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W. L. C A LLO WAY, PRE91CENT 8. 5. B URCH, SECRETARY C. R.YATES, TRE AS URER 22 B UTLER STREET, N O RT HEAST WARREN R. CO CHR AN E, G EN ER A L SE CR ETARY TELEPHO N E ..JAC K SON 4-0246 ATLANTA 3, G~ORGIA Septerrber 8, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor The City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 twdear :r-"e yor .Allen: This is to say that the Advisory Comm:i. t tee' of the Westside YMCA wishes to join ot her citizens in denouncing the vidence and disorder which recently occur red in the City of Atlantao We do not think there is room in this city for such a movement. We wi sh to commend the police department and the city administration We want to continue to build a better Atlanta and a stronger future for all our citizens. for the manner in which this natter was handled. The YMJA has devoted its attention to the prevention of delinquency and slum conditions by seeking to IrEet the needs of all our people in the comnunity. We invite the c omnuni ty t o join with t he YM::A and other c omnuni ty agencies in hel ping to br:ing about expanded program faciliti es for the er r adication of social blight. Respectfully, THE WESTSIDE ADVISORY COMMITTEE J. R. Wilson, Chairman JRW/eab cc: Chief Herbert Jenld.ns MEMBER AGENCY, METROP OL ITAN ATLANTA C O MMUNITY SERVICES �