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THE UNIVERS A L EXCHANGE 120 West Concord Street • Orlando, Florida 32801 The United States of America - Jay Creswell Senior, Trustee The goal and purpose of THE UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE is Universal Prosperity C143.215.248.55 - in Freedom, Justice, Mercy, Human Dignity, and and Peace - Shalom Love - neutralizing and counter-acting all ignorance and all evil. THE UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE For ALL People THE UNITED NATIONS For ALL Nations To achieve this gQal, and to fulfill this purpose 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 - 2. to have a change of heart, become pure of heart; to be receptive to the idea of good . for all mankind; to reform themselves, and, to help ALL people to make Love their supreme motive, and, Perfection, the standard, for all work and Life. I ask that there be - equal opportunity - and - equal responsibility - for ALL people; 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 to know - the Truth, and , to live it: to eliminate perjury, deception, false witness: to make action coincide with words and promises; to instantly punish liars, de ceivers, hypocrites: 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 to know, and, to live in decency, dignity, law, and order; to banish all crime, cor rupt i on, slander, pass ion, anger , a nd hatred; 2.3.1 2.3.2 t o love and s trive fo r right e ousness and perfect ion: to ove r come all error and imperfection; 2.401 t o exchange honest and true val ues i n every tra nsact ion - in fairness, equity , a nd love; to seek one 's own good by providing for the good of ALL others - in fair exchange; 2.4 . 2 2.4.J - I ask ALL people: to bring their thoughts, words, and actions, into harmony with the unchanging, self-enforcing, Laws of Life, Laws of Nature, Laws of Science - THE Laws of God: envy, to avoid misrepresentation, cheating, loafing, improper work, adultery, fraud, robbery, monopoly, despotism, tyranny, aggression, economic slavery, expropriation, extortion, blocking the path of, or limiting the good of, anyone, threatening, terrorizing, injuring, harming, or murdering; �-2- 2.5 to be Free: free to do right, to choose good; free to reject all evil and all temptation; 2.6.1 to enjoy useful and profitable, year-around, sense satisfying employment (including selfemployment in their own business, profession, farm, or in providing good service): to eliminate poverty, unemployment, underemployment, and atrophying idleness; 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6.2 to own, occupy, and enjoy a decent home and a suitable living environment; in happiness, abundance, privacy, safety, health, comfort, agreement, and tranquility; eliminating all inhuman, indecent, sub-standard., slum - dwellings and environments; 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 to obtain education - light eliminating darkness: ACADEMIC EDUCATION reading, writing, arithmetic, history VOCATIONAL TRAINING learning how to earn a good living 2.8 • .3 GOOD CITIZENSHIP TRAINING 2.8.4 MANAGEMENT TRAINING learning how to manage a business profitably 2.8.5 HOME MANAGEMENT TRAINING learning how to manage a home and its finances 2.8.6 MORAL VALUES TRAINING Learning to do all things right Learning wha~ is good and decent conduct Learning the nothingness of error and evil to eliminate illiteracy, ignorance, offensive conduct, cruel covetousness, and malice: BASIC LAW TRAINING The Laws and Constitutions governing good conduct in each of the States of The United States of America The Constitution of The United States of Ameri ca and the similar points in the Constitutions of all the Nations of the World. �-3The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America The Declaration of Human Rights of The United Nations 2.9.5 The ONE Basic Law - that God is All-in-all The The The The - Basic Basic Basic Basic Law Law Law Law of of of of Life Nature Science God "like begets like" "As you sow, so shall you reap" "As you judge, so shall you be judged" "ONE cause and effect" "Action and reaction - for evecy action there is a reaction of equal or greater force" "Evil, error, destroys itself" "Sin brings its own punishment" "All living things grow from within" "Every person must want to lift himself up out of ignorance, poverty, disease, sin, crime, perjucy, fear, and war" 2.10 2.10.1 %.10 .2 t o par ticipate in a ll. the workings of society: t o do their full shaire of civic duties; to eliminate all discrimination, degredation, speci al privileges , advantages, and injustices; 2.10 . 3 J. 3.1 t o eliminate all welfare payments, subsidized or fre e publ i c housing, and a ll public services, to anyone who wi l l n ot t ry to be hea l ed, to lea rn, to work , t o earn honestl~, t o pay his own way in life in d ign ity , honor, i nde pendence, selffulfillment and self - r e spect. He who will not work - shall n ot ea t. CRIME ELIMINATION I ask every community , city, county , parish , provi n ce , state, nation, and international body - t o enact and to enforce these universal laws: to make it a crime and a felony for any person to threaten to or to actually injure another person , an animal, or property (except as lawful punishment for crime); . . . . . . . Ullllr-.WCJJl, . . .IQI �-4- J.2 to license lawyers for the sole purpose of instructing their clients in how to obey the Laws and Constitutions - and to bring out the Truth, the whole Truch, and nothing but the Truth, in every negotiation, and in every trial and judicial proceeding; J.J to make the Judge, the Prosecuting or complaining Attorney, and the Defense Attorney, ALL collectively and individually responsible for the correct preparation and presentation of all papers, and evidence in every trial making all needed corrections during the trial and within thirty days of the start of the trial and with no delays whatsovver; J.4 to make a crime against one individual, one city, one community, one state, one nation, a orime against every individual, city, community, state and nation, and all humanity; to make every law enforcement officer a deputy and legal assistant of every other law enforcement officer - to prevent crime, and to catch and prosecute evil planners, and wrong doers ; J.6 to hold individuals and governmental and organ ization officials responsible and accountable f or promoting war preparations, aggressions , crimes, infiltrations, subversions, disturbances, and wars - for perjury, misrepresentation, withholding information to mislead, hypocrisy and deceit; removing all diplomatic or legislati ve immunity, and making them subject to arrest and trial where-ever they may be found; a nd when found guilty in proper trials imprisoning them ~or at l east t wenty years a t hard labor, and confiscating all their real and personal property wherever it may be found; Making every governmental and or gani zatinn employee s ign the letters he writes , designate who dira cted him to write the l e t ter and who made the decision. to make eve ry governmental and organization policy making executive or administrative offi c i a l personally responsible for obeying the Laws and the Constitution; removing them from office for a failure to do what the law requires them to do, and eliminating all pensions and benefits to which faithful officers are entitled under the Laws. - �-s- - - 4. PnaNCING I ask that the mone7, the medium of exchange, the credit, and the necessary assets and technical help be advanced to ALL people - to enable them to earn, to enjo7, and to pa7 for - all of these blessings of equal opportunit7 and equal responsibilit71 4.1 that for the tor 4.2 that all funds advanced be from revolving funds that can be used over and over again as advances are repaid b7 those who have lifted themselves out ot ignorance and povert7; · 4.J thus making ALL people self-respecting, independent, free - not needing to be subjected to exploitation, economic slavery, or being forced to accept degrading charit7; 4.4 that existing financial institutions be used for making these advances whenever people can meet their requirements and standards for financing; 4.S that existing financial institutions be modernized, enlarged and reformed to meet the current needs for providing equal opportunity and equal responsibility for ALL. 4.6 that new financial systems and institutions be formed tor meeting the needs that present financial systems and institutions can not or will not meet; 4.7 that these new financial systems and institutions make it possible for every- human being to exchange what he actually does have - in honest7, fairness, dignity, self-respect, and independence; 4.8 that there be universal recognition and acknowledgement that these HUMAN VALUES that every hum.an being actually does have are - life, intelligence, energy, integrit7, reason, conscience, and an indomitable need for self-fulfillment, self-expression and survival; ALL people be required to repa7 these advancea academic education, vocational training, and tools, and means, and facilities, and capital working or being in a business or profession; that he must be able to exchange these assets for the good he needs and wants; - 4.10 without any limitation or monopoly control br anyone. 0 Cop•r1 ° ht. 13,~G t; y t h.e , ..... v...•··:r·-.. . __ . . . .~,.. . . ,.._ ....... . ...__,._.,. ,. . . 1 �-6- 4.11 The Laws of The United States of AmeriQS. require that every- element of our governments and pr1vate society. be co-ordinated to provide: A. Useful and profitable employemnt for ALL. B. A decent home and a suitable living environment for A.LL. c. Equal opportunity for A.LL. - (Employment Aot of 1946, Housing Act of 1949, Economic Opportunity Act of 1965) 4.12 It is not possible to supply equal opportunity to ALL to provide for unlimited population growth, unlimited demands for higher standards of living - with limited capital, limited credit, limited education, limited labor opportunities, and limited opportunities for trade and being in business. 4.13 In all ages and in this age whenever people have not had the money to buy what they want, and in this age when people do not have the money or the foreign exchange, they BARTER. 4.14. I have repeatedly asked The Congress of The United States of America, and I now ask all Governments of all Nations to recognize the right of the people to BARTER to exchange what they actually have - for the good they need and want; to exchange their work, knowledge, ideas, property, goods, money, or other assets - for similar human values of other people - without limitation. 4.15 I ask all governments to recognize that in order to provide equal op~ortunity and equal resP-onsibility for all people the right to create a medium of exchange, a "Checking Account Money" extended to people in the banking business, must be extended to all groups of people. 5. THE UNIVEBSAL EXCHANGE 5.1 THE UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE is a family of equally powerful ideas. It has no organization, no memberships, no financial assets of its own, and no powers of any kind. 5.2 The concept is that all organization shall be in individual Autonomous (self-governing) Branches of THE UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE. - - �-?- I 5.J Any ten people in any community in the Worl d may form their own Autonomous (self-governing) Branch of tilB UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE. 5.4 They organize themselves and pledge their sacred honor, lives, and property, to abide by the Principles enumerated herein. 5.5 Each participating Branch states the value of whatever their members offer to exchange in terms of UNIVEBSAL UNITS OF BARTER EXCHANGE. 5.6 Each participating Member and the Branch guarantees that every value is a true and honest value. 5.7 Each participant executes notes, mortgages, and the usual security papers for whatever he needs to acquire a home, tools, facilities, capital, inventories, management and technical help expressed in terms of UNIVERSAL UNITS OF BARTER EXCHANGE. 5.8 Exactly as Banks create Checking Account Money from such instruments - the Autonomous (self-governing) Branch of THE UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE keeps a Checking Account record of the ownership and right to transfer that ownership for true values - of THE UNIVERSAL UNITS OP BARTER EXCHANGE THUS created to finance its Members. 5.9 All contribute ten per cent (10%) of the value of THE UNIVERSAL UNITS OF BARTBR EXCHANGE they create to THE UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE POOLED BISK RESERVE FUND. 5. 10 They pledge to perform the work that is pledged to be performed, to deliver the property, goods, services, or other a s sets of equivalent value - if any participant is una ble or unwilling to make good on his promise. 5.11 THE UNI VERSAL EXCHANGE POOLED RISK RESERVE FUND is created a nd operated to absorb the costs of the inevitable losses due to nature' s disasters, human mistakes, weaknesses, failures, crimes, business depressions, and the costs of recovery f rom business depressions. 5.12 It guarantees every UNIVERSAL UNI T OF BARI'EB EXCHANGE. 5.13. Every government, every busi ness, financial institution, foundation, organizati on, and i ndividual i s asked to contribute to this Fund in the interests of Universal Prosperity and Peace. �-8- 5.14 All cash will be deposited with The Treasurer of The United States of America for purchase of the Bonds or other obligations guaranteed by The Government or an Instrumentality of The Government of The United States of America, or of other participating Nations. - 5.15 These Bonds or other obligations will be issued immediately upon receipt of a claim, in full settlemtnt of any claim of any Autonomous (self-governing) Branch of THE UNIVEBSAL EXCHANGE. The interest will be paid into the general funds for the promotinn of THE UNIVEBBAL EXCHANGE work for universal prosperity and Peace. UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE ACI'IVITY CENTERS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 6. I ask every person to help establish and operate Activity Centers For Senior Citizens in every one of the 3,120 Counties and Independent Election Districts in The United States of America and in similar Districts in every Nation in the World. 6.1 Here Senior Citizens can supply the wisdom, experience, knowledge, and unselfishness for instruction and business management guidance and leadership in these rebuilding works. - 6.2 Here Senior Citizens can have happy, useful lives, with fine living quarters, balanced meals, clinic care, recreation, and Peace. PEACE 7. I ask every person in the World to write a Peace Treaty with every other person in the World. 7.1 What do you want in a Peace Treaty for you? 7.2 What are you willing to put into a Peace Treaty for all other people in the World? START 8. The sales price of this printed outline is $20. Please mail your check to The Universal Exchange Publishing Corporation, 120 West Concord Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, The United States of America, in fair payment for the help you have already received from it. You may purchase as many copies as you need to guide you in forming your own Autonomous (self-governing) Branch of THE UNIVBBSAL EXCHANGE. /7 Tha~) y~u, /l / ' / ' ~ ~ •· .a ,,(/ ;' ceo/ ~t-e-tt/L• / A/ Jay Creswell Senior (_/ • 01Jr1'111a1 UN 'r Ult UIIItawt, 1:tCIWIQI Trustee �