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IAk~~ Dishwashing , parking cars, pumping gas ._.__.,are i:hese your ideas of world saving jobs . Hovr about ours : running a street theatre , planning a playground , serving as an assistant to the Mayor , working on traffic flow problems , or any of several hundred opportunities in a ll areas of the city . How mai1y times have you said , 11 If I w.ere runnin g thi s city thing s would really be differentll? Wel l we can ' t give you the k ey s to Ci ty Hall , but we can get you in th~:front door through t he Urban Corps . The Atlanta Ur ban Corps is a cooperative pro gram for bringing bright , motivated youn g people into an intimate involvement with Atlanta ' s muni cipa l gov er nment and inter- city pro blems . · The primary emphasis is aimed at i n t e rim eoployment of coll ege s t udents i~ Metropolitan gov e rnm ent po s ition s an d i n non- profit agenci es . Availabl e jobs ran g e f r om a dministrative postsin city goverment to social involv ement in i n t e r - city communi ties . The pro gram off ers a servic e - l earning expe ri ence that acts as a n ext ension of t he s tud en t s 1 s coll ege educ a tio n by expoing him to "re al lif e i1 pro bl ems by o ffer i ng hi m a chanc e to t emper ide ali sm with act uali ty . I n t e r n s hi ps provide no t on ly an edu c ationally rel evant experi enc e t hat s imulaneousl y ser ves the city an d it s peo pl e , but i t a l so serves a s a sourc e of the f un ds fo r the s t u dent . The Urban Co rps i s staf fed almost enti re l y by stu dents . Students started th e pro5ramme and now col l eges , metro governments a n d bus i nesses ar e he l pi ng t o make it a s ucc ess •. . It is funded primarily by the Fe deral Work- Study Program t h r ou gh partic ipat i n g c oll eges . Student s that are f i nanc i a lly e li gi bl e a r e fun ded 80% by t heir c oll eges and 20% by the employing agency . Atl anta bu sinessmen and foundations contri bu te f unds for admi ni ~tr~tion and i ntern s not eligible fo r work- s tudy f undin g . Emplo yi ng agenc i es inc lude : the Ci ty of Atlan t a , Ful ton Co un t y Gove r nment , DeKalb Coun t y Government , So u thern Regional Education Broad , VISTA , SouthwestYMCA , Grady Hospi tal, Atl anta Lirary Boys 1 Clut·and others . Students eligible for Urban Corps include entering freshme n throu gh graduate students . Practicall y all Atl anta area col l eges are partic i pati ng . Course credit possibili ty should be di scussed with your co l le ge dean . Students inte rest ed in appl yi ng should tontact their Student Government Offic e or apply directly to Atlanta Urban Corps~ 30 Courtland St . N. E., Atlanta Ga . 30303 . Telephone ( 404) 524- 009 1 Mayor Ivan Allen says of the Urban Corps : 11 0ur young people and our cities can no longe r afford t o be strangers . The Urbarr Corps offers Students a chance to be in the mainstream of Atlanta s pro bl ems and po ten ti a.ls. n �