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Novembor 109 1967 City of Atlanta City Hall~ 68 litchell street Atlanta, o~gia Attantiona Mr. Ray Nixon Chief, Construction Dept, Gentlem ni Over the past several years o have tried to get the combination torm ewer, indicated on the attached .o keteh, ropa.ired; so far, no result other than convoraation. The aroa. de ignatod by hatohing and numbered 6:n 1 our property and io constantly being !loodod wi. th both storm and ea.nit~ ate from an unlmown nwnber of houses , schools o.nd whatever a.bovo us . and. ae.n:i. taey- The City of Atlanta is s e of this oitu.ation and ha.a as yet don nothing. This cannot continue, mu.at have roli r. tovor w can reasonably do to help, 1te v,ill. Plca.e 1 we exp ct to h i'r tho City oon. lours very t:ru.ly, REh o co1 /4 y-or, Cit of J.tls.nt Julton Oount7 He 1th Dopt. 99 Butlor tr ct, s~ D• • llob rt Donnie 1502 AtlMt fed ral Dldg• • Or r:, <h-1 691 W'o dland Av ue, • �