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September 15 , 1966 Mr . George Dodd, Directo1· East Central Ne ighborhood Center 486 Decatu.r Street, S . E . Atlanta, Georgi a Dear George : The City of Atl nta. Sanitary Department and the Fulton County Health Department are cooperating in a joint effort to clean up the Boulevar d area and carry out a r t control program. 1n talking with Health Dep rtrnent officials , they indicate that little will come of a rodent conti·ol program unless the people in the r a will join with them and practice better sanitation habita . Mr . Cantr 11. who h s been working on sp eial pro gr m in that area . lready,. says that he believes th.at if we could g t EOA to h lp tell the people bout good s nit tion pr ctic s and po sibly prep re and distribut poster throughout th r a , thie would h ve re l good effect. He say that his dep rtment will b gl d to WOl'k with H om maker Aid s or any other p r on designated by EOA to tr in them to in truct r sident in th are in these pr ctic I would sugg t th t we might g t the element ry school to have a poster conte t aft r two or three 1 ctures on sanit tion h bit to control p et • Then th ee po t r could b d iepl y d at a.p rtm nt , sto re , and other loc tions. This has work d very w 11 in the Fire Dep rtm nt nd I beli v it would work w 11 h re. Thie would b e a project EOA could c rry out v ry £f ctively. �Mr . D odd Page Two Septen1ber 15, 1966 Let me know of your thinking on this and if there is any way I can help . You might have someone call Mr . Grennon at 572-2116 , who has charge of the R odent Conh·ol Se ction of the Health Department, or M r. T . A . Canti·ell at 572 - 2844. Sincerely yours , Dan Sweat DS :fy cc: Mr . C . 0 . Emrn. rich Mr . Bob Lynn �