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April 27, 19 6 6 MEMORANDUM: To : Mr. Willi am R . Wo fford From: Dan Sweat I notice with great interest the adoption of the Reso l ution authorizing study of the 1965 Housh1g Act provision of Demolition of Unsound Structures. Thi program off rs real assistance for strong code cnforc ment, nd coupled with the Code Enforcement Grant provi sions under the same ct. c n be a major tool in accelerating the elimination of unsound housing . Such programs are of major cone rn to this office and I will be glad to ist your department and the Pl nning Depal"tment in th . dev lopment of project pplication for th City. DS:fy cc: Mr. E a rl L nders Mr. Collier Gladin �TJ PJ<K\"D Tfi2 A'I'LANTA ROUS ING CODE SO AS T PROVIDE 11 :N REH" PROCEEDINGS AGAINST DWE:.:..L:::XGS, BU:.=~0INGS OR STRUCTURES UfF IT FC:.<. E0}::.4..: :-iA:3ITLTION 0.) OC CUP NCY o W22~EAS, tnere is found t o exist dwe ll ings and . other bu ildin;;s an' st:::"L.c ...:.J.:...·2s in -::he ~ · i...y o..:: A lan ta wh i ch are u n fL:: for h uman h2~- or use due to d~ _a)idat· on and defects incre asing the haz.srcis o.c .:i::::-e, ace i -.:e;:i::: or other c a :!.. -.:t ities, or due t o o ther c on di~ions ren ·2~ing sue~ str uccures unsa f e ; and ~~REAS, s~c~ dwellings , b ildings or struc ~ur es in s uch c onGicLo.1s are i~imica: co the welfare, and a r e dangerous and inj ur ious to the hea:~~, safety an~ mor al s of t~e people o f t is Cicy ; and W~2RE~S, a pub:ic ne c ess iLy ex i st s f or the vacating, c losing and removal or de.no lit ion of suc h dwelling s, b·Jild:;_ngs or structures . Ordinances 0£ t he Ci t y of At lanta enc it led Th e At l ant a Housing Cod e 'formeriy ~~own as Housing Code and Slum Cl ea· anc e 1 be and is her eby .::,1enceci by a ing t':lere·co .rticle III to be entitled 11 '11 Rem ' Pro - ceedi..-tgs a 6 ains ;__ j)weilings, Buildings and Struc tur es unfit for Euman 1:a·oL::a.cio .."1 or Occupancy" a.:,; follows: Se c t ·_on 1 . The following terms whenev er used or referre to in t~is OrGinanc e 3hall have the foll owing re s pec tive mea: ings, un less a different mea.:ing cleariy appears from the c ontext : a. "Dwellings, buildings or structures" shali mean any bu ilGing or struc~ure or part thereof, used and occupie8 for human haji :...u tior. or ~r.~2nded to oe s o used, c . ... ....._ includes any outhouses ~nd �rtenances belonging t- 1e:::eto or usually enjoyed ~he:cewich , and u.i.)p also i.nc :;_l.: d es conm2::.:-c .:_al, i:1dus t :,: .Lal o::c business buildings loc ated L1 o~· s ::.. . . u .... ·c.d i Tu11edi .s tely con.::i..guous to r2side cial .:..reas which D. 1 ~\·mer'


?arti..es in interest" shall mean perso~s

ion of said properLy, 1·, ..Jve

..1,. ___ eresc

s·:..::.._l mean ·che ~-1older of the ·c L:le in fee .,__.,__ ir ".JO sess- -·vic..uals, associates and corporations who o:E reco:::d :.:.n a G.wel:..in 0 , building or structure, in... .. . . cludiaz execu~ors 1 ac..r.:::..ni::, .::::-acors, gu.s~dians ana trust~es. or o..q o:.:..Eicer · : J:.o is gov2r;_1.1:1e:-,t o:.: n c11.arge of a:.1.y cepartment or ·uranc·.---.. o:.'.: the ·: :he City of t:::.an.::a, Fu:..;,_oi.1. Couri:y or che State or: Geor;La re:&ti~g co he -ch, f"re, buil'ing re 0 ulations or to other activ::..ci.es co:.1. ce:::-ning ciwe,-ings, bu::'._ldings or scrl.!ctu:::-es City o.i:: . ' -. ·- -::ii l..-J.L\.;.:: "Enfo:::-cement of ficer 1 ' shall mean the bu:_~di..:1g of '=ic ial City o~ At~u~ta or ~ : '._ s 'u:..y autl.orized ag2n-i:s. "City" shall me.s.n City of SEc..c .:::..on 2. enfo ::-c the t::..&·•• .:a. e. of


1..., •• 2 -..-1. ·.: or: ta::..n-..;C'. ·-,_er2~: ·'- - D L. . • c tlan-ca, Geo:::-gi . The pri..;:n.s.ry responsibility an au'i:°11.or:..ty for tl1e prov is io .. s ?rescribed by t~is Ordina~22 a nd con- s·.--;.0.1-:i.. oe vested in ·the bui ding ofii.ci.. .... l o.i:: the City or h::..s ..:;._;_ :;__y a u.c~.or i z d re~~r sen-cat ves. Se c ·_..:.or, 3. a. . T~e enforc ~~ent of:Eicer is her2by autbo: ized: To investigate and determine whic, dwell"ngs, build- ·· no-s o:-: structures in ·tne Ci ty is u nf it for human habitation or OC CU)cJ.ncy; 0. s pect:..o.:-,s . To ente~ upon pr c.J.1ises for _:1e purpose o2 malti n g in- Prov ided , however , that suc h en try shal~ ~e ma c~ i n such - 2 - �ma:;:mer .::o cause the :.east possible inc onvenienc e to the persons a.S ir.. _? ossess:_on; c. .:,.-nc. c s ern:s ~o appo:_nt and fix the duties of such officers, 21-;.p:..oyoes 2.s he deer;1s necessary to c2rry out the purposes of. c.1is OrdL1a nce; ,, o:'..:: his functions ar.d :)ower under \..< • I- th:_s Or dinance t o uuch off~cers a~d 2gents a s he may designate ; and a.d r2ceive ev::...u e nc~. I L-,-


L_J.-J.:y a c ture \Vhicl--1 may =corth i _ Cl:.::_):::e:c .... 5, r -.:o ::e o:.: OJ.-:2 ·. . ::-·. . icle -1, Sec:io~ :5 - 2i'j), sub-para;::a ;h \l)- 6) of the Cod2 of O~di~ances c..:..::y of tc.e oe

.2 1:i.

Se --·-::..or-. 5. Ci.::y c~argi~~ --; . . . . . deemed unf::..L f.o-::: l uman habL:at::...0 :::1 ,r occupar,.cy . Wh2never · a recuest .'._s file - wi ·-h the e:..1.force"t1enL a~y ~iel ::...ng, juil~ ~~s or structure ::.. s unfit for

.i. '-'-c:.:._ ·c ~ ::....0 . 1

. or occu p anc or wnen2ve:-:- J..": appears ·;:o enforce- me:..~..: o:.:f.ic2:: or. ·.-1is m-m rr,:::,tion th2 t &ny dwell .~ g, bui · ::..r.g or struc ture

..s unZ::..~ ~e r ~ -ma n c.2bitat.'._on or o cupancy, the

s irn::.:, ::...£ c :-1.s.r 0 --: 0 ,


farceme~t officer


.iu.·<::..nary inves ·c igat ior. disc loses a b2.s is ior such

L, Si..12 E..;:-.d c ~use to be se::- ed upon t"i-1e own.er of sucn dwelling, building or structure, a. & c:..nc/ er parties nocic e 0t&ting A hearing w:::..11 oe he:;_d before the e;:-1£0:ccemen-;: o:ficer, or h is de s igna.::ed agen~; at a place within the City on a day anc.. c: i ,n-:: cercain w:1ic:1 s h all be not less than ten days nor more t11an thir.::y d a ys after the serving of said no~ice. b. g iven the r i g: t T·n at t:1e ow11er and/ or parties in ::..ntc.:ces t shall be t a file an ~~swer to the n a t ::..ce anG to appe a r - •) .) - in �perso.1, o.:.: o ..::--.. er\visc, .s.1cl give tes ·;: in:ony at the place and time fixed in tue notice; and. c. .... aw o:::- ec:;_1...i·.:, That ·t::-.2 i-u . . . es of evidence p:reva-· :i..ing in cou- ts o f s : _.:.. ::..::.. r..o.: be co·_-. .::rolling in .1earings be:Eore the en- forcen~~t ot . . . ~cer.


is du:;_y au::. _o:::i..ze6. 2nfo~ceoent o~ficer, or gen t , shall k2ep a.1C:. r.,..i::.:.·::a:..n a fi:e on eac~- ?roperty a.3;0.inst wh · ch suc h notic e

i..s iss -...:.cd

e-;.1te:;:- rn.L;.u::es 0£ the ? r oe edir:gs of e.::;.c:1 c as e. , .

c '

- _2::ri. 1..r.1.es . c..L. .r SLC.:. -~1 . 2 ..i..V .- s~a:;_: s..:~::e ::..n wr:..ting not i c e and h2a:;:- in3, e::Li:or c es ·tructur e }:.um.::..n 1::ab:..tation o:... .::..s 0~n~~gs o _ £act in suppo r t o f suc h deter - Di:-.ati.on cc..t• . .::. sl-:.c.l: iss e an-' cause ..:o be servec'i upo u tr_e owne;:- of and/ or ~Jar ties ~~at sai~ dwe::..::..:i..ng, builrli~g or ~.:~ucture, whic h

..s :Em.:;_ d co ·o e

L.-::::::..·.: ~Ja:i..:cc ... , :.;.·.:::;_::il.--:-.iv---d o.:.: ...: or human ·habitLt · on or occ1.2pa1-cy, ca::i o e re &., ·::ered a ·:: a cos·.: no t in e ' c es s o ~ 50% o f tL1e v a u e of i:i-.e c.wel:;_::..n;;, ouL_' :i..n. 6 or s·.:: ructure , e :elus ive of f om-.dations, af _e r (2) The rern.-.::di&.L act.:.on ~eeI1ed i..e c ess2ry ..:o r end e r said clwc.:;_:;_::_,.:;, tuilding o r s ·: :ruc-cure fi·:: fo r hu (3) .:-,i·1~"i:., c.ays


1&.-. 1-_.sbi·::ation o r . time no·._ less than t hirty day s r..o r rc,o r e tha;.1. which the ;:-equ:i..:..:-2d remea ia 1 a c t ion rnus t be undertaken (4) U :ess the re~uired actio n is ~a~er w:..thin the .;.en and ·.::-1er-e.:1~ter the owner and / or parties in in t erest s~.a j_ :;_ • ·oceec. co c:ea:1 the premises, vacate and close the dwelling, b-..:::_:;_c::.::..11.g or s t~- :::.:..:un~ and maintain :.:.1.1e same _;_n such co:.~c.~_tion 1--.til - l:. - �t~e reme -ia: -c~ _on is take~; OR rescribe b. is fo~L Tiac s· id d~elling, building o~ st::-ucture which .:o 0e uniit for h man h bitation or occupancy c annot b e re- pair2C:, improved o::- al::2::-c· c:t o...:: ~c~ cost of 50% or r,1ore of tl e value or struccure, cxc lus ive of foundations, after ..::ne ~ill?rove~ents n~ve been made; an' ~el ing - c .1.e2h ., i.:.L1e bui G~~g or scruc t u::..e 1 ninety da-s from the dat e of ao.id orde:c. ·--::: -~'-<> o~-.,.,.--,::,-..__ 1,,.. J...Lt:; 'vi L.J.-._ -=--- -' /o-- c..1..L~ .L -?~rt"<>s '-'--C o~~e::- to va2 te a~d close -- .-, .. to ..L C.....:... clwe l::. ::.:-. 6 , or s·cr·..:c-.::u::-e anci clea, '.:r.e :):ceraises, the enforc emer:t o :'.:f · cer may c.:1.use sue~-- .121::.:~3, ~d::..ns or structure to be c::.e aned, vacated &n~ c~osed . ':i:'/J.e en:.::'o:cc2..,2,.-. . :: of..:.:.cer r.-...:y cause to De posteC:: on the m3.ii.1 entrai.c e of p _ac&rG wit~ the ' :'1.1is ~ui::..G::..ng is ..:r:.f:i.t for human hab:1..tation o::.. corru~erciaL, induscrial or business use; the use o:;:- occu 1)c:~:_on o:E t:-~:!..s ·cuilding for hu,11an hatii.:ation or :Eor cor,iIIlerc ia: , industrial or bus i es s use is 3ec..::_o::-i 8. s:-ou- o. tie owner and /o r parties to cor,-i,J_-'-y ,.J:'.....::1-. any order to remove or demolish .:1.1 n interest f::1il C:welling, 'uilding or s.:rL2~ure, t~e enforcement of~icer may cause s1ch dwelling, build ::..ng c,: s ·c ruc ture to be removed or demo ished . Provided, nowever, c':.--iat L1e c1.:;..:ies of :.:1.1e enforcement officer, set forch in Sec·::io:1s 7 ano 8 herein, s~all not be exercised until the Board of Aldermen of s·1.~· · ~av0- , ~y Ord~- ·.·1.ance., ordered ·c·'r1.e enfo·,_-cement o fiicer to C~~y .... _ ,c...~~..c u - 5 - �?roce~d to effectu'-ce ~he purpose of this Ordinance with ::.:-especc to ·::1:e ?C:::-.:.:..c1.....=.ar proper.:y o::- p~operti_s which i::'h2 enforcernen-:: office:c s~-.c::11 ~-i&ve :.::"o·...:.,.d to be i...nfit ior huraan ha"'.:,i·cation o:: oc cupancy, and whic~ .::-o?e::.:-ty o::- pro?erties sh-li be described in c~e Ordinance. S2cc'..on S. Ti12 .:::::rour..-c oi t· _e cost of s·Jch vaca L1g and closi1cg or :ce:,1cval or demo:..:i.tio7. by ·-L ..- ':) J..\;:; er..forcernent o..::f.:..cer s"h.c::.i. t:-12 re .... ~ p::-ope::.:-.:y u or,. w:.ich su h cos.: was be a lien r eu. o ic:-. s;•.:;.:._:.._ &.:t.:..ch .:o i:. e ::-eal proj_Jerty u ·~on the )ayn-:.2;_1.::: o:c a Sa id cosi:s of va.cc:...:::...:...~, c:..os:.r:.g or denoli ..-ion or removal by c . 1e . c.:.·cy and the

i:i- ir:.g of &r:. ::..·.:c:., .:.zed statement o - the total su:n of . . . aid cos·;: by the

- , ""A. ..1...c.e:-11.. 211. o.:..- ~n2 Cicy on a _::...en dcckec mainta·ned by said Cler~ io r suc.1 p-...1::.:-::_:oses. demo::._ is i".ec:. '7 '--'J s ·:c . . . ct :es w ... s t::.:-uc i:1.-.::- ~--'- cc.e _......_..i..._ 02 so_ i~ - OS is rerr,oved or ible, and the procee~s of sucn sa-e c ost of ~ne removal or d __ D_:tion and any ba:..~nc2 resa::.~::.c; sh&:1 oe deposi~ed in the Superior Court of en=orcement officer, shal .. rnu~n~r as ~~Y be directed by suc1 Court, an be s2c·-1red in such sba-:.. he disbu::-sed by suer-.. Coc:rt ·:.:o c.,.e ;_)ersons found ·co be entitled th2-·e·co by fi-:"1al order .-2e Xur. . ic ·)al R2ver:ue Co1·· e c.:o:.. and ex-officio c.a::-s:-.~:.. of ·.:l-12 City shal::.. enfo~ce the collection of 2:11y a-:Go~ ..-:_._ due on sue •. =.ien £0_ remova~ or demo1.i.t:.:..o·:1. o f dwellir. 6 s, bui dF:;s 0r s·:.:::-uctu:::-es in the following manner : r CL• ~he owner and /or purcies in interest 3ha~- be allowed to sa..:::.s.cy the &mouLt due on suc:1 lien by paying to ·;.:l: Municip.s.l

~ever...ue co::..::.ec.:o:::- an.:: ex-of~icio marshal of t:.e City, wii::hin thirty

cays af .... 2r ·c:,.e ::i2rfect:.on o:: such 1.:. 1, a sum of L0"2Y e:-:ual - 6 - o 25% �of t h e -;:eta:... c:mou;::;: dLe <1:.-:u. by f rt:.s::r paying to said ~Vi ..1ic:..pal Revenue '-J ... u;:e of tl: c i nitiai. paym2r..·. . mc:c.le as here- y.:J 0 : 2 on c11e 211;_.ivers a ::j· i~above prcsc::ib2d; b. Siou:.d t~e pro;~~ty, upon which such lien i s erfe c ted , 02 so ..:..,_., c;:-·ans:::er::_d or convey...:-:: by the own2r anc./o r parties ·-n _;_:.1.ter est a:: ar..'


.:L,2 -;::,.e: -::o ·::1.1e "i:eL1::.n2..::.:.on of the said th:..ee yea· ·0:;.:-_0 ,:- e r . .:::.::-c t ..::...::.nce due on such 1.:..en s11all be cue -1 period, p c. ·able t o ·d ,.e ~-:·-.1:1::..cip&::.. ::Z.2venue co:l c ·or .s.r,(l 2--,-0.'.::ficio m3.rshal of t:1.e City; a:.:2 c. Sl:o-c::!.c. -:: e arr.om .: c: e on such f ;:e-:: upc .. oE occure~ce -- ~ ie:.1 o:'.: sa::..d ~ ... '-- o :.:- a.1y port ion per .:..od, o r t~e ccntiLg2ncy provided for~ of t ~ 2 CiLJ ~ay er..:'.:orce ;:~ecol 2ction of any atDUnt due on suc1 for rer,-:ov .... _ or c.2::10:..,..--:.:_on of clwell::..ngs , buildi·13;s or struct res

.. ien

·· ·:1 -::~--ie s&,:i"° ::'.: a.n:.·.e:.:- &3 :.::,:..·o vid2u in Georgia Laws lSuL:--85 , page lL:-8 (Ga " Cocie 92-li-2C_ 1 and otGer a p?lica·::.::.e statutes, all of which shaL. b2 suoj2c-c to __:2 right of redem~.::,::·on by any per s on r.aving a;-,.y rig"i:-Li::: , ~ iL : e or i 2_2rcst Ge or g::.. ~ ,~? - .· 'J or ::.ien upo~ sai~ property, all as prov · ~cd by

935, ? a3e ( 66 (Ga. Code 92-4402) anG Georgia La~s 193 7 ,

~ ~13 · ? age <--.1c · 'J ~ ) ~~ _ /,-, '- u & • Se c :::..0:1 :;_::_ . Code 92-S301 et seq). 1-ot::..ce.3 or orders issue ci by the ei.1forcernent o~iicer pursu a nt to th::.s Ordinance shall, in al cases, be served upon ~:. er s or.s :.:._ ,., -o ssession of said proper::y, owners and parties L : interest, &n d cbe r e:::u~n of service, signed by the enforceme nt officer or hi a &g e ::.1.:::, o :- a n a ff id av::..-:: of s ervice executed by any c itize:.1 of this State, r e c ::.'.:::..·,.:; ·c ·,a t a co~)Y of such not::..ces - 7 - or o : ders was served upon �i.-1 .)OS ses s


i.on of said property, O\vners an,.. ~) .'.:l:i:-t ies in inter est p2::::-s ona~~Y, o::: 0y ~eavi:-~g s ch copy c.i: the place of his residence , s1::..2l::. -~ e s"L..::.Eicienc evi.:. enc2 as ·::o the serv .,_ce of such pers o~1 in possess:..0:1, c:~ers acd p.:.._·.::.'..2 s b.


any o ~ the owners and pa~t :es in ~n~erest shall c::.. ·; :y, out interest. 01..·. .: witl-.. ::.·:1 tbe s2:::v:i..ce sha:i.l h~ perEec..:ed oy c&usi~g · copy o~ such no Lices or ora ers to b e serve ccun~y of ~h2 ~es:.'..dence o~ sue~ p rty or parties , or su ~h s 2 .v ice may ·..:ne :c-::: ·.: rn of service oy suc1.-.. sher · 1..£ or cL:izen, ~:>&Y: sucn pc:.ri:y or

..es wer2 se:...--vec"i, e::....:::er pe:;:-sona:.ly or by ..1..2av i ng a c o::_)y of tli.e

~-"otices or orders ""- ·;: i:r. e res :i..de _ce, s -. l..1.. be cc,-;_-ic ·· u.S ~ve as ..:o suc,1 se:::-v:'...ce. c. ··""'~ .._.J. ... C ~onresi · e~~s o..:: t~:'...a State s~ail be served by p~blishor o:.:-C:ers once eac '1. wee~c fo::::- two· s·..:.ccesa ive wee~cs in tl-.e dc.:.:...::..y r_.:. :1sp ap er in whic~1 · :-,2 ::..e 6 c:l advert iser.1en.ts of t · _2 c::. ·: :y &re ~ cost of sue~ adver~:se~2 ,t shall be disburse 1 A copy posceG ~~ & o:.:-6ers. o: sue~ notices or oraers sha.tl be consp:i..cuous ?1..~ce on premises 2ffec ted by ~~e A cc;y of such nocices or ord ers s :all also ue

..is ?2~~ens tGcket . 1. • .:~e Office of the Cl ~rk of

?1..1:i.;:o:-:. Cour. ..:y.

...rem the

~~e noc::..ces or f::. ed c~ the Su~eric: Cmr ~ of Where t.-:2 address of suc.i nonres :.der1;:s :'...s k~ow.-i a CG?Y oI sue~ ~otices or or~ rs shzll be mailed to them ~y reJistered na i:..• In -:::~-ie ever.t either the owner or ai--:y parties in i143.215.248.55ors or ins&rre person or per sons l aboring under - . . . . . -v' .:·_-:2 guard ia:--. or ocher personal repre s0ntc:rc iv 2 of .! •. '".lC a·sSl.tCh p2:;:-sor-1s s ·: .al: be served and if such gua rdian or )2:Cs orca -1 re;Y::-cs entative res ic~e outs ::..de ·;:· .2 City o:c is a no nr esident of the State of Gc---,·::-3ia, - 8 - �_-.e - . 1 C2 S11~-- se::ve . . . . ~-s _.2reinbefor2 provided in such ca.3es. _f SUCil. m:.no _ ... .:: ::u.-:3a::-.e ::,erso:1 or persons l.:.borin~ under disabilities has n o 1 S C:i...""· - V i~..,- 0a S'"<' ·.,- :::::;__-_. '--- o-_,- o·.1..- i·-,-~ ·y ' or by lcavL.-:g a co;,y --u a-,-,,:, , _, __')=---so~ '-.C. l , ·-:J'- rsona _ 1..__ 0 of 0 ~ the plece o f ~is residenc~, which sha~l su.f£::..cic1.:.: ev::..-'euc2 as ·i.:o tl-.e service of sucri Derson or pe::-sons o::- ::....n t::_ 2-venc s·.ich mino::: or


& - nr2s:.~2nt oft~ 0 ,-;: r"\ \..., nsa11.e person lives ou .: of t:1.e C:..ty o r s~a.:e o~ GeorJia, by serv::..u~ sue~ minor or - ~--- - - :""\ j c::.. ·t y ) o::::- S .:at e of Geor3ia, o.=- &nd p::ot::...c:.: ·.:he -rigl:.;:s such m::..n.or 0 '.l.. -- insane o,.. o-.:: 2.


-u:e eve:-_c t ·r_e whereabouts o~

.a:: :ces--.: ::..s L.--...lc.·.vw1--:. &n

·L..1...-c ... \-.- ~::,.y mrr.er o:;_ ·x:r:_-::: ies ·i.:he sam2 ca1.1.not be asce_· :::ained by .:: e en- the enfo:::ce- ex2rc:..s2 o:'.: reaso .&o _e or .suc·.:-1 no:::::..ces c·- or::'.2rs t.:pon such persons sha l be 1 acle i· t:J.e same r2.u.;::n r .s.s :_:,..:o·;iC:cd in SL-,Y?aragr&p:1 c .s.bove o r service T,tay be pe::fected upon a::y pe:.:-son, ::..:::...::-7,: o:c cor:)o-.::ation :_o.!..ding itself o · t &s an .s.gen ... Sec~:.o·:1 12. · · prever. ..:-:....;.;; ..:i'.'le o---.r...--~· 1··21:::h:...ng L.1. this Ordinance sha::..l be const;: ,ed .:::s or 0~·=1e·.,_'"s o ·.1.c: any p·_~ope·.1."'·ry f-.,_,..om ,. ·_r,"'ce·.1.·v -:~_ 00- ·us·.VVJ.J - - -Cl 0.- cor..'-.Je1..:,2..::...o-;.1. 1:or the i.:akii.7.g of such property by tne ::,ow2r 0£ em::..nent cloma::.n t.:.nae-r the ::....1ws of Georgi::::. , nor as permitt in~ at1y pro:)erty ·c o be c0Ld2~~2d o r c:_stroyed except in accordance wi th t he police power of tc.e Stat2. T~e ~rovis~ons of this Ord~nance &re ~ereby - 9 - �d2c:.a::ed t:o be seve"!'.'aole, and should any provisions hcreoi be declarec. ~~co~s:i~u:ion~:, cGe rem~ining Sect i ons s~a 1 renain in full force Sec ':::.:.on lt:.. A-1 _.::.:r.vs a:-_~ par"i:s of _aws L.1 cor..f:i..ic-:: :-1erewith c::::-e ~-2 :::-coy repe.:.le - • - 1-0 - �A RESOLUTION BY TH~ BUILDING COMMITT W:.--J.EREAS the .. 1965 Housing Ac provides for fonds to be obtained through a Federally Assisted De, oli io, Program whereby th City can obtain two-thirds of the c ost involved in der olishing a substandard structure NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BO&.~D OF ALDERMEN of the City of Atlanta that t1e Building Offi c ial and ~he Planning Department are hereby au horized an directed o stu y he ,a forementi oned Ac t and present a program fo r e a rly a ction . , ' I I V �