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JAMES A. MACKAY COMMITT EE ON 4TH DIST RICT, GEORGI A INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE QCongrt~~ of tbe Wnittb ~tatt~ S U BCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE 1!,ou.se of .l\epre.sentatibe.s mta~bfngton, ~.<t. 20515 May 4, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. May or of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Thank y ou for y our Telegram concerning Urban Renewal legislation which was introduced in the Senate on April 27th. Although this legislation will not be referred to my Committ e e , y ou may be sure that I shall give it my closest and most favorable consideration. S. 3282 will go to Charlie's Committee on Banking and Currency , and I shall discuss the p ro p osal with our Fifth District Congressman . With k ind p ersonal regards, Sincerel y y ours , ~ A. Mack a y r o f Congre ss JAM/sw �