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S e pt emb er 14 . 1966 Mr . E . Earl Patton, Jr .• Chai rman F ulton C ... unty Republic an P a rty 4 21 Pal mer Build i ng 41 Mar ietta Street. N . W. A tlanta, Georgi a 30303 Dear Earl : Thank you very much fo r y our enc ouragement and suppor t . I am in agreement with you that we both desire what is best for the City of Atlanta and Fulton C ounty. It is always gratifying to .know that I have the full support of the Republi.can Party in our efforts to build a great city and you can be assured that I will call up1>n you many t imes in the future . Sincerely yours, I v n Allen, Jr. M ayor IA.Jr:fy �