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Septembel' 21, 1966 Mr . R ,. bext cDaniel , Chairman The G uod Neighbors Club Sum-Mee Neighborhood Service Center 65 Georgia A ·. enue, S . E . Atlanta, Georgi De r Mr. cDaniel : I ppreciate you ending m the 1i t of item 1hich the 0 :od Neighbors Club think ar the major p roble1ns in your corr.ununity. I will ttempt to giv you status report on pro p ctive h lp in e ch are in th vrd r listed by you in you.r 1 tter of September 12. l. tion C ntera .. The Atlanta. P rks and Recreation Depar nt ha le ed duplex apartm. nt at 255 D odd Avenu , S . W. first etep in providing ome immediate indoor rect-eation during the f 11 nd int r month . Th Parke Dopar nt is m&king pl n £or th operation and progr mrnin of a.ctivtti s at thh loc tion d a. oon a th y hav com. pl ted th ir ch dulin I am ur that th y will in touch with you nd your group. Recr The P in D rb:n nt iG leo orking itb chool 0U1.e l to lnitl t plane {or the nt 0£ possible n i b o rhood c te~ ln connection ith on of th echo la bein x and d in you~ r th �Mr . McDaniel Page Two Septen'lber 21 , 1966 Z. Enforce H e using C ode - Our Housing C 0de Division baa stepped up it code complhmce progl"am in th t r p rticularly along Capitol A .renue d firm action is being t ken to assure that property is brought up to standard through onr pc cial program ith the Atlanta. Housing Department,, the City Inspection Departm~nt , EOA and the ff.. u ing Authority. He lp is bei ng pro · <led thoee p ople who desire to move into b tt-er housing and who re qua.lilied fo r publit housing to get them in t ndard homes at th - earli t po sible date . 3. C ution Lights (Capitol A.venue School) - The Tr !fie Engineering Dep rttnent i lnvesti atin the feasibility of dditional Caution lighb :it thi& school d report Yill be £01-warded to you oon their engine rin inve tigatio:o. i comp! t d . 4. Pl ylot for T n ger and C ildren with E:,.."t n Night Pro ram - Improve th pl yfl],"ound cros from C i' - A enu The Atl nta Br ve are fencing in the re uphalt are a for special play ctivit1e . d Th Stan! y D ni 1 P rk i und r construction nd the City no ha firm u.nd r contract to renov ta l rg ulldin for n indoor r er tion c ntor . 1hich i Th C omm.unity ch-001 Progr rtin in th ~ a will abo provide ome additional reel' t. clliti s durin th col we th r month • 5. re El m nt ry Schools and Hi h chools ... Th chool B t. a.rd now h • in plans or und r c ntract roject hich ill includ jor )anl!lion f th Capitol en S ·hool, St nl y Daniel cho.ol, nd % ion of the it f th J hnaon El mentary School. Th old 1nith-Ha hi s Sch ol ill be J'ecl med by th chool oard, r n at an. plac d back into o ration ae a high school o j or i h school. tio �Mr. McDaniel Page Three September 21 , 1966 6. Mere Sani tion S rvicea for Street Pickups and All Other City Services D e Thia Area - I think you ,vill note an increas in the s itary services and as indic ted on the attached report from th Sum. ... Mec Centel' s nitation s rvices h ve been e1!:)anded greatly. 7. Int .:rraei Ai:, you ar 8 .. nforce G iclelin for R nttng Houses d Apa:rtm .nt l bell vo the coopel' tive pl'ogr m mention d ove will ccompli h d h: ble re ult in this are n our hou.aing code compliance in p etors are movin to lnaure uidelin coming under their jud•diction ar follow d . 9. Better Str t • Ther improve cnts in th pr p r d for p ving the r ttin 10. P ti'olm n fo1· Regular Duty in Thi rea ware, · ur P ~lic Department oper: te on a.n interraci 1 basi . We do not have two man ca~s in any ar bees.us of I ck of pers<;nncl . There. fore , you will probably see many one m n c r~ with both Negro and whit offic r patrolling the area on regular basis . h v be n s veaal tre t rea. Bas Stl'eet h a be n d sb,oui be p ved tlu• e k , • B tter La E ·ore m nt - Pl n• al' bein mad for the xpansion 0£ 0-ur P .,lie fore in the next y r' b d et and I m ui'e th t this will b refl ct d in improv d la enforc""~.u:u.&t in l r .. Th re 't oth r im .-ov in nts hich r- 1 oon amt 1 ill ti,y to t~ p you Pl •• o ot he i te to let ua kno of r a i-e ardin Clty sei-vice and lmprov n"l d in the ar a lings 1 youl' �Mr . :Mc Daniel Page Fou1· September 21 , 1966 W c appreciate your help and your interest in yo 1r ueighborhoocl . Sincerely yours, Dan S e t DS:fy cc : Mayor Ivan All n , Jr . v r . R. E rl Landers , Adrr,..inistrativ A s si tant r . J hnny Popw 11, Stlm-A1ec Neighborhood Cent r �