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A 0 TO1. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ATLANTA, INC . ROUTING SLIP NAME AN D/ OR DI V ISION BUILDING, ROOM, ET C. Mr. Dan Sweat 2. 3. 4. 5. D YOU R INFORMATION D APPROVAL D AS REQUESTED D CONCURRENCE D CORRECTION D FILING D FULL REPORT D ANSWER OR ACKNOWL EDGE ON OR BEFORE D THE PREPARE REPLY FOR SIGNATURE Of D HANDLE DIRECT D IMMEDIATE ACTION D INITIALS D NECESSARY ACTION D NOTE AND RETURN D PER OUR CONVERSATION D PER TELEPHONE CON VERSATION D READ AND DESTROY D RECOMMENDATION D SEE MF. D SIGNATURE D YOUR COMMENT D D REMARKS We are hoping to come up with what we would term a long-range program of activities by Monday. Dave is working hard on this and we should get it in your hands soon. We we re asked by downstairs to give them a report. The attached i s the only thing I If c ould send them at the present t i me. y ou t h ink we should g i ve them more, please le t me know. Thi s requ e st was made b y Sargent Shri v e r. FROM - NAME AND / O R DI VI SION c. o. Emmeri c h GSA AT L ANTA GA 66-3 4 33 BUI LDIN G, ROO M , ETC. TELEPHONE I DATE 9/14/66 EOA • ADM • 2 �