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CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522·4,i SJ Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison October 20, 1967 Mr . R . S. Howar d , Jr. E xe cutive S e cr e t a ry State Water Quality Control Board 47 Trinity Avenue, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30334 RE : L e tte r d a t ed S e ptember 2 8 , 19 67 , r e q u ir i ng fo rma l s c h e dul e for compl e t ion of proj ects r ela t ive t o the abatement of pollution on the Chattahoochee River. Dear Mr. Howa rd: In r esp onse to th e above r e f erenc e d l e tte r, the Cit y of Atla nta h as compi l ed necessar y d ocum e n t s t o pr ovid e you wi th sch e dules outlining: (1) Subm ission of an e nginee r i n g study (2) S cheduling of fina n cing arrangem e nts (3) A sche dule for submission of final engineer i n g plans a n d spe cificati ons ( 4 ) A schedule for the construction of waste tr e atment \ faciliti e s These d oc u ments are submitte d i n order t o c ompl y with your desire to have such material by O ctober 2 0 , 1967, and are inte nded to indicate the e ffo rts of the City of Atla nta in complying with th e Sta t e and F e d e r a l Dir ec tive s re lative to the provision of s e conda ry wa ste t rea tm e n t for e ffluent s di sch a rg e d t o the Cha tta h ooch ee Ri ver on or before July 1 , 1971. �October 20, 1967 Mr. R. S. Howard, Jr. Executive Secretary State Water Quality Control Board Page Two The engineering study referred to in paragraph 1 above, was submitted to your office on December 30, 1965, and remains substantially in effect as a reflection of the problems and the construction needs for the abatement of pollution on the Chattahoochee River eminating from the R. M. Clayton Water Pollution Control Plant, the Sandy Creek WPC Plant, and the Utoy WPC Plant, each of which are the property of and under the direct,control of the City of Atlanta . .A similar engineering study entitled "Report on Sewerage System hnprovements for Fulton County, Georgia" prepared by Wiedeman and Singleton Engineers with the date of December, 1965, reflects a completed requi rement for an engineering study to determine the needs for plant improvements at the Camp Creek WPC Plant and the Fulco WPC Plant; both of which are principally owned by unincorporated Fulton County while being operated by the City of Atlanta. Fulton County officials will submit further data relative to financ i ng, final engineering plans and spe cifications, and construction schedules for these two faciliti e s. With reference to financing arrangements that are necessary to provide waste treatment facilities referred to above, I am sure that you are aware that the City of Atlanta took the necessary actions late in 19 66 to provide an ad e quate revenue base in the form of s e wer s e rvi c e charg e s , such tha t the improve ments and e x p a nsions to th e facilities r e f e rr e d t o above can be carried out in compliance with the schedule to be discuss e d in later paragraphs of this letter. Appendix 3 to this letter reflects the financing plan of the City of Atlanta to accomplish the construction schedul e r e flect e d in other segm e nts of this l e tte r . A similar financ i ng plan will b e employe d to p r ovide the City's sha r e of e x p an sions a nd impr ove ments t o the Fulco a n'd Ca mp Cr e e k W P C P l ant which w i ll b e mentioned in a similar letter forwarded to your office by F ulton County. It should be pointe d out that a l_a rge portion of the fina ncing plans of the City of Atlanta a nd oth e r metropolitan communiti es w e r e a nd are b a s e d up on ant icipate d financ i a l a s s i s tanc e f r om the Sta t e a n d F e d era l Government in the d es ign and c o ns t r u c t ion of th e nec e ssa r y facili t ie s to accom plish the a b a t ement of poll ution on th e Cha tta ho o chee River . The G eorgia W a ter Q uality C ontrol B oar d should r e cog ni z e tha t all comm i tm.e nts m ade in the pa st a n d at t his time a r e made w ith an eye toward avail able �October 20, 1967 · Mr. R. S. Howard, Jr. Executive Secretary State Water Quality Control Board Page Three federal funds and with the serious hope that the State Government will take the necessary steps to meet its obligation in this regard. It should also be noted that any reduction in available funding from the presently authorized federal levels will have a significant effect both upon starting time and the completion time of projects scheduled and provided for in this letter. The schedule for submission of final engineering plans and specifications and the scheduled start and completion of waste treatment facilities are reflected on Appendix I to this letter. This appendix indicates on a graphical schedule basis the proposed dates for these critical phases of pollution abatement and reflects the programmed time for provision of secondary treatment in compliance with your previous directives. The City of Atlanta is committed through previous actions of the Aldermanic Board to the completion of these facilities in the most expeditious manner possible. This office will work with that Board in every way possible to attain the objective of reduced water pollution on the Chattahoochee River and to provide a more healthful environment for Atlanta. If this office can be of any further assistance to you in this regard, please advise. Very truly yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IA Jr :lp. \ Enclosures : Appendix #1 Engineering & Construction Schedule Appendix #2 Funding Requirements Schedule Appendix #3 Financing Plan �