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ound Over n Burglary A man identified by police field coordinator for- the Stu tlent Non-Violent Coordinatin mittee Friday was he! tier $5,000 bond for the Fult ty grand jury in connecti the burglary of a Peac Street clothing store. ·ckerson and Harvey G , 21, and a third man 11 apprehended, were wa onnection with a $3,000 Oct. 13 of Spencer eachtree St. NE , dete . They added Gay w d Friday night and w ·gned in Municipal Cou day. 'Records show Rickersoia esteci here Sept. 14, 1 e Boulevard (NE) riots. In the burglary, detecy. aid a skylight atop the bull as pried open and the m ise brought back out th e _skylight. Detectives ey had recovered four ut of an assortment of e ·ve impor ted coats, sw nd shirts reported taken e fi rm. �