ~t]5· wer.e V. V- 1. tui.ile d. ··1i1 . · - . . -... ~ · MISCELLANEOUS Housing a nd Tro.nsporto.tion The URBAN CORFS does not provide hou s ing n or tra.n spor to.tion f or i nterns. J\.tlo.nta. Tro.nsit o_pei~o.tes bus l ines that will suffice tra.nsportati on t o a.nd fror..1 work . Ma.ps a.nd info:rr.ia.t i o;.1 no.y b e obta.ined b y c ontacting Atlanta Transits office s. -· 17 - �V·~2. Sickness and AccidGn-cs URBAN CORPS interns who a.re injured or become sick while at their a.ss ignnent should n::.itify their i r.media.te supervisor. Ls 1;Ca.sua.l Enployees n of thG City , interns will not be eilgible for sickness benefits nor hos~ pita.lization. V- J. I. D. Cards Every intern will be given an URBJ\Iif CORPS I. D. Ca.rd during orientation day. If the intern terninates euployi::ient ~ he is obligated t o turn- in his ID Ca.rel. V- 4. In the Event of Difficulty A. /i.s s i gm.1ent Ii. student who encounters difficulty with his assignment should be ad-· vised as follows B. a.. Discuss the problen with his irnlediate supervis or. In nost cases , a.n open and frank discussion will resolve the difficulty. b. If the probleo persists , the student should discuss it with his agency or department ' s UIIBf.~T CORPS coordinator . See Itens 8 a.nd 9~ on the Internship Ass:ignoent Fon:i. c. In the event neither procedure effectuates a. reo2dy, the student should contact the Field Evn.luntion Unit. Special telejl>bone :1UL1bers ,-Jill be pr e vided ea.ch student f c,:r the Field Eva.luo.tion Unit. Where warranted : the a.ssigntient will be cho.nged. See Section II--7 , ClmnGe of /i.ssigrment . Coopensation The URBJ\N CORPS Pny:roll Proble1.11J Unit will i rn:1ediately investigate a.11 cowpla.ints o.nd probleus report ed t o the Central Office, either by the studo.=:1t .or through the Field Evaluation Unit. Students with pa.yr-.;ll problens should be advised to cont a.ct the URBA.i.~ CORFS Pay:r:oll. De9artment at 522--4463., ext 367 or 368. l I \ - 18 - �C A R D - S AMP L E ,r.· • _,,.,,. - - illRI OD El'TDI NG TUlE HECORD COLLEGB - ---------- I I 1-TEE~~ OF AGENCY .

S!i'!I . l - ----------- l TOTJ\L I I - ------ - ----' TIWT IF s . -· ! TOT!iL _ __ _.. -. i RATE I hcreb ~r c .:::rt i f ~r tl1is Ti,::c Rcc cr~ is cor re ct. I Stu dent / ,_ 1 - - - - -- -·- , , �The Following books are suggested o,s rl)forcnc e material f or Urbo,~1 Corpsm2n intere st e d in student-un i versity- conrr:Iunit y i11.nterio,l. Bidd le , Wi llia,n l'i . and Loureid J. ; The Community Development Process · 'J:he Rediscove:;_'sy of Loc al Initiativei~'io·1~k· - Ho l t, Rinehart , Uinston~ 19b5, rincludes a n exc ell ent b ioli Of:;J'.'ElJ?~'J.Y On all phases nf COIDlllU11i ty development .) New Catalog of Feder al Prog1·ams for Indi viduo,l and Community Improvement, Hc.0: c Office of . Economic Oppo:r tuni t y :, Jw.1e l :, 1967 ' -.... Ini;~c-on~ ·-yj .-6~ Cremin , Lawrence A. , The Republic & the Sc hool __ Horac e Man on the Educatj ,,-.- _ ~_f __Free Me32, New Yor k, Teache1·~~ Coll e ge Pre ss ; 19 57 Cremin :, Lawrenc e P• • > The Transformation of 'Gl1e Schoo l Progress ivism in_ American Educo,t io'n,' ' 1_376:-f s-5i; Al fl'C d A. Kn opf 9 New Yorl~, 1961. Col berg, M. R. , "Human Co..pi to,l o..s a Sou thern Resource , 1 ' Southern Economic Journal 2'.: (Janu,::rcy 1S'03 ) , pp. 1S57 -66 . Davis , James A., Grent __Aspirati_ons, Aldi ne ?ubli shing Company , ChicUGO, JS:~-:; Eberl y; Donald J., inGton :, E.C. 11 A Profil e of National Service >" Washington , D. C.,: National Ser vic e Sec retariat, J une 1966. Eberly > Donn.ld J , , ,;National S·a rvice , Sage Fow."ldation :, 1S68 . o, i:-va:::: ,. Profile of a Conference ," Ru ssell , "Service Experi e nce and Education Growth," Educat ion Recor d 5 - - -fJashin6 ton, D. C. ·: The Arnerican Council on Educ ation , Spring: 2.S·68 . A "Freedom Bu dg et r;_ for All Ameri_c ans , Ua.shington:, D C. A . Phill ip nanc,o l p h Institute:, October, 1~ Galbraith, J ohn K., The Affluent Societ :r:. B, ·, ston


The New Indu s t r i a l State, Bo ston Cardner :- J'ohn U. , Exc ellence : Harper Bros. , 196 1. ff, u ghton Mi f fl in :, 1S52. Hou ghton Mifflin ;, 1~67 . Can i:-.re Be Equo,l and :::;;xcel Too? New York Gardner , John H. , _I:To_ E!:1:_S;Y_Vict o ~ , New Yor k~ Harper /:; Ros, 196[',. Harrinc;ton , Michael , '.!.' he Other -0,r~1eri_c_a_~., New York . 1962. The Macmi llian Company, Katz, Saul M, and McGowan , Frank, A SelectGd List of U.S , Readings on Devel OJ2 · ment. Ke~rserl ing; Leon H. , Progress on Poverty, Was h ington , D. C. the Conference on Economic P".cogress , December , 1961~. J\ report of Lenihan, Kenneth .J . , 85 Vis t a s :. A Report on the Performan ce and Experience_ of the First Vo l unteers in Service to America, Bureau of Applied Social ri.esearch, Columbia n iversit y;; New YorL:., 1966. APPENDIX B - 20 - �Lindley, Ernest K . , and Lindley , Betty ~ A Ne,·1 Deal for Youth The Story of the National Youth Acl."llinist:ro.tion. - The Viking Press > New York , 1933. Lynch, Rank and Ma.retzki, Thomas H., The Phillipines Peace Corps Survey Final Report, Social Science Research ·Institute> University of Hawaii , Honolulu :, 1966. Maddox > James G., The American South ~ Manpower Prospects and Problems, New York The Twe;.1tieth Centu:ry Fund., 19b7 . Mumford , Lewis , The Urban Pros_p ect , New YoY1.~.: Harcou:;.· t > Brace & Wo:rld Inc.~ 1968. Myrdal , Gunner, An Amer ican Dilemma The Negro Problem and Modern Democra':!~1. : New York ~ Harixir and Row ~ 1962. _ __ _ _ , fpallenge to Affluence > NeH York Pantheon Books , 1S63. Pope Paul VI , On the Development of Peo;;:iles, Wns hinc;ton , D. C. ; United States Catholic Conferenc e, 1967. President ' s Commission on National Goals , Goals f or Americans Progr~s for Action in the Sixties, Englewood Cliffs , New ,Jers ey, Pre~t i ce Hall _., 19b0. Shostak > Arthur B. , and Gombery., William:, edi tors ., New Perspect i ves on Pov erty, En0 lewood Clif fs , New Jersey :. Prentice Hall , 1S'65. United Sta-re s Dep artment of Labor> Manpower Report of thP. President, Was hington , D. C, U. S . Government Printing Office , 1967. Venn , Grant, Man ? Educat ion Md Work cal Educatioi.1, Washington, D. C. Post-,S econdary Vocational and TechniAmerican Council on Education ~ 15'.6'-~. Harren , Roland , §tudyinc; Your Communit y , New Yo1·k Ru ssell Sage Foundation, 1955. · Weisb r od, Bur t on, The 1!:conomi c s of Povert~ An American Paradox, Englewood Cliffs, New Jer s ey Prentic Hall ~ l S65, 0 ' . Uilson , Jai'1les H , and Lyons, Edward H, , Work Study Coi.leg~ oc;rams . .A,p pr ais A,l and Re_port of the Study of Cooper at'i ve Eclucat ion, Har p er t; Brothers, New York , 1§61. - 21 -· �