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' .·' OF FIC E OF CO MPT ROLLER CIT Y 1-1/\ L L .. ,. A t la , i J! I ~ t a , G e org ·a 3 030 3 -- C H AR LE S L. D A V IS CO MP T R OLL ER EDG A R A . VAUG H N , JR, DEPUTY CO M PT R OL L ER t:::._ c:_it_: .._.; S~c~c::{?.ry ·...::i.Ety Con · ::ol Do~rd Stntc ~>;;l.'.!r .1.t ls ,_.·,c City':; f..~~ir,~ to comp_cte our ~!.::. er Io uticn Ccn::_-0 .. :?·:ot.:r.:::1 c.s ,::\ ~ :t:lo :; -; n:: po:::;c::blc nd to ~· t end H~ a c co;-c.:...ittccl to prov:.cc tl.e f~nc.r,c~c.1 r-,~0u:cccs ·cc;u:irccl . tb :.cx-2 c. cor:i!.>incd Dm,~r and h·.:iter C"pit, l :=.nprovc:::~nt pr0r,t".::1r. v:.ic~. : .:1s f 1..1 ,d~ 0.:"'::·.-::1.r:,~cd f~r ti·1c ,...::~t·:8r i.r.::)r-::y :-..;:~ ;~1'· 0 i.-ec:~i:-:(~:-~ by y:,u!:" .. n~~'l.--,: .. T·:ic . . ~ cl ,r:,J(~c ~3s,:·r~J~S1'1 -or the ... . :10 C!.c1~,1::c:1 1.>la.nt~ (i_ '""I/) C~Q ..: or t!! ·: Srt!lt~:' C~cc· . 00 L'l~:1t c.:-1:-, ~>~":.:-;co _,._ (') fo:... t:1c Uto:, Ci'\:!~: ~ :?l~nt Ti1c:-:.~ ~,·~\ji:i t.i _ - ~o pt"J\ric.\:d t:i:.:.:-.::··J. t:,c :.,J c of r .. v,)n·~c bo.icl:.-; u: ic~1 be rcti .. ~d :Zsrc:, cor1t -:r<1c pnj:-;-:1c:1ts frcn Dc:·~·b end -ulton Countics 0 a d ccuc r rvicE; chnr.sc col cc ions :l the v w·n City . '!:10 f... ..·r:t :ls-ue ic now pla med for $5 .. il io and io sc.1cdulcd f ~t" S.'.1-~ o_th1t1 :.)0 '~<l:JS. , . . ditional iosuc:::: in c.r:iount:G of .~ 0 to $12 r.ii lic:1 pc .. :..s -~ l t::? Gch .... ,:ulccl [o'i' Gt~lc in ai;: r.1onth _n c,:w:t~ aa fur.de a ·.:i nee! c.<l. ~hc;_-csi::co and in ai:v.:11::1 t'CCiU:i.lC'cd to n~cct c::-.no::. 1ct.:.,):1 n:tcr b~nuc u111 b~ Gold pr. y,::::!n t., • .,,i M:; you er~ nu.:ir-" the City n.l~ ;ido:-,i'.crl c.;·1 c:{CC '-'::-~~cd p::c~.r.~.1:1 o~: c:~:ir,tr..1ct:i1~. u.:.tc~ ollution ccnt.ol fc1d.l:;.t::.c::: c .:1:1,.ct.:!.l t,::th th1u .!:"v,;~.... It fo L,. ::id t"::it t-;:lt·, tha e,:ccbr.1t~d constn ction cc .cciulc t·1.-;.t L'.k :::ty ti! l t:~ ct:1.11 ti~ cb c to cccu-rc ..:i::ii;,:im Fcdc!',11 ond State .'.:ld (or tic fncilit:!.c::;. ! r lhcr~ :le imy furtt er "nfomation thnt y..)U nacd f.;:to ccr:,!) 1· ,1th your request . Ch~rlcs L . IJ"v.:s City Ccmptrollcr C.1.D:c., cc: . ~::. ~o~ ~~orr1o


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