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. ·' \ September 21, 1966 Mr . R · be rt McDaniel, Chairman The G ood Ne i ghbors Club Sum- Mee Neighbor hood Ser v ice Center 65 Geo1·gia A v enue, S . E . A tlanta , Georgia Dear Mr . McDaniel : I appreciate you send ing me the list of items which the G ood Neighbors C l ub thinks are the major proble1ns in your comm.unity. I will tt mpt to give you a status report on prospective help in e ch area in the o rder listed by you in your letter of September 12. 1. Recreation Cente rs - The Atlanta Parks and Rec:r tion D partment h lea ed a duplex apartm nt t 255 Dodd _Avenu , S . W. as a first step in providing some immediate indoor recreation during th fall .ind wint r month . The Parks Department i making plans for th op r tion nd programming of activities at thi location and as soon as they h v , complet d theb s c;:h dulin I m ur th t they will b in touch with you nd your group. The Planning Dep r~ment is 1. o workin with th chool offici ls to initi te pl for th dev lopm nt of a po sible nei hborhood cent r in connection with one of th tcbools being exp d d in your ar �.tv1r. McDani el Page Two S e p t embe r 21, 196 6 2. Enfor ce H c,using Code - Our Hous ing Code D i vi s i on has s t epped up its c ode c ompliance p r ogr am i n that are a p art i c ularl y along Capit ol A venue and firm a ction is bei ng t aken t o as sur e that p r operty i s b r ought up t o standard through our special p r ogr am wit h the A tlant a Housing Department, the Cit y Inspe ction Department. EOA and the H ousing A utho rity. Hel p i '-' b eing p r ovi d e d t hose peopl e who de s i r e to move int o bet te r h ousing and wh o a re q ualifie d for publit hous ing to get them i n s tandar d homes a t t h e e a r lie st poss ib l e date . 3. Cauti on Light s (Capitol Avenue School) - Th Traffic Engi neering Depar tment is investi ating the feas ib ility of additional Caution light s a t thi s school and a r eport will be forw rded to you a s soon as t heir e ngi neering inve tig tion is completed. 4. Playlot for Teenager nd Children with Extend d Night Program - ln1proven1ents are being made to tho pl yground cross from Capitql Avenue School . Th Atl nt Braves are fencin in the re and will a phalt ar a for p ci 1 play ctiviti s . The Stanl y Daniel Park is under c r:natruction nd the City now h s firm und r contract to r · novat t large building for an indoor 1' creati on center . The Community School Program which is t rting in the ar will also provide om additional r creation faclliti d W!'ing the cold weather months. 5. M ur Elem ntary Schoob and High S chools .. The School B o ard now h · in plan or und r c ontr ot proj ct which will include m jor ex nsion oi th Capitol Avenu S chool; St nley Daniel School, and xp ndon of th sit of th J ·hnson El mentary School. Th old 61nith .. Hugh School will b

r claim d by th School B e ard, :r nov t d nd

pla.c d back into ope r tion as high school or junior hi h chool. �Mr . McDaniel Page Three September 21 , 1966 6. More S anitation Services for S treet P ickups and A ll Other City Se r v ices Due This Area - I think y ou will note an increase i n the sanitary servi ces a nd as indi cate d on the attached report fr om the Sum- Me e Center sanitation services have been expanded greatl y . 7. I nterracial Patr olmen for Regular Duty in This A rea A s you are a.w r e , our Police Department operates on an interracial bae is . We do not have two m an cars in any area be cause of lack of p ers onnel. Therefore , you will p robably see many one man cars with both Negro and wh ite officers patrolling the area on a re gular b sis . 8. Enforce Gui delines for Renting Houoes and Apartmen ts • I believe the cooper tive progr m menti oned above will accomplish desirable results in this a rea and our housing code compliance inspectors are moving t o insure guidelines coming under their juris dicti on are followed. 9. Better Street - Ther have been evetal street improve ent in the a rea . B s Stre t h s be n prep r d for pavin nd eh.ould be v d thi w ek, th weath r p rmitting. 10. B tt r La Enforc ment .. Pl ns re bein mad £or the expansion 0£ our P olic force in the next ye r 1s budget nd I am su:re that t his will b r fleeted in improved l w enforc m nt in 11 r Th re r other improv ments which will be m de in th l soon and I ill try toke p you dvi ed. r l' Pleas do not h ita.te to 1 t ua know of the fe lings in your ar a reg rdlng City rvic and improv m nt . �Mr . McDani e l Page Four Septem.be:r 21 , 1966 We appreciate your hel p and your inte r est i n your ne i ghborhood. Sincerel y your s , Dan Sweat DS :fy cc : Mayor I v n Allen, Jr . Mr . B.. E arl Landers , A dministrative A s sistant Mr . J ohnny Popwell, Sum-Mee Neighborhood Center bee: Mr. D eane C. Tucker, Community Relations S ervice �