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STATEMENT BY IVAN ALLEN, JR. Sentencing of William Jame · to Life February 9, 1967 The conviction oi William Hay ood Jamee. for the murder ·o f Hulet Varner, Jr. is prooi certain that all persons are equal before the 1 w and subject to the d mand of the la in the City of Atlanta, Geor . i • On September 11, a few hour after the shoo~ of the youth, I reminded the peo le of thi cUy that Atlanta'· unexcelled by y other Am.eric ffort which have been city, to eliminate racial p%'ejudic nd in ure the Ne ro citi•en 1of equal :ri hta and opportunity. Thi · cannot be d order; accomplished or c i'ried out xe pt 'l.Ulder th authority of la that the e re ln.separ bl , and neither can su.c:c ed with t the other. Thi b li f A.a an •le pa little J. r gar C t t tQ ii. high et te t 1n thi result, aier 11 ciffz n• of Atl nt C r City Att r t e Uttl tr ·i ht l' ~ . ht. & raem tan c • • th \U"d rer. re ar .th C f Jenkin• t th arr at �