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September 14, 1966 Mr . J ames W . Hall, Presi dent Inde pendent Garage Owners of Geo r gi a , Inc . Devel opment Office R oom 100 1053 est Peac htree Stre t , N . E. Atlanta , Georgi a. Dear M r . Hall : Thank you for your kind words and offer of help . certainly use both at a time like t he pr ent. We can m encouraged to learn of your job dev lopm.ent progr m nd of the f ct that you do have employment v il ble . 1 trongly augge t that you call Charlie Emm rich ho i Director of the E c onomic Opportunity Pro r m. Thi fit right in line with some of Mr. Emmerich' id of wh t h nd his org niz tion is ttempting .to do and I beli ve th th will be ble to offer you om help and yo1.1 will be I ble to provide a real rvic to this community. If you h ve ny pro bl m. contacting Mr . Emm rich, you might c 11 Dan Sw t of my at ff nd h will b glad to eee that your offer of help to th City nd to th people ho ne d h lp mo t ii t en full advantage of. Sincerely youre, Ivan All n, Jr. lAJr:fy t:c: Mr. Charle• O. Emmerich �