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July 6 , 1967 I Mr .. John :-?., Lernon , Ad.a:i.n i s t ra-to.r Fulton County Health D0pa.:ctment 99 Dut1er ~,t:.reet, S oE o ,Ltl.::-intu. , CC'Orgio 30303 Dc~r Johns r'ir~t. 0£ ·"'11 I haven° t seen you in a long t.1.m ~ nnd I t rus t t ha t you ar.-,..= get.:.ing · Jong ver"J wall ,·u.ring ...his hot r.mr.,mor o Q Hr., Ro i1 P..:irwon , onc o f our Recre2tio n ;:~u;_:ie~visors , :i.r.qui.red o f r:10 on July 5 :Lf _ h ad a?1y i:o.:Eor1, at.ion 2 •.out the possib :llity of the Libro:r.v De_p "",r t r.10 nt t ekin<:r ove r: the ·p resE"! nt neal th facili ·cic s in- .i~..:;-=-,msvilJ.e ., I toL=1 hit:1 I <l:L~1 not 2 n d · :on:!. -:i C}1Gck. ir:1,:-1.0c°1iat.cly ,,-;j_<:11 '..'I OU Q S 'CO ·,,;b_~.t rn.i<j~:!'C DC t c:i);ing .:_, l -'2C8 o ~?c -..,ould J.ove v c cy 1:;u~11. to oh t c. i n thi s a d c1.i.t :to-:v.1 l :::,rc :;,0.:,:ty i i: ;x-ou ::ol}~s c:8c i c.:0 t11a·l:: you ~ ..u s t v a cc.,t c 1..:.) <~ l 2r9er. r:-rer.1l se · and c:.ny inf ors:ria -c·lon you c an ~:;ivc :ne 1.1ill }; e c°1el;'!p l y ·"ppreci ~ite do Looking fc~·mrd tc h - a ring f ro:n you (3l1d perhaps g-ctting t ogc t:101· fo r l "i1Ch in th.J n~ar. futur e , I ci,n Cordially, J acl::. co De lius Gene r .:'i l -1anager of Parks end Recreation J CD:lg P. s . CC: i;e p a rticula rly a pprecit'lto the ve1.y fine cooperation of l't: ., Duke r.ma Mr o Cont r ell in the o e ration o f our four ~x,:tab l e swi m..rning pool s t his sum.'U'er e Mr o Ron Ranson , ~~creation Supervis~ h:.1amsvi l le Cornmunity Ce n ter F i le Health Dep ar tment File v .,. �