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Sept emb e r 16, 1966 'l_ Mrs . Alice N ixon 703 C ooper S treet 1 S . W . A tlanta, G e or gi a Dear Mrs . Nixon: Mayo r Allen has tal ked t o me a b out the fine wo rk you and your nei ghbors are doi ng i n your community. I visited the area a couple of days ago with the Mayor and was pleased of the attitude of the residents we t alked to along Capitol Av nue . I have also tal ked several times with Mr . M cDani l of the G o od Ne i ghbor C l ub a l ong w ith several others . The City is anxious to cooperate with you nd your group in any wa.y that it can to help better the conditions of the community. Ple se feel free to call me or d rop by my office at any time if there is somethi ng w can cooperate on. My phone numb r is 522-4463 , Ext. 280 , and my office is located at City Hall, Room 209. S incerely yours, D an S weat I?S :fy �