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TJ PJ<K\"D Tfi2 A'I'LANTA ROUS ING CODE SO AS T PROVIDE 11 :N REH" PROCEEDINGS AGAINST DWE:.:..L:::XGS, BU:.=~0INGS OR STRUCTURES UfF IT FC:.<. E0}::.4..: :-iA:3ITLTION 0.) OC CUP NCY o W22~EAS, tnere is found t o exist dwe ll ings and . other bu ildin;;s an' st:::"L.c ...:.J.:...·2s in -::he ~ · i...y o..:: A lan ta wh i ch are u n fL:: for h uman h2~- or use due to d~ _a)idat· on and defects incre asing the haz.srcis o.c .:i::::-e, ace i -.:e;:i::: or other c a :!.. -.:t ities, or due t o o ther c on di~ions ren ·2~ing sue~ str uccures unsa f e ; and ~~REAS, s~c~ dwellings , b ildings or struc ~ur es in s uch c onGicLo.1s are i~imica: co the welfare, and a r e dangerous and inj ur ious to the hea:~~, safety an~ mor al s of t~e people o f t is Cicy ; and W~2RE~S, a pub:ic ne c ess iLy ex i st s f or the vacating, c losing and removal or de.no lit ion of suc h dwelling s, b·Jild:;_ngs or structures . Ordinances 0£ t he Ci t y of At lanta enc it led Th e At l ant a Housing Cod e 'formeriy ~~own as Housing Code and Slum Cl ea· anc e 1 be and is her eby .::,1enceci by a ing t':lere·co .rticle III to be entitled 11 '11 Rem ' Pro - ceedi..-tgs a 6 ains ;__ j)weilings, Buildings and Struc tur es unfit for Euman 1:a·oL::a.cio .."1 or Occupancy" a.:,; follows: Se c t ·_on 1 . The following terms whenev er used or referre to in t~is OrGinanc e 3hall have the foll owing re s pec tive mea: ings, un less a different mea.:ing cleariy appears from the c ontext : a. "Dwellings, buildings or structures" shali mean any bu ilGing or struc~ure or part thereof, used and occupie8 for human haji :...u tior. or ~r.~2nded to oe s o used, c . ... ....._ includes any outhouses ~nd �rtenances belonging t- 1e:::eto or usually enjoyed ~he:cewich , and u.i.)p also i.nc :;_l.: d es conm2::.:-c .:_al, i:1dus t :,: .Lal o::c business buildings loc ated L1 o~· s ::.. . . u .... ·c.d i Tu11edi .s tely con.::i..guous to r2side cial .:..reas which D. 1 ~\·mer'


?arti..es in interest" shall mean perso~s

ion of said properLy, 1·, ..Jve

..1,. ___ eresc

s·:..::.._l mean ·che ~-1older of the ·c L:le in fee .,__.,__ ir ".JO sess- -·vic..uals, associates and corporations who o:E reco:::d :.:.n a G.wel:..in 0 , building or structure, in... .. . . cludiaz execu~ors 1 ac..r.:::..ni::, .::::-acors, gu.s~dians ana trust~es. or o..q o:.:..Eicer · : J:.o is gov2r;_1.1:1e:-,t o:.: n c11.arge of a:.1.y cepartment or ·uranc·.---.. o:.'.: the ·: :he City of t:::.an.::a, Fu:..;,_oi.1. Couri:y or che State or: Geor;La re:&ti~g co he -ch, f"re, buil'ing re 0 ulations or to other activ::..ci.es co:.1. ce:::-ning ciwe,-ings, bu::'._ldings or scrl.!ctu:::-es City o.i:: . ' -. ·- -::ii l..-J.L\.;.:: "Enfo:::-cement of ficer 1 ' shall mean the bu:_~di..:1g of '=ic ial City o~ At~u~ta or ~ : '._ s 'u:..y autl.orized ag2n-i:s. "City" shall me.s.n City of SEc..c .:::..on 2. enfo ::-c the t::..&·•• .:a. e. of


1..., •• 2 -..-1. ·.: or: ta::..n-..;C'. ·-,_er2~: ·'- - D L. . • c tlan-ca, Geo:::-gi . The pri..;:n.s.ry responsibility an au'i:°11.or:..ty for tl1e prov is io .. s ?rescribed by t~is Ordina~22 a nd con- s·.--;.0.1-:i.. oe vested in ·the bui ding ofii.ci.. .... l o.i:: the City or h::..s ..:;._;_ :;__y a u.c~.or i z d re~~r sen-cat ves. Se c ·_..:.or, 3. a. . T~e enforc ~~ent of:Eicer is her2by autbo: ized: To investigate and determine whic, dwell"ngs, build- ·· no-s o:-: structures in ·tne Ci ty is u nf it for human habitation or OC CU)cJ.ncy; 0. s pect:..o.:-,s . To ente~ upon pr c.J.1ises for _:1e purpose o2 malti n g in- Prov ided , however , that suc h en try shal~ ~e ma c~ i n such - 2 - �ma:;:mer .::o cause the :.east possible inc onvenienc e to the persons a.S ir.. _? ossess:_on; c. .:,.-nc. c s ern:s ~o appo:_nt and fix the duties of such officers, 21-;.p:..oyoes 2.s he deer;1s necessary to c2rry out the purposes of. c.1is OrdL1a nce; ,, o:'..:: his functions ar.d :)ower under \..< • I- th:_s Or dinance t o uuch off~cers a~d 2gents a s he may designate ; and a.d r2ceive ev::...u e nc~. I L-,-


L_J.-J.:y a c ture \Vhicl--1 may =corth i _ Cl:.::_):::e:c .... 5, r -.:o ::e o:.: OJ.-:2 ·. . ::-·. . icle -1, Sec:io~ :5 - 2i'j), sub-para;::a ;h \l)- 6) of the Cod2 of O~di~ances c..:..::y of tc.e oe

.2 1:i.

Se --·-::..or-. 5. Ci.::y c~argi~~ --; . . . . . deemed unf::..L f.o-::: l uman habL:at::...0 :::1 ,r occupar,.cy . Wh2never · a recuest .'._s file - wi ·-h the e:..1.force"t1enL a~y ~iel ::...ng, juil~ ~~s or structure ::.. s unfit for

.i. '-'-c:.:._ ·c ~ ::....0 . 1

. or occu p anc or wnen2ve:-:- J..": appears ·;:o enforce- me:..~..: o:.:f.ic2:: or. ·.-1is m-m rr,:::,tion th2 t &ny dwell .~ g, bui · ::..r.g or struc ture

..s unZ::..~ ~e r ~ -ma n c.2bitat.'._on or o cupancy, the

s irn::.:, ::...£ c :-1.s.r 0 --: 0 ,


farceme~t officer


.iu.·<::..nary inves ·c igat ior. disc loses a b2.s is ior such

L, Si..12 E..;:-.d c ~use to be se::- ed upon t"i-1e own.er of sucn dwelling, building or structure, a. & c:..nc/ er parties nocic e 0t&ting A hearing w:::..11 oe he:;_d before the e;:-1£0:ccemen-;: o:ficer, or h is de s igna.::ed agen~; at a place within the City on a day anc.. c: i ,n-:: cercain w:1ic:1 s h all be not less than ten days nor more t11an thir.::y d a ys after the serving of said no~ice. b. g iven the r i g: t T·n at t:1e ow11er and/ or parties in ::..ntc.:ces t shall be t a file an ~~swer to the n a t ::..ce anG to appe a r - •) .) - in �perso.1, o.:.: o ..::--.. er\visc, .s.1cl give tes ·;: in:ony at the place and time fixed in tue notice; and. c. .... aw o:::- ec:;_1...i·.:, That ·t::-.2 i-u . . . es of evidence p:reva-· :i..ing in cou- ts o f s : _.:.. ::..::.. r..o.: be co·_-. .::rolling in .1earings be:Eore the en- forcen~~t ot . . . ~cer.


is du:;_y au::. _o:::i..ze6. 2nfo~ceoent o~ficer, or gen t , shall k2ep a.1C:. r.,..i::.:.·::a:..n a fi:e on eac~- ?roperty a.3;0.inst wh · ch suc h notic e

i..s iss -...:.cd

e-;.1te:;:- rn.L;.u::es 0£ the ? r oe edir:gs of e.::;.c:1 c as e. , .

c '

- _2::ri. 1..r.1.es . c..L. .r SLC.:. -~1 . 2 ..i..V .- s~a:;_: s..:~::e ::..n wr:..ting not i c e and h2a:;:- in3, e::Li:or c es ·tructur e }:.um.::..n 1::ab:..tation o:... .::..s 0~n~~gs o _ £act in suppo r t o f suc h deter - Di:-.ati.on cc..t• . .::. sl-:.c.l: iss e an-' cause ..:o be servec'i upo u tr_e owne;:- of and/ or ~Jar ties ~~at sai~ dwe::..::..:i..ng, builrli~g or ~.:~ucture, whic h

..s :Em.:;_ d co ·o e

L.-::::::..·.: ~Ja:i..:cc ... , :.;.·.:::;_::il.--:-.iv---d o.:.: ...: or human ·habitLt · on or occ1.2pa1-cy, ca::i o e re &., ·::ered a ·:: a cos·.: no t in e ' c es s o ~ 50% o f tL1e v a u e of i:i-.e c.wel:;_::..n;;, ouL_' :i..n. 6 or s·.:: ructure , e :elus ive of f om-.dations, af _e r (2) The rern.-.::di&.L act.:.on ~eeI1ed i..e c ess2ry ..:o r end e r said clwc.:;_:;_::_,.:;, tuilding o r s ·: :ruc-cure fi·:: fo r hu (3) .:-,i·1~"i:., c.ays


1&.-. 1-_.sbi·::ation o r . time no·._ less than t hirty day s r..o r rc,o r e tha;.1. which the ;:-equ:i..:..:-2d remea ia 1 a c t ion rnus t be undertaken (4) U :ess the re~uired actio n is ~a~er w:..thin the .;.en and ·.::-1er-e.:1~ter the owner and / or parties in in t erest s~.a j_ :;_ • ·oceec. co c:ea:1 the premises, vacate and close the dwelling, b-..:::_:;_c::.::..11.g or s t~- :::.:..:un~ and maintain :.:.1.1e same _;_n such co:.~c.~_tion 1--.til - l:. - �t~e reme -ia: -c~ _on is take~; OR rescribe b. is fo~L Tiac s· id d~elling, building o~ st::-ucture which .:o 0e uniit for h man h bitation or occupancy c annot b e re- pair2C:, improved o::- al::2::-c· c:t o...:: ~c~ cost of 50% or r,1ore of tl e value or struccure, cxc lus ive of foundations, after ..::ne ~ill?rove~ents n~ve been made; an' ~el ing - c .1.e2h ., i.:.L1e bui G~~g or scruc t u::..e 1 ninety da-s from the dat e of ao.id orde:c. ·--::: -~'-<> o~-.,.,.--,::,-..__ 1,,.. J...Lt:; 'vi L.J.-._ -=--- -' /o-- c..1..L~ .L -?~rt"<>s '-'--C o~~e::- to va2 te a~d close -- .-, .. to ..L C.....:... clwe l::. ::.:-. 6 , or s·cr·..:c-.::u::-e anci clea, '.:r.e :):ceraises, the enforc emer:t o :'.:f · cer may c.:1.use sue~-- .121::.:~3, ~d::..ns or structure to be c::.e aned, vacated &n~ c~osed . ':i:'/J.e en:.::'o:cc2..,2,.-. . :: of..:.:.cer r.-...:y cause to De posteC:: on the m3.ii.1 entrai.c e of p _ac&rG wit~ the ' :'1.1is ~ui::..G::..ng is ..:r:.f:i.t for human hab:1..tation o::.. corru~erciaL, induscrial or business use; the use o:;:- occu 1)c:~:_on o:E t:-~:!..s ·cuilding for hu,11an hatii.:ation or :Eor cor,iIIlerc ia: , industrial or bus i es s use is 3ec..::_o::-i 8. s:-ou- o. tie owner and /o r parties to cor,-i,J_-'-y ,.J:'.....::1-. any order to remove or demolish .:1.1 n interest f::1il C:welling, 'uilding or s.:rL2~ure, t~e enforcement of~icer may cause s1ch dwelling, build ::..ng c,: s ·c ruc ture to be removed or demo ished . Provided, nowever, c':.--iat L1e c1.:;..:ies of :.:1.1e enforcement officer, set forch in Sec·::io:1s 7 ano 8 herein, s~all not be exercised until the Board of Aldermen of s·1.~· · ~av0- , ~y Ord~- ·.·1.ance., ordered ·c·'r1.e enfo·,_-cement o fiicer to C~~y .... _ ,c...~~..c u - 5 - �?roce~d to effectu'-ce ~he purpose of this Ordinance with ::.:-especc to ·::1:e ?C:::-.:.:..c1.....=.ar proper.:y o::- p~operti_s which i::'h2 enforcernen-:: office:c s~-.c::11 ~-i&ve :.::"o·...:.,.d to be i...nfit ior huraan ha"'.:,i·cation o:: oc cupancy, and whic~ .::-o?e::.:-ty o::- pro?erties sh-li be described in c~e Ordinance. S2cc'..on S. Ti12 .:::::rour..-c oi t· _e cost of s·Jch vaca L1g and closi1cg or :ce:,1cval or demo:..:i.tio7. by ·-L ..- ':) J..\;:; er..forcernent o..::f.:..cer s"h.c::.i. t:-12 re .... ~ p::-ope::.:-.:y u or,. w:.ich su h cos.: was be a lien r eu. o ic:-. s;•.:;.:._:.._ &.:t.:..ch .:o i:. e ::-eal proj_Jerty u ·~on the )ayn-:.2;_1.::: o:c a Sa id cosi:s of va.cc:...:::...:...~, c:..os:.r:.g or denoli ..-ion or removal by c . 1e . c.:.·cy and the

i:i- ir:.g of &r:. ::..·.:c:., .:.zed statement o - the total su:n of . . . aid cos·;: by the

- , ""A. ..1...c.e:-11.. 211. o.:..- ~n2 Cicy on a _::...en dcckec mainta·ned by said Cler~ io r suc.1 p-...1::.:-::_:oses. demo::._ is i".ec:. '7 '--'J s ·:c . . . ct :es w ... s t::.:-uc i:1.-.::- ~--'- cc.e _......_..i..._ 02 so_ i~ - OS is rerr,oved or ible, and the procee~s of sucn sa-e c ost of ~ne removal or d __ D_:tion and any ba:..~nc2 resa::.~::.c; sh&:1 oe deposi~ed in the Superior Court of en=orcement officer, shal .. rnu~n~r as ~~Y be directed by suc1 Court, an be s2c·-1red in such sba-:.. he disbu::-sed by suer-.. Coc:rt ·:.:o c.,.e ;_)ersons found ·co be entitled th2-·e·co by fi-:"1al order .-2e Xur. . ic ·)al R2ver:ue Co1·· e c.:o:.. and ex-officio c.a::-s:-.~:.. of ·.:l-12 City shal::.. enfo~ce the collection of 2:11y a-:Go~ ..-:_._ due on sue •. =.ien £0_ remova~ or demo1.i.t:.:..o·:1. o f dwellir. 6 s, bui dF:;s 0r s·:.:::-uctu:::-es in the following manner : r CL• ~he owner and /or purcies in interest 3ha~- be allowed to sa..:::.s.cy the &mouLt due on suc:1 lien by paying to ·;.:l: Municip.s.l

~ever...ue co::..::.ec.:o:::- an.:: ex-of~icio marshal of t:.e City, wii::hin thirty

cays af .... 2r ·c:,.e ::i2rfect:.on o:: such 1.:. 1, a sum of L0"2Y e:-:ual - 6 - o 25% �of t h e -;:eta:... c:mou;::;: dLe <1:.-:u. by f rt:.s::r paying to said ~Vi ..1ic:..pal Revenue '-J ... u;:e of tl: c i nitiai. paym2r..·. . mc:c.le as here- y.:J 0 : 2 on c11e 211;_.ivers a ::j· i~above prcsc::ib2d; b. Siou:.d t~e pro;~~ty, upon which such lien i s erfe c ted , 02 so ..:..,_., c;:-·ans:::er::_d or convey...:-:: by the own2r anc./o r parties ·-n _;_:.1.ter est a:: ar..'


.:L,2 -;::,.e: -::o ·::1.1e "i:eL1::.n2..::.:.on of the said th:..ee yea· ·0:;.:-_0 ,:- e r . .:::.::-c t ..::...::.nce due on such 1.:..en s11all be cue -1 period, p c. ·able t o ·d ,.e ~-:·-.1:1::..cip&::.. ::Z.2venue co:l c ·or .s.r,(l 2--,-0.'.::ficio m3.rshal of t:1.e City; a:.:2 c. Sl:o-c::!.c. -:: e arr.om .: c: e on such f ;:e-:: upc .. oE occure~ce -- ~ ie:.1 o:'.: sa::..d ~ ... '-- o :.:- a.1y port ion per .:..od, o r t~e ccntiLg2ncy provided for~ of t ~ 2 CiLJ ~ay er..:'.:orce ;:~ecol 2ction of any atDUnt due on suc1 for rer,-:ov .... _ or c.2::10:..,..--:.:_on of clwell::..ngs , buildi·13;s or struct res

.. ien

·· ·:1 -::~--ie s&,:i"° ::'.: a.n:.·.e:.:- &3 :.::,:..·o vid2u in Georgia Laws lSuL:--85 , page lL:-8 (Ga " Cocie 92-li-2C_ 1 and otGer a p?lica·::.::.e statutes, all of which shaL. b2 suoj2c-c to __:2 right of redem~.::,::·on by any per s on r.aving a;-,.y rig"i:-Li::: , ~ iL : e or i 2_2rcst Ge or g::.. ~ ,~? - .· 'J or ::.ien upo~ sai~ property, all as prov · ~cd by

935, ? a3e ( 66 (Ga. Code 92-4402) anG Georgia La~s 193 7 ,

~ ~13 · ? age <--.1c · 'J ~ ) ~~ _ /,-, '- u & • Se c :::..0:1 :;_::_ . Code 92-S301 et seq). 1-ot::..ce.3 or orders issue ci by the ei.1forcernent o~iicer pursu a nt to th::.s Ordinance shall, in al cases, be served upon ~:. er s or.s :.:._ ,., -o ssession of said proper::y, owners and parties L : interest, &n d cbe r e:::u~n of service, signed by the enforceme nt officer or hi a &g e ::.1.:::, o :- a n a ff id av::..-:: of s ervice executed by any c itize:.1 of this State, r e c ::.'.:::..·,.:; ·c ·,a t a co~)Y of such not::..ces - 7 - or o : ders was served upon �i.-1 .)OS ses s


i.on of said property, O\vners an,.. ~) .'.:l:i:-t ies in inter est p2::::-s ona~~Y, o::: 0y ~eavi:-~g s ch copy c.i: the place of his residence , s1::..2l::. -~ e s"L..::.Eicienc evi.:. enc2 as ·::o the serv .,_ce of such pers o~1 in possess:..0:1, c:~ers acd p.:.._·.::.'..2 s b.


any o ~ the owners and pa~t :es in ~n~erest shall c::.. ·; :y, out interest. 01..·. .: witl-.. ::.·:1 tbe s2:::v:i..ce sha:i.l h~ perEec..:ed oy c&usi~g · copy o~ such no Lices or ora ers to b e serve ccun~y of ~h2 ~es:.'..dence o~ sue~ p rty or parties , or su ~h s 2 .v ice may ·..:ne :c-::: ·.: rn of service oy suc1.-.. sher · 1..£ or cL:izen, ~:>&Y: sucn pc:.ri:y or

..es wer2 se:...--vec"i, e::....:::er pe:;:-sona:.ly or by ..1..2av i ng a c o::_)y of tli.e

~-"otices or orders ""- ·;: i:r. e res :i..de _ce, s -. l..1.. be cc,-;_-ic ·· u.S ~ve as ..:o suc,1 se:::-v:'...ce. c. ··""'~ .._.J. ... C ~onresi · e~~s o..:: t~:'...a State s~ail be served by p~blishor o:.:-C:ers once eac '1. wee~c fo::::- two· s·..:.ccesa ive wee~cs in tl-.e dc.:.:...::..y r_.:. :1sp ap er in whic~1 · :-,2 ::..e 6 c:l advert iser.1en.ts of t · _2 c::. ·: :y &re ~ cost of sue~ adver~:se~2 ,t shall be disburse 1 A copy posceG ~~ & o:.:-6ers. o: sue~ notices or oraers sha.tl be consp:i..cuous ?1..~ce on premises 2ffec ted by ~~e A cc;y of such nocices or ord ers s :all also ue

..is ?2~~ens tGcket . 1. • .:~e Office of the Cl ~rk of

?1..1:i.;:o:-:. Cour. ..:y.

...rem the

~~e noc::..ces or f::. ed c~ the Su~eric: Cmr ~ of Where t.-:2 address of suc.i nonres :.der1;:s :'...s k~ow.-i a CG?Y oI sue~ ~otices or or~ rs shzll be mailed to them ~y reJistered na i:..• In -:::~-ie ever.t either the owner or ai--:y parties in i143.215.248.55ors or ins&rre person or per sons l aboring under - . . . . . -v' .:·_-:2 guard ia:--. or ocher personal repre s0ntc:rc iv 2 of .! •. '".lC a·sSl.tCh p2:;:-sor-1s s ·: .al: be served and if such gua rdian or )2:Cs orca -1 re;Y::-cs entative res ic~e outs ::..de ·;:· .2 City o:c is a no nr esident of the State of Gc---,·::-3ia, - 8 - �_-.e - . 1 C2 S11~-- se::ve . . . . ~-s _.2reinbefor2 provided in such ca.3es. _f SUCil. m:.no _ ... .:: ::u.-:3a::-.e ::,erso:1 or persons l.:.borin~ under disabilities has n o 1 S C:i...""· - V i~..,- 0a S'"<' ·.,- :::::;__-_. '--- o-_,- o·.1..- i·-,-~ ·y ' or by lcavL.-:g a co;,y --u a-,-,,:, , _, __')=---so~ '-.C. l , ·-:J'- rsona _ 1..__ 0 of 0 ~ the plece o f ~is residenc~, which sha~l su.f£::..cic1.:.: ev::..-'euc2 as ·i.:o tl-.e service of sucri Derson or pe::-sons o::- ::....n t::_ 2-venc s·.ich mino::: or


& - nr2s:.~2nt oft~ 0 ,-;: r"\ \..., nsa11.e person lives ou .: of t:1.e C:..ty o r s~a.:e o~ GeorJia, by serv::..u~ sue~ minor or - ~--- - - :""\ j c::.. ·t y ) o::::- S .:at e of Geor3ia, o.=- &nd p::ot::...c:.: ·.:he -rigl:.;:s such m::..n.or 0 '.l.. -- insane o,.. o-.:: 2.


-u:e eve:-_c t ·r_e whereabouts o~

.a:: :ces--.: ::..s L.--...lc.·.vw1--:. &n

·L..1...-c ... \-.- ~::,.y mrr.er o:;_ ·x:r:_-::: ies ·i.:he sam2 ca1.1.not be asce_· :::ained by .:: e en- the enfo:::ce- ex2rc:..s2 o:'.: reaso .&o _e or .suc·.:-1 no:::::..ces c·- or::'.2rs t.:pon such persons sha l be 1 acle i· t:J.e same r2.u.;::n r .s.s :_:,..:o·;iC:cd in SL-,Y?aragr&p:1 c .s.bove o r service T,tay be pe::fected upon a::y pe:.:-son, ::..:::...::-7,: o:c cor:)o-.::ation :_o.!..ding itself o · t &s an .s.gen ... Sec~:.o·:1 12. · · prever. ..:-:....;.;; ..:i'.'le o---.r...--~· 1··21:::h:...ng L.1. this Ordinance sha::..l be const;: ,ed .:::s or 0~·=1e·.,_'"s o ·.1.c: any p·_~ope·.1."'·ry f-.,_,..om ,. ·_r,"'ce·.1.·v -:~_ 00- ·us·.VVJ.J - - -Cl 0.- cor..'-.Je1..:,2..::...o-;.1. 1:or the i.:akii.7.g of such property by tne ::,ow2r 0£ em::..nent cloma::.n t.:.nae-r the ::....1ws of Georgi::::. , nor as permitt in~ at1y pro:)erty ·c o be c0Ld2~~2d o r c:_stroyed except in accordance wi th t he police power of tc.e Stat2. T~e ~rovis~ons of this Ord~nance &re ~ereby - 9 - �d2c:.a::ed t:o be seve"!'.'aole, and should any provisions hcreoi be declarec. ~~co~s:i~u:ion~:, cGe rem~ining Sect i ons s~a 1 renain in full force Sec ':::.:.on lt:.. A-1 _.::.:r.vs a:-_~ par"i:s of _aws L.1 cor..f:i..ic-:: :-1erewith c::::-e ~-2 :::-coy repe.:.le - • - 1-0 - �