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NEWS RELEASE from the ATLANTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TELEPHONE: 521-0845 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, representing the business community, deplores the recent senseless shooting of a Negro youth and calls upon _the entire community to cooperate with the Police Department in locating and bringing to justice the guilty party or parties. The Chamber Board abhors this act of violence in the same manner and to the same degree that it abhors the actions of irresponsible groups which led to earlier rioting last week . We appreciate and support the action of Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. in offering a reward of $10, 000 for the arrest and conviction of the guilty party or parties in the shooting. The Chamber Board also commends most highly the efforts of the Mayor throughout the recent disturbances . He has acted far beyond the call of duty, and at great personal risk, in meeting head-on the racial tensions of the past week with a tremendous amount of personal courage. The same commendations are extended to the entire Atlanta Police Department and the responsible leadership of the Atlanta Negro community. Our Police officers are to be praised for their calm and courageous handling of the situation. Atlanta's fine Negro leadership responded immediately when the incidents first were initiated last week, and has been largely responsible for preventing what could hav~n more serious outbreaks of violence. The Chamber Board urges all of Atlanta's citizens to act with utmost care and concern for all of its other citizens during this period, and further, that we continue to work together to correct our problems , effect improvement of unsatisfactory conditions within our community, and upgrade the opportunities of all of our citizens . �